The Vulcan Race:
[ Appearance
][ Physiology
][ Homeplanet
][ Culture
][ History
][ Ships
][ Individuals
of Note ]
Their Ships:
[ Ancient
ships ][ Survey
ships ][ Vahklas
][ Maymora
][ Suurok
][ Combat
Cruisers ]
[ Flitters
][ Apollo
class ]
Ship Building Technology:
Dentarium - Dentarium alloy is used by the Vulcans for building items
designed for use in space.
"Unification, part 1" [TNG]
Ancient Starship: The Guardian of Forever, the time-travel gateway, displays imagery
of past eras in its center. During a time when it was being
used to view
the past of the
planet Vulcan, the imagery included a starship
or two - one might surmise the ships were of
Vulcan origin
(or perhaps they
could have been the ships used by the
Romulans when they left the planet).
"Yesteryear" [TAS]
-- In
TOS "City on the Edge of Forever", the Guardian showed
images of Earth's past exclusively, so there's
every reason to
that on this occasion it was showing Vulcan's past and
that this is a Vulcan ship (or at least one
that played an important
part in Vulcan history.)
T'Plana - Vulcan starship lost with all hands "about a century ago" -
i.e. ca. 2050 - when it couldn't outrun
the wave front of
a Class 5 neutronic storm.
"Catwalk" [ENT]
Survey Ships:
[ unnamed
ship ][ D'Vahl
][ T'Plana-Hath
Unnamed survey
ship: (circa: 1957) An elongated ovoid, standard Vulcan-red in
color. It had two engine nacelles, ventral and dorsal, with
yellow-glowing throats. To
each side were two-pronged claw-like features,
similar to the
landing feet on
the tri-lobed Vulcan lander from "First Contact".
Forward of these projected two narrow airfoils,
with vent-like
features at
their roots. The command deck featured at least one
comfortable seat, but the four crew stood at
their stations, sans
"Carbon Creek" [ENT]
D'Vahl (or its
shuttle?): (circa: 1957) Captain: Tellus Another elongated ovoid shape, but more
pointed, again red.
It has two
ovoid engine nacelles, aft lateral ventral; each with two
triangular yellow-glowing features.
Dorsal to the aft hull is a
third ovoid, raised on a short stalk. Two rectangular landing feet
deploy from the fuselage, just
forward of the engines. At the
ventral midbody there is a downward-pointing
The nose has two
narrow, sharply backswept canards.
"Carbon Creek" [ENT]
T'plana-Hath: A Vulcan ship
began passing through the Sol system at 11:00 AM on a 15 minute survey
mission. It had no interest
in Earth, which was considered
too primative to concern themselves with. This was a
different design from the types of ship we see
later, with
a different type
of writing on the sides (TMP had angular
lettering similar to Klingon writing, but all
the later shows
movies have used the curvy "ancient calligraphy" writing
invented by Mike Okuda). The ship shown
in the movie
could have
been a shuttle or dedicated landing module and
could have come from a larger ship named the
secondary sources (namely ST Magazine and Fact Files) make it clear that what we saw
WAS the entire starship,
the T'Plana-Hath itself, and not just a
shuttle. This was not
made clear in the movie, and in fact the name
mentioned there at all - it only comes from backstage
sources. It has a diameter of
approx. 43 meters.
"First Contact" [ST8]
There was an incident 3 weeks prior to the discovery of
Archer's comet, when in a "planetary nebula",
a "survey
ship" (as T'pol identifies it) didn't answer Enterprise's hails, and went to
"Breaking the Ice" [ENT]
Vahklas: An older
Civilian transport ship. Captain: Tavin
Instead of a complete warp-ring, has two ~90° ring segments, each
of which flows smoothly into the hull. The aft edge
of each
segment has 6 blue-glowing clusters. Atop
the aft hull is a
dorsal bulge, surrounded-forward by a
C-shaped ridge. There's
a matching ventral bulge,
which might have a red-glowing
feature on it. The
starboard docking shaft extends from the
forward of the warp-fin. Its length is approx. 110 meters.
"Fusion" [ENT]
Maymora class ship:
A few years ago, Archer served on a "Maymora"-class
ship, the "Yahrala", under the command of
Tok, which investigated a dark matter nebula. He helped setup the graviton
telescope, and was
impressed by their Vulcan EV suits.
"Breaking the Ice" [ENT]
Suurok class ship:
Archer dreaded asking the
Vulcan High Command for
help when
his warp drive was damaged in an attack by an
unknown assailant, imagining that
the Vulcans would "oh
politely" send a Suurok-class ship to tow Enterprise
back to
base. "Silent Enemy"
Predominant color: rust-red.
Primary Hull: The fuselage is extremely long and slender,
with both a pointed bow and a
pointed stern. It is at the
center of a ring, connected by a tetrahedral ventral hull
(looks like a triangular fin from
the front, but is wide and
at the back). The hull forward of the fin/ring is a
long cone; the aft hull is
flattened to a horizontal slab, which tapers to a very long, narrow point.
