[ Appearance/Physiology
][ Places of Interest ][ Culture
][ History ][ Tech &
Weapons ][ Ships ]
[ Individuals of Note ]
and Physiology:
Similar enough in appearance to Vulcans that many
Romulans can be mistaken for them, however
many but not all Romulans exhibit a
more distinctive forehead than the average Vulcan.
[TNG and later episodes]
The body readings (as seen on NCC1701 scanners) of a
Vulcan and Romulan are almost exactly
alike with only a slight difference.
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
Vulcans and Romulans differ enough to make a ribosome
transfusion between both species
"The Enemy" [TNG]
According to Garak, the Romulan people and their hearts
(literally) are gray in color.
"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
Tuvan syndrome - A
degenerative, incurable neurological disease which affects mainly
Vulcans, Romulans, and Rigellians.
In the very early stages, the patient's eyelids are
slightly displaced, facial muscles
are weakened, and respiration is irregular. Loss of motor
skills occurs in 10-15 years; life
expectancy is 20-25 years. In less than 5% of cases, the
disease can accelerate without
warning. It can also be accelerated by being eposed to a
short burst of nadion
radiation. "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
of Interest:
The Romulan Star Empire has two homeworlds:
Romulus - Admiral Jarok described Romulus as
being a world of awesome beauty and spoke
glowingly of such sights as the firefalls
of Gal Gath'thong, the Valley of Chula, and the
Apnex Sea.
"The Defector" [TNG]
Apnex Sea
- Jarok says he will never be able to see tthe spires of his home
rising above the
Apnex Sea
"The Defector" [TNG]
Darthen - City on
Romulus. "Unification"
Garak claims that on Romulus the
predominant color is gray... "the buildings, the clothes,
"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
Remus - Mr. Spock's star chart shows this
sister planet of Romulus as being named Romii. However,
the name Romii could refer to a
Star, a Pulsar, a Planet or some other nearby celestial
"Balance of Terror" [TOS]
SEE: Remans.
Other Places of Interest include:
Baradas III - the only M-class planet in the Baradas
system. It is in the Taugan sector and is listed
as unpopulated. The planet was an outpost of
the Debrune approximately two thousand years ago.
The Federation Archaeological survey has catalogued
numerous ruins on the surface. The Debrune
were an ancient offshoot of the Romulans.
"Gambit, parts 1&2" [TNG]
Calder II - Less than a day at maximum warp from Baradas III,
Calder II is an archaelogical site in the
Taugan sector containing ruins which are Romulan in
origin (in particular the Sakethan burial mounds).
There is also a small Federation outpost (a science
station) there with limited defensive capabilities
( a type 4 deflector shield protecting the outpost
and the ruins).
"Gambit, parts 1&2" [TNG]
Dessica II - An archaelogical sitein the Taugan sector
containing the ruins of Nafir which are Romulan
"Gambit, parts 1&2" [TNG]
Draken IV - An archaelogical site containing ruins which are
Romulan in origin. It is at the far edge of the
"Gambit, parts 1&2" [TNG]
Golorndon Core - Nearly half a light-year on the
Federation side of the Neutral Zone. It is an
electomagnetically shrouded planet whose surface is
obscured by fierce storms and erratic electrical
"The Enemy" [TNG]
Neutral Zone - SEE: Laws and Treaties, the Neutral Zone.
Unnamed System - T'pol detected an uncharted system along
Enterprise's course, containing one
Minshara-class planet. The planet is
uninhabited. To T'Pol, the most interesting feature is a chain
of volcanoes that spans an entire hemisphere.
The Romulans claim the planet and have surrounded
it by a large number of cloaked mines.
"Minefield" [ENT]
Yadalla Prime - An archaelogical site containing ruins which
are Romulan in origin. It is at the far edge
of the Taugan
"Gambit, parts 1&2" [TNG]
[ Cuisine ][ Government
][ Laws and Treaties ]
There is a combined Romulan-Vulcan history of obedience
to duty.
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
Counselor Troi's assessment of the Romulans:
They seem to be creatures of extremes. One moment
violent beyond description, the next --
tender. They're related to the
Vulcans but as each developed, their differences grew wider.
They are intensely curious. Their
belief in their own superiority is beyond arrogance. For
some reason they have exhibited a
fascination with humans and that fascination, more
than anything else, has kept the
peace. One other thing, they will not initiate. They will
wait for you to commit
yourself. "The Neutral Zone" [TNG]
Food and
Romulan Ale - A powerfully intoxicating
beverage, light blue in color.
It is illegal in the
Federation. This didn't stop McCoy from giving Kirk a bottle of
the stuff
for his 52nd
birthday in 2285. "The Wrath of Khan" [ST2]
Romulan Ale was served at a
diplomatic dinner hosted by Kirk for Klingon chancellor Gorkon
aboard the
Enterprise-A. Tensions between the Federation people and their
Klingon guests
were high,
and the Romulan Ale probably didn't help much, either.
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
kali-fal - a blue-colored Romulan liquor.
Sisko had some replicated on DS9 for visiting Sen.
who commented on the odor, "Real
kali-fal should forcibly open one's sinuses well before the first
sip." Sisko apologized for the
quality by noting the Federation didn't have much information on
"In the Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
viinerine - Traditional Romulan food.
Troi, masquerading as a Romulan officer, misidentified
another Romulan dish as viinerine,
but managed to bluff her way out of the situation.
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
vorcha'ak - Something ordered by Stefan
DeSeve. (From the contex it is likely to be something
akin to
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
Continuing Committee - A ruling body on Romulus,
of which the head of the Tal Shiar is usually
"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
Romulan Star Empire - The formal name of the
Romulan nation.
Romulan empress - Q says that he could have
chosen a Romulan empress to mate with.
"The Q and the Grey" [VOY]
Tal Shi'ar - The Romulan intelligence
The purpose of the Tal Shi'ar is to
insure loyalty. To defy them is to invite imprisonment
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
In Odo's opinion, they pale in
comparison to the Obsidian Order.
"The Wire" [DS9]
They were cooperating with the
Obsidian Order to invade the Gamma Quadrant and stage
a first strike against the Dominion,
but their fleet was annihilated by the Jem'Hadar, having
been suckered into attacking the
Founders' homeworld.
