Tellarites have snouts, fur, and cloven-hoof fingers on the hands.
"Journey to Babel" [TOS]
Tellarites prefer a hotter environment than is usually kept on Earth
"Babel One" [ENT]
Some Tellarites have three fingers. [TOS]
don't. [ENT]
thinks that Tellarites are "not the most agreeable, but usually trustworthy".
"Dead Stop" [ENT]
They have a propensity toward strong emotion. However,
they enjoy a good argument, which is
even considered a
sport on Tellar. "Bounty" [ENT]
Tellarites are a species that
thrive on arguing. They always have a litany of complaints. It's how
start arguments with people they've just met.
If they have nothing to complain about, they'll just
insult you. Whatever they say, you have to respond in kind.
Otherwise, they'll take offense.
"Babel One" [ENT]
Some Tellarites, the ambassador Gral specifically, like to
have a good soak in a mud bath in the morning.
"Babel One" [ENT]
Tellarites are known to be an impatient people.
"United" [ENT]
One of Garak's suggested wedding dresses for Rom and Leeta
was in the style of Tellarite modern.
"Call to Arms" [DS9]
Food & Drink:
Tellarites consider canines something of a delicacy.
"Babel One" [ENT]
Tellarite Mining Consortium:
A Tellarite group that regulates that species freighters.
Skalaar and
his brother Gaavrin owned and operated the Tellarite freighter Tezra under the
authority of the Consortium. "Bounty" [ENT]
Places of Interest:
Tellarite space is on the far side of Andorian space from the planet
Babel. (a five day journey for the
"Babel One" [ENT]
"Babel One" [ENT] (The Star Trek Star Charts and some fans propose 61
Cygni, a binary star
consisting of two Class
K components, 11.4 lightyears
from Sol to be the
location of Tellar. However, there
has not
been any on-screen reference concerning
location so far, but, as it is a Federation-
founding member, it may well be within a radius of
20 lightyears from Sol.)
1958: There was a Tellarite freighter in early 1958 that picked
up the distress call of a Vulcan ship
that had crash
landed on Earth, near Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania. They passed this information
onto the Vulcan High
Command. "Carbon Creek" [ENT]
2151: Garos asks if a certain "fat Tellarite trader" tipped
Archer off as to his operation. Archer
makes no
reaction to the
name. "Civilization"
spring, 2152: After sending out a distress call, the Enterprise
receives a response (in English) from a
freighter" at extreme range. They transmit the coordinates of an automated
"repair station".
"Dead Stop" [ENT]
2153, Mar: the Tellarite bounty hunter Skalaar, working for the
Klingons, captured Jonathan Archer,
captain of the
Enterprise. However, he later helped him to escape from the Klingon ship.
brother, Gaavrin, who worked on a space station
at that time, used to run a freighter, the Tezra,
together with
"Bounty" [ENT]
2154, Nov 12: The Enterprise NX-01 escorted a Tellarite
delegation led by ambassador Gral to
Babel to settle a
long-standing trade dispute with the Andorians. The original conference
covered only trade regulations for the sector.
However, a Romulan plot to destabilize the region
had the
opposite effect and created a temporary Alliance among the Andorians, Vulcans,
and Tellarites. The proceeding conference later
helped bring peace to the strained Tellarite-Andorian
"Babel One" [ENT], "United" [ENT]
2155, a delegation of Tellarite ambassadors was sent to Earth to join
in talks of forming an
Coalition of Planets. Minister Nathan Samuels joked
that the new universal translators were
working a little too well when it
came to talking to the Tellarites. (ENT: "Demons")
2161: Tellar became a founding member of the United Federation
of Planets along with Earth,
Andoria and
"Zero Hour" [ENT]
As a result, the Tellarites held a seat
on the Federation Council and served as Starfleet officers.
"The Voyage Home" [ST4], "Apocalypse Rising" [DS9]
2267: the planet Coridan sought admission to the United
Federation of Planets. However, due
to the wealth of dilithium available on
Coridan and the presence of illegal mining operations,
Coridan's admission
was a controversial subject between Tellarites and Vulcans. The Babel
Conference was convened to settle the matter and ultimately approved
Coridan's admission.