There might be a rectangular
docking bay on the starboard side of the forward hull, just forward
of the fin; or it might be a
Lit ports are spread
irregularly around the forward hull.
There are at least seven decks in
the fin: 4 rows of lit ports, a gap, and 3 more.
Impulse drive: Spanning the fin's aft root (in the undercut) is a
horizontal black row with at least
6 glowing blue vertical lines.
Warp drive: Singular 'hoop' warp engine that
surrounds the aft third of the vessel, mounted on a
ventral 'keel' pylon. The
ring is flat, like a rolled strip of paper; not a torus. It's rooted just
the ventral tip of the fin;
at the intersection is a white beacon. It has a blue glowing line all
its leading edge, but no
glows inside, outside, or aft. There's a small round bulge at its dorsal
("up", "12:00", opposite the
fin). It is capable of traveling up to warp 6.5
Other features: It is equipped with a tractor beam.
At 9:00 (starboard), there's a
flat rectangular feature, grey, with a blue rectangular light on its aft edge.
Specific Suurok Class Ships:
Combat Cruisers:
[ Unnamed Combat
Cruiser ][ D'Kyr type
Combat Cruiser ][ Future
Cruiser ]
Unnamed Combat Cruiser
Primary Hull - Similar to the Suurok class, however it seems
to be
bigger and somewhat
faster. The other primary difference from the
Suurok class, is that the main
"T-shaped" hull is not symmetrical.
The wedge shaped bow section
being much longer than the stern.
Propulsion -
There appeared to be two definite triangular shaped
impulse engines under the stern
wedge. The war cruiser has subtly
altered detail on the ring and
the backside of the primary hull, as if
her propulsion systems were
different from those of the Suurok class. For example, The
impulse engines glow red from two angular
orifices, while the previous
version had a yellow glow from a series
of vertical slits.
Speed - According to dialogue between T'Pol and
Archer; the war
cruiser can
manage up to warp 7.
Size - The visuals show a
vessel at least twice as long as the NX-01.
Since none of the prominent
window rows on the forward part of
the ship are altered, it seems
the two versions are of the exact same
size. Perhaps Vulcans believe in
series-produced standard hulls
that are equipped with customized mission gear (like weapons and
engines)? If it is actually
a bigger ship than the Suurok class then the windows of the warship have to be
larger than
those of the other
vessel, and the decks correspondingly higher (or perhaps a little lower, but
windows placed on every
deck only).
That sounds very
unlikely from the Real World point of view - but it's more or less standard
practice with Trek
spacecraft which are often recycled for use in a wholly different scale than the
originally intended one.
Weapons - The cruiser
had what looked like several green colored phase cannons, and is more than a
match for 3
"Fallen Hero" [ENT]
Ship Examples:
"Fallen Hero" [ENT]
Shuttles - The cruiser also
has a shuttle that looks very similar to the Suurok and cruiser, but is somewhat
stubbier in form, and is
only about 10-35 meters long. Since a ring engine is visible, it might be
capable of warp.
Unnamed Class of Combat
Cruiser: (Delta-ring design) The Vulcan ship is the same
red color as prior ships. Instead
of a conical hull,it has a flattened
triangular hull
which flares into a horizontal ring, then
shrinks back to
a stubby trapezoidal tail. This h-ring has a docking port on the
starboard edge, and several decks of room-lights
aft. Inside the h-ring is a vertical
ring, lined with glowing blue narrow rectangles. Suspended along the axis
is a conical structure (something like a smaller Vulcan
ship), attached to the forward
inner edge of the h-ring,
but not aft. This vessel appears to be at least twice as long as
Enterprise, equalling about 500 to 600m. The h-ring
is about twice the diameter of
Enterprise's saucer, and
accounts for about half the ship's length.
"Shockwave, part 2" [ENT]
Crew Complement:
"Impulse" [ENT]
The vertical ring-nacelle is definitely
pivoted, as previous shots of this class would imply. The
structure hanging within the horizontal ring appears to
be an oversized snail-shuttle. The Seleya's
starboard docking port is located at the midpoint of its horizontal ring.
The shuttlepod is about
one-third the length of the
rectangular band at that point; at five meters for the pod, some crude
photogrammetry puts the ship at least 150 meters long --
with 13-plus decks, probably more.