"Improbable Cause" [DS9], "The Die is Cast" [DS9]
Rekar is going to turn the
Prometheus over to the Tal'shiar since he thinks that they can
make use of its full potential; he
has made arrangements to rendevous with their fleet within
"Message in a Bottle" [DS9]
Laws and
Neutral Zone Treaty - A peace accord
between Earth and the Romulan Star Empire that concluded
the Earth/Romulan Wars around
2160. It was negotiated by subspace radio.
"Balance of Terror" [TOS]
and established the Romulan Neutral
Zone, a region of space approximately a light year across,
dividing the two powers.
Violation of the Neutral Zone by either side without adequate
notification would be considered an
act of war.
"The Defector" [TNG]
Treaty of Algeron - forbids the Federation
from using or developing cloaking device technology
in its
"The Pegasus" [TNG]
In 2311, it redefined the Romulan
Neutral Zone. It also outlawed the use of cloaking
on Starfleet vessels.
"These are the Voyages" [ENT]
Right of Statement - A Romulan law allowing a
condemned person to record an official statement
usually pertaining to his guilt or
innoncence, however there is no regulation regarding the
content of one's statement.
Spock, when captured by Romulan authorities for espionage in 2268,
made an exceptionally long statement
under this right, a successful effort to buy enough time
for Kirk to complete their spy
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
Romulan Neutral Zone -
8 neutral zone outposts are
shown. "Balance of Terror"
A subspace message takes 3 weeks to reach Starfleet
from the Romulan side of the Neutral Zone.
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
The Saratoga was patrolling sector 5 of the neutral
zone when neutrallized by the Probe.
"The Voyage Home" [ST4]
By the tme of TNG, there are at least 23 neutral zone
"Future Imperfect" [TNG]
Sector 3-0 and sector 3-1 are near the Neutral Zone on
the Federation side. Science station &
outpost Delta-zero-five was also in
that sector which contained nine outposts. The next
nearest outpost was Tarod-nine in a
sector which contains three other stations.
"The Neutral Zone" [TNG]
Moving from Gamma Hydra, section 14 (coordinates
22-87-4) into section 15, is an approach
to the Neutral Zone. A
parabolic course must be laid in to avoid entering it. Once they
entered the Zone, Sulu estimated two
minutes to intercept the Kobayashi Maru. The
Kobayashi Maru was supposed to be
inside the Neutral Zone at Gamma Hydra, section 10.
It had gotten there by traveling 19
periods out of Altair Six.
"The Wrath of Khan" [ST2]
An example of Romulan language from "Minefield" [ENT], (Yes,
half of it was in caps. Also
the pronunciation didn't closely match the Closed
Captioning.) -
Uhn Kan'aGANNA! Tehca zuhn ruga'nokTAN!
Uhn Kan'aGANNA! Tehca Zuhn!
- You are ordered to leave our system
immediately or we'll destroy you.
- We've annexed this planet in the name of The
Romulan Star Empire.
Jolan tru = Good day/night
Vorta Vor = Eden
Entries involving incursions or
events within the Neutral Zone are printed in yellow for easy
ca 370: The Time of Awakening
The ancient philosopher Surak, revered as the father
of Vulcan civilization, led his people in a great
reformation to adopt a code of behavior where they reject their
emotions in favor
of a philosophy that embraces pure logic and peace.
"The Savage Curtain" [TOS]
One group did not accept Surak's
teachings and so a group of dissidents,
the future Romulans, split off from
the Vulcans at this time.
"The Gambit, part 2" [TNG] (2000 yrs before episode)
The Hundred Year War between Surak's
followers and the (as yet unnamed) Romulan factions
on Vulcan begins, presumably leading to their mass departure. It
was unknown
at the time, but Q will later claim that one of the
"self-destructive stunts" of
a Philosopher Q, later also known as Quinn, is what
created the misunder-
standing that ignited the Hundred Year War.
"Death Wish" [VOY]
It is believed that at
one point 90% of Vulcan was at war. Terrible weapons such as the Stone
of Gol,
a psionic-resonator, were created. Legend said that it was destroyed by the
gods on Vulcan during the
Awakening. Actually, it was disassembled
and its parts scattered.
"The Gambit, part 2" [TNG]
ca 470: Surak demonstrated enormous courage
working for peace in the face of war. And as another
war was about to begin, Vulcan was torn, but out of
their suffering, some found the discipline to act.
Emmisaries were sent to their opponents to propose
peace. The first were killed, but others followed.
Ultimately peace was ahieved on Vulcan which has
lasted since then.
"The Savage Curtain" [TOS]
The dissidents leave Vulcan. They will
later found and become known as the Romula Star Empire.
"Unification, part 1" [TNG]
Their descendents and offshoots colonized many
planets across the quadrant. Boradis III is used as
an outpost for the DeBroon,
an ancient offshoot of the Romulans.
"The Gambit, part 1" [TNG]
Other ancient Romulan settlements
include Calder II, Yadalla Prime, and Draken IV.
2152: First contact with
humans came when the earthship Enterprise (NX-01) wandered into a
Romulan minefield, sustaining
significant damage. A Romulan vessel then forced the Starship to
leave the area, despite having a
mine still attached to the hull.
"Minefield" [ENT]
ca 2156: War with Earth. The
conflict had been fought with early space vessels using primitive
atomic weapons. It was fought
without any kind of personal or visual contact between the two
sides: no human saw a Romulan until
long after the war had ended.
"Balance of Terror" [TOS]
ca 2160: The battle of Cheron ended the Earth/Romulan wars.
2266 (stardate 1709.2):
The Romulans sent a lone ship to attack several Federation outposts.
Captain Kirk
believed this to be a challenge of the Federation's resolve and a test
to see how the
would react. It was the first time the Federation witnessed the
new cloaking device
Romulans had
developed. The ship was destroyed in battle. It was also the
first time earthmen
had visual
contact and got to see a Romulan. It was discovered that Romulans
share a common
ancestry with
"Balance of Terror" [TOS]
2267: The Enterprise
violated the Neutral Zone at the order of Commodore Stocker when
radiation-induced aging threatened the lives of the ship's command crew.
"The Deadly Years" [TOS]
2268: Romulans enter into brief alliance with
Klingon Empire. The agreement results in a
sharing of technologies and
spacecraft designs. (It is speculated that the Romulans
recieved a more advanced
shipframe and engine design in exchange for their cloaking
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
2268 (stardate 5027.3) The
Enterprise Incident: The U.S.S. Enterprise crosses the
Romulan Neutral
Zone in
violation of treaty, and is captured by three Romulan battle cruisers.