Tellarite Ambassador Gav was among the delegates to the
Babel Conference but was killed by an
Orion infiltrator in Andorian disguise
onboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise.
"Journey to Babel" [TOS]
A Tellarite served on the ruling council of the pocket dimension Elysia,
during the late 23rd century.
It is unknown how long his
species had been trapped in that universe.
"The Time Trap" [TAS]
ca. 2370s: Tellarite freighters would occasionally conduct trade
through starbase Deep Space 9.
"Shadowplay" [DS9]
Cargo Ship
Tezra - Class ship.
Captain Skalaar. Impounded and canabalized by Klingons
"Bounty" [ENT]
Unnamed - Freighter
(circa 1957) picked up the Vulcan's distress signal.
"Carbon Creek" [ENT]
Unnamed - Freighter told Enterprise where to find the alien
repair station.
"Dead Stop" [ENT]
Unnamed - In 2154, a cargo vessel was attacked by the
holographic drone during the Romulan attempt
to disrupt
the formation of an interplanetary accord.
The vessel
appeared identical to the Retellian freighter seen in "Precious Cargo" which may
thus be
a common type of freight
ship. "The
Aenar" [ENT]
Unnamed - In 2370, a Tellarite freighter made a stop at starbase
Deep Space 9. Quark's cousin, Kono,
beamed onto the ship
as it was leaving, to avoid being arrested by station security.
"Shadowplay" [DS9]
Unnamed - The small
vessel of the Tellarite bounty hunter Skalaar, it was the size of a large
with a longer central cargo area than was
standard. To each side, just to the rear of the cockpit,
were hatches that allowed docking with other vessels and egress on landing. At
the stern were
four green-glowing warpdrive exhausts,
while sensor arrays were mounted on the flanks and at
each side of the cockpit, ahead of the doors were weapons pods.
In 2153, Skalaar captured Jonathan Archer to claim the
Klingon bounty on him and buy back his
freighter the
Tezra. When the ship was damaged in a fire-fight with Kago-Darr, a rival bounty
hunter, Archer helped to repair the vessel. He managed to
persuade Skalaar that the Klingons had
treated him
unfairly in taking and stripping the Tezra. He agreed to lend Archer a lockpick
to aid
his escape and to contact Enterprise once he had
claimed his reward.
"Bounty" [ENT]
Unnamed - Romulans
projected a hologram of a Tellarite warship to fool the Andorians into thinking
was the Tellarites that destroyed two of their Kumari
class ships. The Tellarite ambassador made it
however, that Andorian technology is more advanced than theirs and in reality
one of their
cruisers wouldn't have had a chance against
two of the Andorian cruisers. Type of vessel that Shran
claimed had destroyed his Andorian cruiser. It later
transpired that the attacker had been a Romulan
disguised using holographic emitters.
The cruiser had
the same configuration as the Arkonian warship and Xindi-Arboreal cruiser.
may suggest some kind of trade link between
the races or perhaps they had the same arms supplier.
"Babel One" [ENT]
ships use particle canons. "Babel One" [ENT]
Individuals of
Gaavrin (Ed O'Ross) - male. lived during
the 22nd century. He was the first officer on the Tezra, a freighter owned
an operated by his brother Captain Skalaar under the authority
of the Tellarite Mining Consortium. The ship was hauling
fire salt when
it crossed into Klingon territory as per
Skalaar's orders. It was immediately
seized by the
Klingon Empire. Gaavrin never forgave his brother for the
loss of the ship. He got a job working on at a busy Space station scrubbing
plasma conduits. Skalaar went there to ask him for
an antimatter injector.
Gaavrin doesn't share Skalaar's
dream of rebuilding the Tezra.
"Bounty" [ENT]
Gav (John Wheeler) - Ambassador Gav was a prominent Federation
representitive from Tellar. In 2267, his mission was to
represent Tellarite interests at the Babel Conference.
opposed the Coridan admission into the Federation due to the
Tellarites mining interests on that planet. He was an
opponent of his Vulcan counterpart, Ambassador
Sarek. Gav
would later be killed by a Vulcan
technique known as Tal Shaya.
