ALIENS are definitely not Romulans, even if
they have a bird-shaped ship with green lights and eschew visual ship-to-ship
communications. They're tall and skinny, with long, three-segment legs (a
forward knee,
then backward; something like a
horse). They have blunt, onion-shaped heads with eye
sockets, each of which has an eye on a short stalk which
can move horizontally; but no
apparent noses or
mouths. Their suits seem to include forcefield-based helmets.
SHIP is shaped something like a flattened
F/A-117 aircraft, grey in color with green engine accents. There's a
wedge-shaped central mainbody, with two cranked-delta wings, in down-dihedrals;
their tips extend forward beyond the mainbody. Each
meets the mainbody at a long
narrow notch of irregular
shape. There's a horizontal green feature on each leading edge.
Aft, there are two impulse? exhausts, also green, at the
wing roots. When going to warp,
it leaves a
green-tinged trail. The mainbody has a shuttle launch bay on its upper aft
extreme, lit internally also green.
Weapons fire emerges from the mainbody's
forward tip. A volley consists of two green horizontal boomerang-shapes,
which can be angled substantially off-center. The
aliens can remotely shut off a ship's power, and open its launch bays.
SHUTTLE is shaped something like a toenail
clipper, with a long upper slab angling down from tail to nose, and joined to
a shorter horizontal slab. There's an elongated
ellipsoidal canopy atop the upper slab. It's about the size of an
shuttle pod; it can fit in a launch bay.
Historical Events: August to
September 2151 Reed notes an alien ship "dropping out of warp" at "12
km"; he is unable
to make any readings on sensors.
He reads no biosigns, propulsion or weapon signatures. T'pol claims not to
it. It ignores Archer's message, then
goes to warp. Archer wonders where the ship is from, and T'pol claims
there are
no inhabited systems nearby.
The alien ship drops out of warp 500km dead ahead of
Enterprise. Travis has to reverse the engines to keep from
bumping into it. Ent is scanned, with a piercing
noise. It fires two volleys of two boomerang-bolts at Ent, and leaves.
Reed reports that its shielding dropped for 2-sec while
firing, and he detected at least 15 "bio-signs". T'pol claims there
is no "DNA" match in the "database".
The alien ship approaches the in-warp Ent from
behind. They were first noticed at 8000m and when the distance closed
to 6000m, warp drive mysteriously goes off line.
"Main power" goes down, and the outer doors to launchbay 2 open
and can't be overridden. Tactical systems go down
about the same time as they loose lighting and are forced to use
flashlights. An alien shuttle enters "Launch Bay
Two" (vacant). Two aliens board Enterprise and attack two of its crewmen. They
perform invasive scans on them. The alien shuttle leaves, and the ship
fires a single two-boomerang volley at the port
nacelle. An orange explosion erupts.
It goes
dark. T'Pol reports they are venting drive plasma. Tucker reports
that the
warp drive will take a couple of days to
fix. In Sick Bay, Phlox examines the two
(both red-stripe male brunettes), who were subjected to "invasive scans"
from which "residual neural damage" may result.
Archer demands info from T'pol,
even if it's classified;
she claims to know of no aliens who use such techniques.
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