Captain Kirk and
Spock are taken into Romulan custody and accused of criminal espionage
by a
commander. They later escape, stealing an improved Romulan cloaking
device (one
which renders
the Federation tracking sensors useless). The Enterprise flees from
Romulan space,
and it is
learned that Kirk and Spock have been conducting a covert Starfleet
mission intended to
gain military
intelligence about the improved cloaking device. During their escape,
the Romulan
commander is
taken prisoner aboard the Enterprise.
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
Chaltok 4 incident:
A Romulan research colony was nearly destroyed and almost all the
material on
the planet Chaltok IV was obliterated when, during testing, a polaric
ion device
causing a chain reaction in subspace. The incident led to the
adoption of the
Test Ban Treaty of 2268.
"Time and Again" [VOY]
2278: Pardek becomes senator.
2293: The Romulan ambassador to earth, Nanclus, was
involved in trying to sabotage the post-Praxis peace
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
2311: Tomed Incident
- An Incident where thousands of Federation lives were lost to the
Subsequent to this, the Romulans
again go into an extended period of isolationism in which
there will be no direct contact with
the Federation that will last for 53 years, 7 months, and
"The Neutral Zone" [TNG]
(It is possible
that this incident triggered the need for a new treaty between the
Federation and the Romulans resulting
in the Treaty of
Treaty of Algeron is enacted.
This treaty forbids the Federation to develop cloaking technology
and redefines the Neutral Zone
between the two powers. (Adm. Pressman noted that this treaty
is what tied the Federation's
hands for sixty years, while Picard maintained that it had kept
the peace for sixty years.)
"The Pegasus" [TNG], "These are the Voyages" [ENT]
2340's: The Romulans persue a long-term
policy of using covert means to destabilize the Klingon
government going back at least this
2344: The Romulans conducted a brutal attack
on the Klingon outpost Narendra III. The Enterprise-C,
under the command of Captain Rachel
Garrett, responded to distress calls from Narendra III and
attempted to render aid to the
Klingons. The Enterprise-C was caught in a temporal rift,
possibly a
Kerr loop of superstring material,
and pulled 22 years into an alternate future. In the alternate
timeline, the Federation was
embroiled in an extended war with the Klingon Empire, but the return of
the Enterprise-C to its proper time
apparently restored the original path of the continuum. In this
alternate timeline, Enterprise-D
security officer Tasha Yar did not die at Vagra II, and instead
traveled back in time with the
Enterprise-C to 2344. In this past Yar was captured by Romulans,
eventually gave birth to a daughter,
Sela, who grew up to become a Romulan operative. The
Enterprise-C was reported lost in
this incident, but the incident led to closer ties between the
Federation and the
Klingons. "Yesterday's Enterprise"
2351: Telek R'mor has contact with
Voyager in the future through a microwormhole.
"Eye of the Needle" [VOY]
2364: The Romulans
reemerge from isolation when the mysterious destruction of several
Federation and
Romulan border outposts prompted a warbird to cross the Neutral Zone
investigate. Although the outposts were later found to have been
destroyed by the
Borg, the Romulans announced at this time that
they would again take a more active role
interplanetary politics. The incident triggered a
resumption of hostilities between the
Federation and
"The Neutral Zone" [TNG]
Barolians enter into trade
negotiations with Romulus. Senator Pardek took part in the
"Unification, pat 1" [TNG]
2365: Captain Donald
Varley commanding the U.S.S. Yamato violated the Romulan Neutral
Zone in a
successful attempt to locate the ancient planet Iconia in hopes of
the Romulans
from gaining access to their legendary weapons technology.
the Yamato
itself fell victim to an Iconian probe scan, and an interstellar
incident was nearly
triggered when
the same Iconian program nearly destroyed the Enterprise-D and a Romulan
"Contagion" [TNG]
2366 (stardate 43465.2):
A Romulan scoutship was detected in the Neutral Zone by the crew
of Federation
outpost Sierra VI. It appeared to be fleeing from a Romulan
warbird. After the
scout ship
entered Federation space, the Enterprise protected it with its own
shields and
rescued the
ship. The ship was piloted by Admiral Alidar Jarok, who was defecting
to the
Federation so
that he could warn of what he believed. He thought the Romulans
building a
dangerously destabilizing base on Nelvana III, right in the Neutral
Zone. Jarok
Picard to assist him in seeking out and destroying the outpost before
war erupted.
The captain, in violation of the Treaty of Algeron entered the
Neutral Zone
investigate, but not before making cautionary preparations. When they
arrived, there was
nothing but a
cloaked satellite and two warbirds waiting at the wings. Admiral Jarok
only then that
he had been the bait to lure the Enterprise into a Romulan trap, but
Picard had
enough wisdom
to prepare for treachery and 4 Klingon Birds-of-Prey decloaked at his
The Romulans
decided to retreat, and Jarok took his own life in shame.
"The Defector" [TNG]
2366: The Neutral Zone
was violated by the Romulan scout ship Pi. Two Romulan officers
were found on
Galorndon Core after the ship crashed. Later, Tomalak's Warbird
crossed the
Neutral Zone when he tried to rescue the crew of the Pi.
"The Enemy" [TNG]
A Romulan spy masquerading as a
Vulcan dignitary got the better of Picard and crew.
"Data's Day" [TNG]
date unknown: Garak visits
Romulus posing as a gardener.
"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
2367(stardate 44885.5): The Romulan operative
Sela kidnapped Starfleet officer Geordi LaForge
and mentally conditioned him to
carry out a plot calculated to spur distrust between the
Klingons and the Federation.
After the "brain-washing" was completed, Geordi was returned
to the Enterprise, and if the plan
had succeeded Geordi would have assassinated Vagh,
the Klingon governor of the Kriosian
colonies. He, then would have proclaimed his support
of the Kriosian rebels, an action
which could have severely damaged Klingon/Federation
relations. However it was revealed
that a Klingon Emissary on-board the Enterprise was
working with the Romulans and was
directly responsible for sending instructions directly to
"The Mind's Eye" [TNG]
A Romulan conspiracy was revealed. "The Drumhead" [TNG]
late 2367: Sela formed a covert alliance with
the Duras family in an effort to wrest control of
the Klingon High Council from Gowron.
"Redemption, part 1" [TNG]
early 2368: The attempt was unsuccessful, but
it triggered a Klingon civil war with Sela
providing material support to the
Duras forces. The Federation couldn't directly intervene
in the war, but it was apparent that
the Duras house would annul the Khitomer Accords
if they were the victors and might
perhaps even sign a new Klingon/Romulan alliance.
