Image Generation & Projection:
Vulcans have a highly developed imagination. In other words, they have the
ability to spontaneously
generate images in their
mind. "Alter
Ego" [VOY]
This ability is apparently used to generate
images which facilitate mind-melds and meditations.
Tarul-etek - A discipline which uses
disturbing images to provoke an emotional response to test how well
someone can suppress emotion. This was the closest
Vulcan parallel T'Pol could think of to the human
penchant for scaring themselves by watching horror movies.
"Horizon" [ENT]
Vulcans meditate each night
to control their emotions.
"Fusion" [ENT]
Meditation Aides:
Candles -
Lamps - Janeway was with Tuvok when he bought his meditaion lamp. The
Vulcan who sold it to Tuvok increased the price when he noticed their Starfleet
insignia. Kes thinks that
to a Vulcan it would have
seemed the logical thing to do. Kes was able to
make its flame increase and decrease. She was able to manipulate the flame
at the subatomic level, and said that she was able to see
beyond the
subatomic into a new level of reality.
After her transformation, Tuvok put
the meditation lamp
in his cabin window in memory of her.
"The Gift" [VOY]
Tuvok is helping Torres to control her
emotions through meditaion.
"Barge of the Dead" [VOY]
Tuvok uses it to meditate in astrometrics in preparation
for mind meld with Seven.
"Night" [VOY]
Tuvok kept it in his quarters; Neelix: brings it
to sickbay after ba'neth attack .
"Riddles" [VOY]
He used it to try to teach Torres meditation.
"Juggernaut" [VOY]
Keethara - a Vulcan term approximately translated as "structure of
harmony". It is a meditational aid. Building it requires precise balance and spatial
acuity. It helps to focus
thought and refine mental
control. While building it one meditates and
recites the words "Structure. Logic. Function. Control.
The structure
cannot stand without a foundation. Logic is
the foundation of function.
Function is the essence of
control. I am in control. I am in control." A
special set of building blocks is used to build the structure. The form of
the construction is not predefined but reflects the state
of mind of the
builder. Thus, it is different each
"Flashback" [VOY]
Kwi'lari - The Vulcan name for the focal
points of the body's bioelectric field, at the sides of the skull; what
the ancient Indians on Earth called the chakras.
"The Muse" [DS9]
Fullara - an obsolete
Vulcan ritual where the memory of an event is repressed along with the emotions
associated with it. The Fullara was performed on
T'Pol by an Elder at the Sanctuary of P'Jem in 2135 to
repress her memory of killing the renegade Vulcan agent, Jossen, as well as her
memory of having
undergone the ritual
"The Seventh" [ENT]
Touch-telepathy - Many Vulcans have an
inherent telepathic ability. Almost all Vulcans are natural
touch-telepaths, though considerable training is
required to utilize this ability fully.
Non-contact telepathy - Occasionally
Vulcans have emerged whose telepathic abilities are stronger than the
norm and are capable of non-contact telepathy, usually
over short distances and in a limited fashion.
Spock once
felt the death screams of 400 Vulcan crew members of the Starship Intrepid
"The Immunity Syndrome" [TOS]
Emotional Compulsion - Through the sharing
of deep seated pain, coupled with psychic image projection,
people are influenced. Sybok had this ability but
its practice is considered a taboo in Vulcan culture.
"The Final Frontier" [ST5]
Psychic image projection - Sybok also had
this ability, also considered a taboo in Vulcan culture.
"The Final Frontier" [ST5]
Premonitions, lack of - It would appear
that the Vulcan esper capacity doesn't normally include
premonitions about the
future. "Fury" [VOY]
Mind-probe (also called Mind-touch)
- A lighter form of mind-meld. Phyysical touch is not necessary
in this form of telepathy although it does facilitate the
It was used on Gill to enable him to speak and
tell his side of the story.
"Patterns of Force" [TOS]
Spock occasionally used his
mind-probe skills to provide a telepathic distraction to an adversary,
as at Eminiar
"A Taste of Armageddon" [TOS]
and the Kelvans. When
mind-melding with the Kelvan named Kelinda, Spock was able to glimpse
the apparently humanoid creature's true form: an immense
being with hundreds of tentacles.
"By Any Other Name" [TOS]
Spock performed a mind probe on
Nomad to find out about it, what made it operate and its compulsion
"The Changeling" [TOS]
Mind-meld -
A small minority of Vulcans are born with the ability to
initiate a mind-meld (a very intimate form of
which gives them the ability to transfer thoughts, memories, and emotions to
others) but even
though only members of the minority can
initiate a mind-meld, all Vulcans can be the recipiant of one.