Ambassador Sarek was
suspected but it was later revealed that
Thelev, a member
of the Andorian delegation was actually an Orion
and was
responsible for the murder.
"Journey to Babel" [TOS]
Gral (Lee Arenberg) - Tellarite Ambassador. He likes a good mud
bath in the mornings. During his race's conflicts with the Andorians he had
participated in assaults on
Andorian space. In
November 2154 he was the head of a delegation
to the
planet Babel to settle a trade disupute with the Andorians,
under the auspices of the neutral Humans. Since Babel was
on the
far side of Andorian space from Tellar Prime, Gral
and his delgation
were transported by the NX-01
Enterprise. Gral was full of
complaints during the
voyage. For instance, he didn't want the
Tellarite dishes
Enterprise's chef prepared, but rather wanted to
Earth delicacies. His temprament was only worsened when
Enterprise diverted to rescue the survivors of an attack
on the Andorian Imperial Guard warship
Kumari. Gral was
indignant that the Andorians be on the same ship as him, especially when
Kumari commander Shran revealed his ship had been
attacked by a Tellarite vessel. Gral denied
all knowledge
of the attack, leading Shran to try to torture the information out of him.
for Gral, Enteprise security forces were able
to intervene and separate the squabbling parties.
was instrumental in Captain Jonathan Archer's attempt to build a four-way
alliance between
the Humans, Andorians, and Vulcans to
hunt a Romulan drone-ship; it was he who represented
people in the effort and provided the neccessarry communications codes to make
the operation
a success. Afterwards, Gral and Shran
participated in a discussion to take the place of the cancelled
conference on Babel. He subsequently returned to Tellar
on a transport ship.
"Babel One" [ENT], "United" [ENT]
Naarg (Kevin Brief) - November 2154 served as an assistant to
Ambassador Gral at the first Babel Conference. While being transported to
Babel on the NX-01, an
Andorian force led by Shran broke
into the quarters of the Tellarite
delegation in an
attempt to extract information from Gral relating to
destruction of the Kumari. Though the situation was defused by
Captain Jonathan Archer and a MACO squad, Naarg
grabbed a phase pistol and shot Talas,
Commander Shran's lover.
Talas eventually died of the
phase pistol shot, causing Shran to
challenge Naarg to
the Ushaan, a duel to the death. Fortunately for
Captain Archer invoked the right of substitution and duelled
in his
"Babel One" [ENT], "United" [ENT]
Shallash - The second Tellarite liberator. Archer mispronounced
his name as "Challash" but asked Sato
to correct him so
he could use it in his speech for the ceremony starting the Federation Alliance.
"These are the Voyages" [ENT]
Skalaar (Jordan Lund) - a Tellarite captain turned
bounty hunter who operated in the 2150s. He owned and commanded a ship, the Tezra.
He and his brother Gaavrin
used the ship to work for the
Tellarite Mining Consortium. Skalaar
retrofitted the
ships engines himself. The Tezra was seized by the
Klingon Empire after Skalaar crossed into Klingon territory whilst
hauling fire salt. He became a bounty hunter to pay the
fee. However, the ship had been cannibalized by
the Klingons
several years
earlier. "Bounty" [ENT]
Unnamed Tellarite (Gary Downey)
"Whom Gods Destroy" [TOS]
Unnamed Memory Alpha Researcher - "Lights of
Zetar" [TOS]
Unnamed Officer - The helm officer who served under Captain Laporin
was Tellarite.
"Apocalypse Rising" [DS9]
Unnamed Tellarite - Seen in the Federation Council chambers.
"The Voyage Home" [ST4]
Unnamed Tellarite
"The Final Frontier" [ST5]
Terev - A Mirror-Universe Tellarite serving in the command
division aboard the Terran Empire starship Enterprise in 2155. He
was the test subject for a demonstration
of the new agony
booth by Major Reed and Phlox. Reed was
of the nature of Terev's transgression, believing he was
late for a duty shift, but noted that "... all Tellarites are guilty
"In a Mirror, Darkly" [ENT]