Captain Picard and others suspected
Romulan involvement with the war efforts and he
proposed to stop the Romulan
intervention by blockading the Romulan/Klingon border.
23 ships, along with the Enterprise,
set up a vast tachyon network spanning ship to ship.
Any Romulan Warbirds attempting to
enter Klingon space would be detected, even while
cloaked. Picard then advised Gowron
to strike the Duras forces hard, goading them into
turning to the Romulans for
reinforcements. The Duras sisters did indeed ask the Romulans
for convoys and the Federation met
up with Sela, who attempted to pass the blockade by
flooding the network with tachyon
particles, but was detected entering Klingon space in
the end. Revelation of Romulan
aid to the Duras family quickly stripped away any remaining
support for the Duras claim to the
Klingon Empire, and the war ended with Gowron as
"Redemption, part 2" [TNG]
2368 (before Stardate 45233.1):
Ambassador Spock is reported to be on Romulus. Starfleet
assigned Picard to investigate and
confirm whether or not Spock had defected to the
Romulan Empire. Picard and
Data, disguised as Romulans, went to Romulus. They found
that Ambassador Spock had traveled
to Romulus on a personal mission to help an
underground movement, whose aims
were to promote peaceful reunification between the
Vulcan and Romulan
peoples. "Unification, part 1" [TNG]
2368: The Romulan government become aware of
the underground movement to reunify
Romulans and Vulcans.
Proconsul Neral, operative Sela, and the military tried to use it as
a cover for an attempted invasion of
the planet Vulcan. It was hoped that with a transmission
of Spock offering peace and
unification paving the way for their entrance, a large Romulan
invasion force could head for Vulcan
unchallenged. When the true intentions of the Romulan
fleet were revealed, warbird
decloaked and destroyed the invasion force rather than allow
them to be captured by the
Federation. Ambassador Spock chose to remain undercover on
Romulus and continues to work
towards his dream of one day reunifying Vulcans with
"Unification" part 2" [TNG]
2369 (stardate 36519.1): Deanna Troi adopted
a Romulan identity, masquerading as a member
of the Tal Shi'ar to help Spock
smuggle out some high-ranking defectors.
"The Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
In the first treaty between Romulus and Federation for many years,
the Romulans respond to the
emergence of the Dominion threat by
allowing the Federation to utilise one of their cloaking
devices on the U.S.S. Defiant, a
Federation prototype vessel designed originally for
protection against the Borg.
There were many restrictions and terms applied to the usage
of the cloaking device: First,
it could only be deployed in the Gamma Quadrant and second,
all information Starfleet had about
the Dominion was to be shared with the Romulans.
"The Search" [DS9], "Visionary" [DS9]
The Tal Shiar worked secretly with the Obsidian
Order, their counterparts in Cardassia, to
plan a preemptive strike on the
Founder homeworld, whose location they learned from the
Federation reports.
Stardate 48467.3: Both agencies worked
without the knowledge of their government, and they
built a joint fleet in the Orias
system, whose activity was uncovered by the Maquis.
An assassin named Retaya was hired by the Tal Shiar
to kill Garak; he planned to poison him using
a deadly gas produced by a
combination of perfumes. However, Garak spotted him and blew up
his own shop first. Retaya was
killed when his ship exploded as it went into warp while Odo and
Garak were secretly following; the
explosion was also the work of the Tal Shiar.
"Improbable Cause" [DS9]
When the Tal'Shiar and the Obsidian Order launched a
preemptive strike on the Founder
homeworld, they found themselves
surrounded by hundreds of Jem'Hadar warships. Vastly
outnumbered and caught off-guard,
the Cardassian and Romulan joint forces were completely
obliterated -- all the warships
carrying the finest of both agencies, destroyed. It wasn't until
the very end that General Lovok, the
leading Tal'Shiar officer was in fact revealed to be a
Changeling. He, along with other
Founders, infiltrated the Alpha Quadrant to weaken and
destroy resistance to a Dominion
takeover. He had encouraged the Tal Shiar and Obsidian
Order to attack the Dominion, and
led them straight into the fatal trap.
"The Die is Cast" [DS9]
A Romulan commander tried to help Voyager.
"Eye of the Needle" [VOY]
Fear of the Founders created panic in the Alpha
Quadrant, and the Klingons acted launching
attacks on Cardassia as well as
several Romulan outposts. When it was clear a Jem'Hadar
full-scale invasion of the Alpha
Quadrant via the wormhole was imminent, the Romulan Senate
was worried enough to send a fleet
of warbirds to Deep Space Nine and join the defensive
front of Klingon and Federation
ships. The fleet left when the Changeling posing as Doctor
Bashir was exposed and his plot to
make the Bajoran sun go nova terminated.
A delegation led by Ruwon and
his assistant Karina is sent to DS9 to collect
any intelligence
information on the Dominion as part
of their agreement in exchange for using the cloaking
device on the Defiant. But
Ruwon felt that the Dominion was the "greatest threat to the
Alpha Quadrant in the last
century." He thought that the only way the Romulan empire
could ever truly be safe from the
Dominion would be to collapse the Wormhole so he brought
a cloaked Romulan warbird with him
intending an attack on the station right after he got his
intelligence information. But
knowing that Bajor and the Federation wouldn't just sit by and
watch while them collapse the
Wormhole he decided the station must be destroyed as well.
That way, there would be no
witnesses and everyone would assume that Deep Space Nine
was destroyed by what appeared to be
"the accidental collapse of the Wormhole." His plans
were foiled by Chief O'Brien who was
affected by the quantum singularity of the cloaked
warbird - a temporary condition
caused him to timeshift into the future where he was able to
learn and bring back information
about the planned attack.
"Visionary" [DS9]
Romulan Senator Vreenak, the secretary of the War
Plans Council and Vice Chairman of the
Tal'Shiar signs a non-aggression
pact with the Dominion.
Stardate 51501.4: Voyager's EMH
discovers that the Romulans have taken over the
U.S.S. Prometheus, an experimental
Starfleet ship. There were 27 Romulans on board;
the one in Sick Bay had 3rd degree
burns, a hairline jaw fracture and a ruptured blood
vessel in his brain; according to
the Mark 2 EMH the Romulans haven't gotten involved
with Starfleet's fight with the
Dominion; 3 Romulan warbirds are on an intercept course
with the Prometheus; the Romulans
retreat after Voyager's Doctor and the Mark 2 EMH
use Prometheus's multi-vector
assault mode to attack them.