Melds are only practiced by a subculture, called
"melders". They are a small percentage of Vulcan's
population, who are considered to be genetic aberrations. Vulcans take
pride in containing emotions, and
the sharing of them is
offensive so, in the view of many Vulcans, mind-melds are an unnatural behavior,
neither condoned, tolerated nor sanctioned. Anyone
who chooses to perform a mind-meld is considered
of contempt. Melders seem to defy everything that Vulcan society stands
for. They are seen as
a threat and are considered
an undesirable segment of Vulcan's population. The intolerance toward
has grown over time so that there is more
intolerance and prejudice toward melders in 2152 than there
was a thousand years before that. The names
of known melders were kept track of. And if it became
known that someone was a melder or approved of their
behavior, it could jepardize their position or career.
one was in the military, and the Vulcan High Command found out they were one, or
approved of
melders, they could be recalled as being
unfit for duty. Many kept the fact that they are part of this
minority a secret. Dr. Yuris was one of these, but
when he admitted to his affiliation with the melders,
position in the Medical Exchange program was suspended.
"Stigma" [ENT]
It is an ancient Vulcan ritual in which two persons are
telepathically linked, sharing each other's consciousness. Tolaris offered to use a
"mind-meld" to help T'Pol rediscover
repressed emotions,
as opposed to "a more traditional form of guided meditation"
which won't be as effective. T'pol is not familiar
with the mind-meld; Tolaris
explains it was a lost art
"abandoned centuries ago" but they'd "discovered it can
help us access our emotions." Tolaris puts his
left hand to T'Pol's face, and
begins the incantation:
"My mind to your mind... Your thoughts to my thoughts.
Our minds are merging. Our minds are becoming one." T'Pol's anxiety
emotions begin to break to the surface, causing
discomfort. She asks to break
the meld, but Tolaris
refuses. T'Pol breaks the meld herself, physically
pushing him away, and ends up in sickbay with possible neurological damage.
"Fusion" [ENT]
It is an ancient Vulcan technique. It is not
hypnosis, but like hypnosis is used to probe into another's mind. It's a hidden, personal thing to the
Vulcan people, part of their
private lives. It
could be dangerous in that it requires one to make
pressure changes in the nerves, and blood vessels. It only affects the
person who is touched in this way. Physiological
readings are
affected first and then begin to stabilize,
then comes a feeling of a
strange euphoria, like the body
is floating. It is facilitated by the
opening their mind, so that the two minds move together,
sharing the same thoughts. Spock's first time using the mind-meld
on a human was in 2266 to determine the truth of Dr.
Simon Van Gelder's apparently wild claims that he
was the
director of the Tantalus V penal colony. (This was the first time the mind
meld was used.)
"Dagger of the Mind" [TOS]
The techique - The technique
for performing the mind meld varies depending on the persons performing
it and the circumstances surrounding the meld.
Sometimes it is done with one hand, at times the left and
other times the right, and many times with both hands, and often with differing
Spock uses the mind meld on Kirk to help him remember who
he is.
"The Paradise Syndrome" [TOS]
Spock melds with Kollos (fusion), Miranda Jones joins with
Spock telepathically, guiding him and
helping him back to
awareness and sanity. Miranda melds with Kollos (fusion - true mind link).
"Is There In Truth No Beauty?" [TOS]
Spock has come to the conclusion that the events they are
experiencing are not real but are being
placed in their
minds by the alien Melkotians. He performs mind-melds with Kirk, Scotty, and
convincing them of the lack of reality in the
situation and allowing them to believe that they will be
immune to the imaginary bullets. And indeed when the shootout occurs, the Earps'
gunfire leaves
them unharmed and the scenario around them
"Spectre of the Gun" [TOS]
During the fight between Cpt. Tracy and Kirk, Spock uses
mind control on a Yang female to make
her activate a
communicator. "The Omega
Glory" [TOS]
Spock melded with the
Horta. "The Devil in the Dark" [TOS]
Spock melded with
NOMAD. "The Changeling" [TOS]
The Mirror universe Spock mind melded with Dr. McCoy.
"Mirror, Mirror" [TOS]
Spock melds with Kirk to help him forget Reyna. "Requiem for Methuselah" [TOS]
Spock mind melded with "Janice Lester" to find out the
truth about whether she was really the captain.
"Turnabout Intruder" [TOS]
The Vulcan master melded with Spock, and Spock melded with
"The Motion Picture" [ST1]
Spock transfered his katra to McCoy. "The Wrath of Khan" [ST2]
When Sarek melded with Kirk he used his right hand to the
left side of Kirk's face and did not say
incantation. Instead proceding directly to Kirk's last memories of being
with Spock.
"The Search for Spock" [ST3]
Spock melded with some whales. "The Voyage Home" [ST4]
Spock melded with Valeris against her will to find out
information about the conspiracy to kill the Federation president.
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
Spock melded with Picard to find out about his father.
"Unification, Part 2" [TNG].
