Zabel - Security officer "Vox Sola" [ENT]
Zariphean blend tea
- Blend of tea with a highly stimulatingg effect. Commander
Tucker advised
against drinking it, as it could keep you up for
days. T'Pol claimed that caffeine has little effect on
Vulcans, and chose hot green tea instead.
"Breaking the Ice" [ENT]).
Zero G training - Standard
Starfleet training for use of environmental suits in micro-gravity
Hoshi bit her lip and got through it despite her
"Fight or Flight" [ENT]
Zobral (Clancy Brown) - Leader
of a resistance cell against the Torothan government. The
answered a distress call from him and helped repair his shuttle.
Zobral then
asked Captain Archer down to the planet to have
dinner and play geskana as
a pretense to ask for help from Enterprise in
fighting the war on his planet.
"Desert Crossing" [ENT]
Zoo - SEE: Malurzian zoo
Zymuth gland - a gland (in the
left side of the neck on Axanar) which releases triglobulin into the
"Fight or Flight" [ENT]