"Message in a Bottle" [VOY]
ca. 2 1/2 weeks before stardate 51721.3:
The Romulans have a treaty of non-aggression and
friendship with the Dominion. In practical
terms that means they're willing to
turn a blind eye to almost anything in the name of
"friendship," - including
allowing the Dominion to brazenly violate their territory. The
Jem'Hadar had been regularly
crossing over the Romulan border to catch Federation ships
near the Neutral Zone off
guard. The U.S.S. Cairo which disappeared while on patrol near
the Romulan Neutral Zone is thought
to be the victim of one such violation.
"In The Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
2 weeks before stardate 51721.3 on Friday:
Captain Sisko and Garak decide to conduct an
intelligence operation to bring the Romulans into the
war on the side of the Federation.
"In The Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
1 1/2 weeks before Stardate 51721.3 on Monday:
Unable to acquire any legitimate evidence that the
Dominion might want to betray the Romulan
treaty, Sisko and Garak decide to
manufacture evidence to make it look like an invasion of
Romulus is being
"In The Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
one day before Stardate 51721.3 on Wednesday:
After a diplomatic meeting with Weyoun at Soukara, Senator
Vreenak was persuaded by
Sisko to make a secret detour to
DS9, where he viewed a holo-recording of the Dominion
plotting to invade Romulus. After
examination of the data-rod proved the recording to be
faked, Vreenak
vowed to expose Sisko's action to the entire Alpha quadrant. But
gets a chance to since Garak
secretly sabotaged his shuttle so that while on his way home,
it exploded, killing
"In The Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
one day after Stardate 51721.3 on Friday:
The Tal Shiar investigate the death of Senator
Vreenak. Their preliminmary report points to
sabotage. They believe that
the Dominon are responsible.
"In The Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
two days after Stardate 51721.3 on Saturday 0800
station time:
The Romulans preemptively strike 15 bases along the
Cardassian border. They officially
declare war against the Dominion.
"In The Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
Among the first joint campaigns of the
Klingon/Federation/Romulan forces was the taking
of the Chin'Toka System.
early 2375: The Romulans established a
presence on Deep Space Nine, formalizing their alliance
with the Federation and Klingon
Empire in the war against the Dominion. Senator Cretak was
assigned to act as mediator and
representative on board. Unfortunately, the Romulans
sought a chance to stockpile weapons
in Bajoran space under the guise of a medical hospital
on one of Bajor's moons. Colonel
Kira protested the actions of the Romulan Empire. She
refused to back down to the Romulan
senator on this issue, and prevented the Romulans
"Shadows and Symbols" [DS9]
late 2375: The trade embargo by the
Federation on Romulan ale is officially lifted.
"Inter Arma Enem Silent Leges" [DS9]
late 2375: Dr. Bashir is invited to a
conference on Romulus. While Admiral Ross and his staff
were slated to discuss the
"exciting" military issues, Dr. Bashir was scheduled to talk about
Dominion biogenic weapons, to chair
a seminar on Ketracel white, and to attend a meeting
on a proposal to transfer 25
Federation hospital ships to Romulan control. Dr. Bashir was
drafted by the Section 31 operative
Sloan to gather intelligence during his stay on Romulus.
Sloan plotted to kill the
anti-Federation Koval, head of the Tal Shiar, trying to make it look
natural by accelerating the Tuval
syndrome that Dr. Bashir confirmed
Koval had contracted. When the doctor turned to
Cretak to help him save Koval, she
instead was exposed as a traitor in front of the Senate
continuing committee and banished
from politics forever while Sloan was killed after his
interrogation. When Dr. Bashir
returned to the station, he realized that Sloan had not been
killed, and that the real mole on
Romulus was none other than Koval himself. Cretak was
set up because her patriotism might
one day turn against the Federation.
"Inter Arma Enem Silent Leges" [DS9]
The Breen joined the Dominion when the Cardassian
forces began to prove ineffective against
the joint fleets of the Federation,
Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Empire. With the addition
of Breen firepower, the war shifted
in the Dominion's favor. The unusual technology of the
Breen aided the Dominion greatly,
and the joint forces scrambled to find a way to counter
the energy draining weapons that
were devastating their fleets.
Soon after Cardassian leader Damar began a
resistance movement against the Dominion. He
managed an effort that cut power for
the duration of the Federation, Klingon, Romulan
attack on Dominion forces which had
pulled back to establish a tight defensive perimeter
around Cardassia Prime. The
Dominion pulled back when their enemy developed a
countermeasure for the devastating
Breen weapons. The Federation and Klingon Empire
voted to attack the Dominion while
they were still relatively weak. The Romulans were at
first wary of the prospects of a
very ugly, very bloody confrontation, but went with the
decision to attack with everything
they could summon. On the day of the battle, a
blackout cut communications between
Weyoun, the Female Founder and the front lines.
During the battle, the Romulans lost their flagship,
and their lines fell under heavy fire. The
Klingons covered for them, and
eventually the battle ceased when the Founder ordered
an end to warfare and surrendered.
"What you leave behind" [DS9]
After the war there was something of a political
upheaval on Romulus. Shinzon, a clone of
Captain Picard created as part of a
Romulan intelligence operation, had been exiled to Remus
early in his life. Here he gained a
considerable following, becoming a highly respected
military leader during the Dominion
war. Shinzon assassinated the Romulan senate after
the war and plotted to destroy
Earth, but the attempt was foiled by Picard and the crew of
"Nemesis" [ST10]
& Weapons:
Artificial quantum singularity
- A synthetically created microscopic blackk hole.
Romulan warbird spacecraft use an
artificial quantum singularity as a power source for their
warp drive
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
While extremely efficient, the
quantum singularity has the disadvantage that once enabled,
it can not be
"Timescape" [TNG]
The power matrix of the Romulan drone ship utilised Boridium
cells. The Romulan minefield
that Enterprise encountered more than two years
before contained similar technology but the power
cells on the mines were much larger and more
"United" [ENT]
Cloaking Device
- An energy screen generator used to render an object (typically, a
space vehicle)
invisible to the eye and to most
sensor systems.
Mine - They contain tri-cobolt explosives with aa yield of
about a quarter of a kiloton.