In 2370, Sakonna unsuccessfully tried to perform a
mind-meld with Gul Dukat in an attempt to gather
information for the Maquis. Dukat
attributed his ability to resist the mind-meld to his Cardassian
"The Maquis, Part II" [DS9]
The Vulcan mind-meld can be used so that one person can
hone another's skill. In 2371, Tuvok proposed
a mind-meld with Kes in hopes of
focusing Kes's telepathic abilities.
"Cathexis" [VOY]
In 2371, Tom Paris has been convicted under Banean law of
the murder of Tolen Ren, a Banean scientist.
The punishment was a brain
implant that caused Paris to relive Ren's death as seen from Ren's
viewpoint, every 14 hours for the
rest of his life. However, the implant and the mental experiences
were causing damage to Paris'
brain that would eventually be irreparable. As part of his investigation
to find if Paris was telling the
truth about his being innocent, Tuvok performed a mind-meld on him
to view the memories contained in
the neuroimplant. Tuvok then used these memories to determine
that Paris did not kill Banean
scientist Tolen Ren. In the mind-meld Tuvok noticed a series of numbers
or symbols at the bottom of the
images, and realised that they were an enemy Numiri agent's means
of smuggling out top secret
weapons data to his superiors.
"Ex Post Facto" [VOY]
In 2372, Tuvok melds with Kes. "Cold Fire" [VOY]
In 2372, Tuvok mind-melded with accused murderer Lon
Suder, causing a neurochemical imbalance in the
mesiofrontal cortex of Tuvok's
brain, unleashing uncontrollably violent emotions.
"Meld" [VOY]
In early 2373, Tuvok melds with Janeway who acts as his
"Flashback" [VOY]
In 2373, in a hallucination which Janeway has, Tuvok melds
with Kes. "Coda" [VOY]
In 2374, Tuvok melds with
Kes. "The Gift" [VOY]
In 2374, Tuvok melded with B'elanna to learn more of the
moment when she was bumped into in
Nimiri marketplace and
experienced the violent thought that was considered a crime in that society.
Then later he melded with Guill to impart to him violent
"Random Thoughts" [VOY]
In 2375, Tuvok melded with Seven of Nine. "Infinite Regress" [VOY]
In 2375, Tuvok melded with Noss. "Gravity" [VOY]
In 2375, Tuvok melded with the Crew of a Hazari ship. "Think Tank" [VOY]
In 2376, Tuvok melded with Janeway and Seven of Nine
(bridging of minds). Janeway claims that
the last time she participated in
a mind meld, it resulted in a headache that lasted two weeks.
"Unimatrix Zero" [VOY]
In 2377, Unaware at first that he is doing so, Tuvok
forcibly mind-melds with Chakotay and several Maquis,
including B'elanna, Tabor, Yosa, and Jor. He implants
instructions for them to take
over Voyager. The instructions had
been implanted in Tuvok's mind in
2371 by a Maquis fanatic, a
Bajoran vedek called Teero Anaydis, shortly before Tuvok's
departure as an undercover spy in
Chakotay's Maquis raider.
After Tuvok successfully struggles
to overcome the Bajoran's mind-control, he mind-melds
again with Chakotay and the other
affected Maquis to restore them to normal.
"Repression" [VOY]
In 2377, Tuvok melded with Seven of
Nine. "Workforce" [VOY]
In 2377,
Tuvok melded with a member of his family in the Alpha
Quadrant. "Endgame" [VOY]
Bridging of Minds - A mind-meld with two
people where a third acts as a telepathic conduit. During the procedure, he is aware of both their
perceptions. Tuvok never tried the
procedure before
but he once observed a Vulcan master perform the technique.
He was successful in duplicating it.
"Unimatrix Zero" [VOY]
Fusion - A "true"
mind-link, to create a double entity. Each would enjoy the knowlege
and sensory
capabilities of both and function as one
being. One hazard is that there will be a tendency to lose
separate identiy. Dr. Miranda Jones studied the
Vulcan mental disciplines for 4 years in order to train
her how not to read minds, and to prepare her for a mind link with Ambassador
"Is There In Truth No Beauty?"
This type of mind-meld was
used to permit Jean-Luc Picard to provide emotional support to Ambassador
Sarek in 2366 when the ambassador
was suffering the debilitating effects of terminal Bendii Syndrome.
Sarek benefited from the
captain's emotional control, but Picard had to endure the fierce onslaught of
ambassador's unleashed
"Sarek" [TNG]
Katra - A person's
very essence; everything that is not of the body; everything one was; everything
one knew; one's living spirit. It is not something
that they speak of openly,
but it is the Vulcan way when
the body's end is near to mind meld with
the last one to
be with them, to entrust them with their katra. When it
is given to a person, they are asked to bring the katra
back to Vulcan with
them to ensure the deceased person's
"future". Both the one who is alive,
and the one
who is not, will be in pain until they return with the katra to
Mount Seleya on Vulcan because only there can both find
"The Search for Spock" [ST3], "Innocence" [VOY]
Transfer of the Katra - Vulcans are one of
the very few races to have ever performed a synaptic pattern
displacement, or the transfer of one individual's
consciousness wholely into another person: in their case,
the transfer of the katra. Indeed, Dr. Bashir was unaware of any other
races having mastered this ability
until a criminal which
had it was caught on DS9.