"Impulse" [ENT]
Deck Layout (as seen on the Seleya from "Impulse" [ENT]):
Deck | Ship's Facilities |
1 | Bridge, comm system |
6 | Sickbay |
8 | Launch bay (depressurized on the Seleya, probably from an asteroid impact) |
9 | starboard Docking port (located at the midpoint of the ship's
horizontal ring; 4 bulkheads leading to airlock - sealed), bulkhead controls were severed on this deck |
?? | Auxilliary Control room, access to transmitter and auxilliary
transmitter, Engineering deck |
12 & 13 | These two decks were decompressed on the Seleya. |
14+ | They away team encounters a chasm that cuts through at least 5 decks
from the Docking port area So this class ship must have at least 14 decks. |
Specific Ships:
Name | Comments | Source |
D'kyr | "Shockwave, part 2" [ENT] | |
Tal'kyr | Disabled by Tholians. When seen by ENT, its ring-nacelle is knocked askew (as though tilted on its lateral mounts): this might be damage or a variable-geometry. |
"Future Tense" [ENT] |
2 unnamed ships | "Cease Fire" [ENT] | |
unnamed ship | "Bounty" [ENT] | |
Seleya | Capt. Voris, Pulled into the Expanse by a subspace eddy. destroyed. |
"Impulse" [ENT] |
Vaankara | This ship wasn't actually seen and is only assumed to be of this class. Went into the Expanse to rescue the Seleya but was lost as well. |
"The Expanse" [ENT] "Impulse" [ENT] |
Unnamed Future Class of
Cruiser: (Needle-Tri-ring design) The future Vulcan ship in
Daniels' 31st century database resembles the
Suurok-class, with
a tapered cylindrical hull circled by
a ring-nacelle.
This one has a more slender (or longer)
hull, and the ring is trefoil: it touches the hull at
three points, without the large ventral keel-hull. Considering its
similarity to existing
classes it shouldn't be too far
into Enterprise's future.
"Future Tense" [ENT]
Unknown Ship types:
Transport - Ambassador Soval (30 years ago)
"Broken Bow" [ENT]
"Stigma" [ENT]
"Future Tense" [ENT]
+ ENT "The Expanse"
Ambassador Soval
"Months later" after
new timeline formation
+ ENT "Twilight"
Patrol ship [ 4 ]
+ ENT "The Forge"
Vulcan patrol ships [
2 ]
(tri-fold engine
cruisers [ 2 ]
Suurok Class starship
+ ENT "Awakening"
Vulcan cruisers [ 12 ]
Presumably Vulcan
Suurok Class
patrol ships [ 4 ]
(tri-fold engine placement)
+ ENT "Kir'Shara"
Vulcan scout ships [
3 ]
(design similar
to Vader's TIE fighter in that other universe)
+ ENT "Kir'Shara"
Flittercraft: Design of small hovercraft used on Vulcan circa 2237. We
saw a flittercraft flying over the desert.
"Yesteryear" [TAS]
Transport Ship:
Apollo Class: A Vulcan
Apollo class ship called the T'Pau featured a structure that was somewhat
circular in shape (and had no other visible
nacelles). Judging
from the known registries, this
is probably a design from the
early 24th century
contemporary with the Ambassador class.
"Unification, part 1" [TNG]
Freighter version of Apollo: Lt Commander Michael Eddington was left in charge of
DS9 as
Sisko investigated Kassidy Yates' supply runs into
Badlands for the Maquis. The Vulcan freighter was
at the upper pylon of DS9. Eddington loaded it
with a
shipment of Class-4 industrial replicators. He
then defected
to the Maquis appropriating the ship and
taking his precious
cargo with him. The vessel is similar
in design to the T'pau
at the prow but with a
considerably larger, curved rear hull in
the rear, no
doubt containing extensive cargo space. It was a
reuse of the design of the Apollo transport from
"Unification" (possibly with the modifications effected
when the model had been used in another role in
"Captive Pursuit").
"For the Cause" [DS9]
Freighter -
Chase" [TNG]
Warp Courier
Vessel: Small warp-powered vessel. It had lots of
Vulcanesque writing on the sides in addition to the Latin-alphabet
scribblings. The dialogue
established her as being
of Vulcan registry.
It was used to transport Spock from
Vulcan to theEnterprise in 2271. The vessel
featured a detachable crew cabin, and bore the name Surak, for the great Vulcan
philosopher. The Vulcan shuttle was designed by
Andrew Probert and built at
"Star Trek: The Motion Picture" [ST1]
USS Intrepid, Constition class,
manned by Vulcans; destroyed by 'amoeba' creature.
"Immunity Syndrome" [TOS]
(identified as
NCC-1631 by wall status display; ST Encyclopedia 2 identifies its registry as
"Court Martial" [TOS]
USS Hera, Nebula class, a regular
Starfleet ship mostly Vulcan-manned .
"Interface" [TNG]
USS T'Kumbra - Nebula class, Captain Solok, Vulcan
crew. Stayed over at DS9.
"Take me out to the Holosuite" [DS9]
USS Brattain, NCC-21166,
Miranda-Class, built by Yoyodyne Division at 40 Eridani-A (Vulcan)
"Night Terrors" [TNG]
Science Vessels: In DS9, references were
regularly made to Vulcan science vessels that surveyed the Gamma quadrant,
but none of these vessels were actually seen, except
perhaps for a brief glimpse of an interior across a comm channel.
T'Pan - Was given docking bay 3 when she requested permission to dock
at the station.
"Business as Usual" [DS9]