The NX-01 was unprepared when a mine hit the port-forward
quarter of its saucer. The
resulting thermo-kinetic explosion
blew a hole in the saucer's edge
about 1/12th of its circum-
ference. It caused breaches on
C and D-decks, the decom-
pression of 8 subsections, plasma
fires, and an overload of
the EPS grid. The
Quantum-beacons could not detect the
mines while they were adjusted for
Suliban cloaks, but when
they were readjusted to a
phase-variance of 0.0075 in the
gamma spectrum the mines became
visible. The orbits of the
mines were pretty erratic. One
of the mines attached itself to the aft hull of the ship without
going off. It's surface was
pock marked - probably from micrometeroite impacts, indicating it
had probably been in orbit of the
planet for quite some time. Normally, a mine locks on to a
hull via 3 "magnetic spikes" (narrow
legs with pointed tips splayed into three-pronged feet).
The magnetic legs also contain
detonation circuits so they cannot be cut without triggering
the mine. Charging the hull
plating might also set off the mine.
The mine can, however, be internally
scanned without triggering it. A scan revealed proximity
sensors which were offline.
The closest type of device Reed had seen before was a Triton-
Class spatial torpedo.
There is an access panel with an arming
mechanism inside that extends out
the panel is removed. The mine
5 detonation circuits (not counting
ones in the magnetic legs or the
deeply buried one); at least 4 of the
circuits, which Reed initially
are separate detonation circuits
that must
be isolated in the right sequence if
mine is to be defused.
Deactivating the
first two is relatively easy; the
third one is
tricky... there are six timing
relays (the
Y-shaped components) surrounding the
circuit. Each one has to be raised about 1cm
without touching the housing, then
rotated 70 degrees counterclockwise. But it has to
be done in the proper order... upper
right, complete the set on the diagonal, top center,...,
top left, ... The top center
one was a little damaged and so required a bit more torque to
deactivate it. The relays then
have to be reinserted in reverse order. The last detonation
circuit has a back up arming
mechanism which has to be fooled into thinking that it is still
online. This can be done by
stripping off the casing of a hyperspanner's power cell and
attaching it to the cylinder on the
upper right. Next, for the six components of the
detonation circuit, starting with
the topmost component, a caliper is used to lift it a few
millimeters, turn it clockwise 360
degrees and then gently reinsert them. Deactivating the
final circuit will trigger a
subdetonator which is buried deep inside the mine - getting to it
would require dismantling the entire mine... a
process which would require
days. Once the
subdetonator is triggered the final
must be reset quickly (within 10 to
20 seconds)
to re-arm the mine and prevent it
from going
off. The same detonation delay
(10 to 20
seconds) also applies if the
detonators inside
the magnetic legs are triggered.
"Minefield" [ENT]
The mines utilise a boridium power cell.
"United" [ENT]
Cloaked Ships:
Most cloaking devices require so
much power that any ship so equipped cannot use
weapons systems or transporters
without decloaking. Such was the case with a Romulan
bird-of-prey spacecraft that crossed
the Romulan Neutral Zone in 2266.
"Balance of Terror" [TOS]
An improved cloaking device used by
Romulan warships in 2268 was of sufficient concern
to the Federation that Kirk and
Spock were sent on a covert mission into Romulan territory
to steal one such unit for analysis
by Starfleet scientists.
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
Although the Romulans continually
improved their cloaking technology, Federation
innovations such as the tachyon
detection grid technique developed by Geordi La Forge
in 2368 served to reduce the
tactical effectiveness of cloaked ships.
"Redemption, part 2" [TNG]
Vessels employing a Romulan cloaking
device could sometimes be detected with an
"Defiant" [DS9]
A cloaked ship radiated a slight
subspace variance that was sometimes detectable at
"The Search, part 1" [DS9]
Defensive shields are inoperative
when a ship is cloaked.
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
An experimental cloaking device,
based on an interphase generator, was developed by
Romulan scientists and tested in
"The Next Phase" [TNG]
Possession of a cloaking device is
illegal under Bajoran law. Despite this, Quark offered a
small cloaking device for sale in
2370, but eventually gave it to Professor Natima Lang so
that she and her colleagues could
escape capture by Cardassian authorities.
"Profit and Loss" [DS9]
The Federation relinquished the
right to use or develope them under the terms of the
Treaty of Algeron.
"Pegasus" [TNG]
Additionally, Gene Roddenberry
once indicated that "our people are scientists and
explorers - they don't go
sneaking around." It is therefore assumed that Starfleet has
a policy against such things.
In early 2371, the Federation and
the Romulan Empire entered into a special agreement
granting Starfleet the use of a
single Romulan cloaking device for use aboard the starship
Defiant. Use of this cloaking device
was restricted to the Gamma Quadrant and then only
in exchange for all of Starfleet's
intelligence reports on the Dominion.
See also: T'Rul
"Defiant" [DS9]
Memory scanner -
Bashir had obtained one in order to probe the mind of the Section 31
who he anticipated would come to DS9
(which turned out to be Sloan). The device is illegal
in the
"Extreme Measures" [DS9]
Remat detonator
- A device programmed to scramble a transporter beam during
typically no more than two cubic
millimeters large. They are usually used by the Romulans,
but they have been known to be sold
on the black market. One was used by Silaran Prin to
kill Trentin
"The Darkness and the Light" [DS9]
It is standard procedure for all Romulan crews in enemy
space to destroy their craft if it could
possibly fall into enemy
hands. "The Enemy" [TNG]
Scout Ship -
Unnamed - Admiral Jarok.
Destroyed in self-detonation.
"The Defector" [TNG]
Pi - The Pi was destroyed by an
ultritium explosive device after it crashed on Galondan core.
"The Enemy" [TNG]
Talon / Scout ship
Name | Captain | Status | Source |
Gasko | spotted Rio Grande flying without pilot | "Paradise" [DS9] | |
Pi | crashed on Galondan core | "The Enemy" [TNG] |
Science ship (modified Scout)
Name | Captain | Status | Source |
Apnex (Unnamed in episode). |
Mirok | Small science ship, crew of about 73, In 2368, served as a testbed for an experimental interphase generator-based cloaking device. During the tests, there was a catastrophic malfunction of the warp core, but the ship was able to return to Romulan space, thanks to assistance rendered by the Enterprise-D. The ship model was a modification of the Romulan scout from "The Defector". |
"The Next Phase" [TNG] |
Talvath | Telek R'Mor | contacted Voyager in 2351 from Alpha quadrant, sector 1385 through a micro-wormhole. | "Eye of the Needle" [VOY] |
Shuttlecraft - Senator
Vreenak. It is about the size of a Federation runabout and has a
It was destroyed by a bomb
"In the Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
Pre-Federation Bird of Prey
The NX-01 encountered two Romulan ships of identical
design, similar to the classic TOS-
"Balance of Terror" shape, but more curvaceous. The
circular main hull tapers to an aft
point with a pair of
yellow engine throats, bisected by
the dorsal fin.