"The Passenger" [DS9]
Fal-tor-pan, ("The
Refusion") - An ancient Vulcan ritual that reunites a person's
katra to the body
if it is reanimated. In 2285, it
was used for the first time in centuries.
"The Search for Spock" [ST3]
It bears some resemblence
to the Bridging of Minds in that one person bridges the gap between two
Mental Shields - Vulcans have certain
mental disciplines which enable them to maintain a protective
shield on their minds.
Spock was
able to withstand a Klingon mind-sifter set at force level 4 using his
"Errand of Mercy" [TOS]
Healing Trance - A
form of self-induced hypnosis used ffor healing damaged organs. It is a
way to
concentrate all one's strength, blood, and
antibodies onto the injured organs. Low bioreadings are
normal during the trance. In a sense, the subject
remains conscious during this time, even though
there is
no outward sign that they are. They know when people are near and also
what is being said,
but they can't afford to take their
mind from the tissue which they're fighting to heal. When the
bioreadings begin to fluctuate, someone must be with the
patient at all times. The injured person
must wait
until the last possible moment, then fight their way back to
consciousness. At the first
sign of consciousness a
trained physician should be called. If the patient speaks, one should do
whatever they say. This often includes striking
them very hard since the pain helps them regain
consciousness quickly. This is imperative since there is only a limited
amount of time to regain
consiousness once the patient
enters this stage.
"A Private Little War" [TOS]
Vulcan science is used to teach their bodies to produce
their own medicines.
"The Xindi" [ENT]
Neuro-pressure - Dr. Phlox asked T'Pol to
teach Tucker neuro-pressure to help him with his insomnia,
which was proving resistant to medication. Vulcan
neuro-pressure can be used to help people sleep,
patience is needed to even get past the first posture. Its instruction is
a very intimate act.
Appropriate "neural nodes" are
stimulated, some of which are difficult to reach and may require
assistance. The appropriate nodes for relaxing are
located 3 cm on either side of the 5th (cervical)
vertebrae. They can be triggered by being firmly pressed simultaneously
and held for 10-15 seconds.
Tucker triggered the nodes
for T'Pol. When T'Pol returned the therapy on Tucker she presses
somewhere in the area of his lumbar vertebrae --
Assuming Vulcans and humans share a similar
structure, there are: 7 cervical (neck) vertebrae, 12 thoracic (rib cage), 5
lumbar (lower back),
and then fused vertebrae that form
the sacrum (hips) and coccyx (tailbone).
"The Xindi" [ENT]
Before instruction in neuropressure
T'Pol lights candles in her quarters. Tucker enters, bearing a pot of
"Georgia peaches". They're an apology for the two
neuro-pressure sessions he's skipped (he slept like
baby after the last (first?) one). At T'Pol's direction, he doffs his
shirt and (reluctantly) his shoes --
Some of the neural
nodes triggered by Vulcan neuro-pressure are located in the feet. Lying
Tucker asks if its safe and T'Pol admits it's never
been tried on humans, but "the risk of paralysis is
"Extinction" [ENT]
Tucker wasn't anxious to try it again,
not wanting to "spend an hour in T'Pol's quarters".
"Anomaly" [ENT]
Many neural nodes are located on the
soles of the feet. Advanced Neuro-pressure places great
demands on the body. Tucker said that so far it had been
a piece of cake, but T'Pol told him that
they hadn't
gotten to the "more challenging" postures yet.
"Similitude" [ENT]
Tucker is now keeping up with his
Vulcan neuro-pressure regimen. Two of the postures are called:
khavorta - Tucker called it "that neck thing":
T'Pol placed her hands behind each side of his jaw and
pressed for about 30 seconds,
while Tucker regulated his breathing (which he had practiced). She
cautioned him not to speak, but
to relax his jaw.
surah'tahn - this posture wasn't
demonstrated. T'Pol suggested that they procede on to it after the
"Rajiin" [ENT]
T'Pol and Tucker have two sessions a week.
"Proving Ground" [ENT]
Neuro-pressure requires the proper
breathing technique; some postures begin with a deep breath.
Tucker began teaching MACO Corp. Cole neuro-pressure
relaxation techniques without telling T'Pol.
Amanda Cole
said that after one such treatment, it "felt like I've had twelve hours
sleep. Cole later
complained of headaches. If
misapplied, neuro-pressure can cause nerve damage.
"Harbinger" [ENT]