Atop the hull are two concentric
tiers, then the bridge
blister. The wings sweep out
to the blade-shaped nacelles, each
with two green-
glowing warp-grilles on the outer
edge, and three on
the inner (aft of the
wing-root). The ventral main
hull has a two-tiered set of
undercuts, but no sign of a big painted avian. The color is
pale green. The weapons (green
bulbous-bolts) are fired from the forward midpoint of
the saucer
"Minefield" [ENT]
Unnamed - Spacecraft used to test
Federation resolve during the Romulan incursion of 2266.
This ship,
painted with an impressive predatory
bird, was equipped with a cloaking
and a powerful plasma energy weapon.
Propulsion was simple impulse.
"Balance of Terror" [TOS]
Unnamed - Another unnamed Bird of
Prey was encountered when the Enterprise tried to cut
across the Neutral
"The Deadly Years" [TOS]
D7 Battle Cruiser
3 Unnamed D7 Cruisers - Starship of
Klingon design in use by the Romulans under the terms
of a brief alliance between the two powers in 2268. When
the Enterprise crossed the Neutral
Zone boarder it was
surrounded by 3 of these cruisers in
a matter of moments.
The flagship had a cloaking device
which the Enterprise
stole and after successfully
integrated into its systems,
used to escape.
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
D'deridex class ("B-type) War
First encountered in 2364 when the
Romulans violated the Neutral Zone in response
to attacks by the Borg. It is
nearly twice the length of a Galaxy class ship.
"The Neutral Zone" [TNG]
It uses an artificial quantum
singularity as a power source for its warp drive system.
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
A warbird was destroyed in 2369 when
its power source became a nest for extradimensional
singularity lifeforms. "Timescape" [TNG]
Starfleet at one time designated
this as a "B-type" warbird.
"The Defector" [TNG]
This ship appears in the war game
stimulation that the Maquis trainees participate in.
"Learning Curve" [VOY]
Ship Examples:
Other appearances of the ship -
Illusory ones were seen in "Peak
Performance" [TNG]; "Where Silence has Lease" [TNG]
2 were in "Tin Man" [TNG], one of
which was destroyed by Gomtu;
A total of 4 were in "Data's Day"
"The Chase" [TNG]; "The Defector"
[TNG]; "The Mind's Eye" [TNG]; "Redemption" [TNG];
"Yesterday's Enterprise" [TNG];
"Unification, part 2" [TNG];
One disappeared from this dimension
in "Timescape" [TNG];
3 were in "The Enemy" [TNG], one of
which was commanded by Tomalak.
3 were part of Tomalak's task force
in "All Good Things..." [TNG]
4 were seen in "Message in a Bottle"
[VOY]... One of which was destroyed by the Prometheus.
Over 7 were mentioned in "Tears of
the Prophets" [DS9], one of which was destroyed by a
orbital weapons platform.
Over 8 were mentioned in "Inter Arma
Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
Modified D'deridex (advanced)
"Improbable Cause" [DS9]
D'deridex / Warbird (Type A)
Name | Captain | Status | Source |
Decius | Adm. Tomalak | In an alternate future holoprogram created by Barash, Admiral Picard and Commander Troi negotiated the Romulan/Federation peace settlement with Ambassador Tomalak from the Decius. |
"Future Imperfect" [TNG] |
Devoras | Adm. Mendak | met the E-D in the Neutral Zone in 2367 to receive ambassador T'Pel for treaty negotiations. She was actually a Romulan spy returning home. |
"Data's Day" [TNG] |
Goraxus | Commander Sela | Used to intercept Geordi LaForge's shuttle en route to Risa in 2367 and to mentally reprogram the engineer. | "The Mind's Eye" [TNG] |
Haakona | Subcommander Taris | In 2365 investigated why Yamato & E-D had crossed the Neutral Zone. Was nearly destroyed by Iconian probe. |
"Contagion" [TNG] |
Khazara | Commander Toreth | was seized by subcommander N'Vek and Troi to enable vice-proconsul M'ret to defect to the Federation. |
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG] |
Terix | Commander Sirol; Commander Tomalak |
25 years into an alternate future, Tomalak commanded the upgraded Terix. |
"The Pegasus" [TNG]; "All Good Things" [TNG] |
D'deridex / Warbird (Type D)
Name | Captain | Status | Source |
Belak | Col. Lovok | destroyed by the Dominion in 2371 | "The Die is Cast" [DS9] |
Dividices | "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9] | ||
D'ridthau | flagship destroyed by Dominion in 2375 | "What You Leave Behind" [DS9] | |
Genorex | "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9] | ||
Makar | destroyed by Dominion in 2371 | "The Die is Cast" [DS9] | |
T'Met | Subcommander Almak | "Message in a Bottle" [VOY] |
Praetorial Warbird (PWB)
Name | Captain | Status | Source |
Tomal | appeared on casualties list in the Dominion war. | "The Seige of AR-558" [DS9] |
Norexan class / Warbird
Name | Captain | Status | Source |
Valdore | Commander Donatra | Disabled by Scimitar in The Rift | "Nemesis" [ST10] |
unnamed | Comander Suran | destroyed by Shinzon's ship Scimitar | "Nemesis" [ST10] |
of Note:
Alidar Jarok - SEE: Jarok,
Almak - male. Subcommander of the
warbird T'met. He hijacked the U.S.S. Prometheus.
"Message in a Bottle" [VOY]
Bochra (John Snyder) - (pronounced BAH-kruh)
Romulan centurion.
"The Enemy" [TNG]
Caithlin Dar (Cynthia Gouw) - Romulan
delegate to the planet Nimbus III in 2287. Dar was
one-fourth human, and believed that the colony might still serve as
a catalyst for galactic peace,
despite the project's failure over
two decades. She was held
hostage along with the Klingon
and Federation representatives by
the Vulcan Sybok, who
hijacked the Enterprise and took her
and the others to search
for Sha-ka-ree.
"The Final Frontier" [ST5]
(Joanne Linville) - Officer in charge of the Romulan battle cruiser that
captured the original Enterprise when Kirk and Spock crossed the
Neutral Zone on
a spy mission in 2268. She
attempted to persuade Spock to defect to the
Romulan Star Empire, an effort made
significantly more persuasive by the
personal attraction Spock felt for
the commander. After the successful
conclusion of that mission (in which
Kirk and Spock stole an improved
Romulan cloaking device), the
Romulan Commander was made a Federation
prisoner. Kirk indicated that
she would eventually be returned to Romulan
territory, although we have no way
of knowing if this actually happened.
She was unnamed in the
episode. (The name here is derived from the
TNG Collectible Card Game set).
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
Chulak - The Clown says that Chulak of
Romulus didn't give an ultimatum after his defeat at
"The Thaw" [VOY]
Cretak, Kimara (Megan Cole, Adrienne Barbeau)
- A Romulan senator, and a strong
supporter of the Federation/Romulan alliance. She was stationed on
DS9 as part of a temporary
arrangement with Starfleet, heading the
Romulan military presence on the
station. Cretak and Kira were
friendly at first, until Kira
learned that the new Romulan hospital
complex on Derna was also being used
to house weapons. Cretak was
ready to order her ships to run
Kira's blockade, but was finally
persuaded by Admiral Ross not to
risk the alliance with the Federation.
"Image in the Sand" [DS9], "Shadows and Symbols" [DS9]
Cretak had been attending weekly
briefings at DS9; She and Koval were
lobbying for a seat on the
Continuing Committee. Although she was
known to be an advocate for the
Romulan/Federation alliance, she was
first and foremost a Romulan
patriot. It was believed that if she thought it served the best
interest of Romulus to negotiate a
separate peace with the Dominion, she might push for
that option. So Section 31
came to the conclusion that ruining her career in favor of Koval's
was the best guarantee that wouldn't
happen. Sloan set up Cretak using Bashir. Bashir was
led to believe that Koval's
assination was about to take place and that Koval's personal
database might hold clues as
to who was about to commit the crime, so Bashir appealed to
Cretak to get him a copy of
it. When Cretak tried to do so, she was arrested. As a
she would be dismissed from the
senate, most likely imprisoned, and possibly even executed.
"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
Data - Data disguised as a Romulan.
Decius (Lawrence Montaigne) - Officer on the
Romulan bird-of-prey that penetrated the
Neutral Zone at Icarus IV in 2264.
"Balance of Terror" [TOS]
DeSeve, Stefan (Barry Lynch) - Ensign.
late 40's. Starfleet officer who renounced his Federation
citizenship and gave his allegiance to the Romulans. About twenty
years later, he risked his life to
get back to the Federation,
spending two weeks alone in a scout
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
Donatra, Commander (Dina Meyer) - She is a
subordinate of Shinzon and shows strong interest
in him, but he refuses her. Donatra is the commander of the
Valdore, which belongs to Shinzon's
fleet. Angered by Shinzon's refusal to her advances,
Donatra doesn't want to be
responsible for the destruction of Earth, and so her ship and
another warbird assist the
Enterprise when Shinzon attacks them. After the battle,
Donatra sends repair and medical
crews to the Enterprise to assist them and tells Picard
that he has made a friend in the
Romulan empire, hopefully the first of many.
"Nemesis" [ST10]
D'Tan - Romulan boy. A bright and active member of Spock's
underground. Once showed Spock Romulan
artifacts depicting the syllabic nucleus of the Vulcan alphabet.
"Unification, part 1" [TNG]
D'vano -
was unnamed in the episode. The name here is derived from the
TNG Collectible Card
Game set.
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
Frenchotte - A self-exiled composer, enjoyed
by Dax, who "collects" forgotten composers.
"Playing God" [DS9]
Galathon - Romulan officer representative of
those serving the Romulan Star Empire. Pursuer
of DNA Program in 2369. He
was unnamed in the episode. The name
here is derived from the TNG
Collectible Card Game set.
"The Chase" [TNG]
Garren - Because of their cloaking technology
and precise strategic planning, re-creations of
Romulans were often used by the
Hirogen in ship-to-ship hunting simulations.
"Flesh and Blood" [VOY]
Gorrus - Representative security officer
serving in the Romulan military, circa 2268. He was one
of two men sent to starship
Enterprise in exchange for Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. He was
unnamed in the episode. The
name here is derived from the TNG Collectible Card Game set.
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
Hiren, Praetor (Alan Dale) - Praetor Hiren is
the president of the Romulan Senate. He is a qualified
politician in his sixties, and is
convinced that the military should not decide the political course
of Romulus. Hiren is not
willing to make compromises but would rather banish Shinzon and the
Remans back into the dilithium mines
as quickly as possible. But before he has the possibility of
doing so, he painfully looses his
life in the bomb attack on the Senate.
"Nemesis" [ST10]
Jarok, Alidar - male. Admiral. "The Defector" [TNG]
Jaron - Romulan trained in the field of
security. A former member of the Tal Shiar intelligence
service.He was unnamed in the
episode. The name here is derived from the
TNG Collectible Card
Game set.
Jenok - Representative of young Romulan
scientists trained
in frontier exploration. Cited for his work in exploring
planets. He
was unnamed in the episode. The name here is derived from the
TNG Collectible Card
Game set.
Jera - Re-creation of a female Romulan. An
alien entity assumed this body in 2369.
"Timescape" [TNG]
Kalenna (Carrie Stauber) - female. One of the prisoners in Internment Camp 371; she was
presumably a captive from the
Obsidian Order/Tal Shiar fleet sent to destroy the Founders.
She helped to keep watch from the
cell while Garak worked on Tain's makeshift
communicator to contact the
runabout. Consequently, she was able to escape along with
Bashir, Garak, Worf, and Martok. She was unnamed in the episode. The name here is
derived from the TNG Collectible
Card Game set.
"In Purgatory's Shadow" [DS9], "By Inferno's Light" [DS9]
Karina (Annette Helde) -
(pronounced KA-ree-nah). female, appears to be in mid 40's.
was a member of the Romulan
delegation sent to DS9 to study the intelligence on the
Dominion. Assistant to Ruwon.
She planned to help him sabotage the Bajoran wormhole
and Deep Space 9 to keep the
Dominion from ever invading.
"Visionary" [DS9]
Keras (Mark Lenard) - Expert strategist. He
conducted the Romulan incursion of 2266,
crossing the Romulan Neutral Zone in
command of a Romulan Bird of Prey to test Federation defenses and
resolve. A highly honorable
individual, he feared the toll that a new Romulan/Federation war
would bring, but nevertheless
carried out his orders to the best of his ability. In a different
reality, he could have called Kirk
friend. He was unnamed in the
episode. The name here is derived from the
TNG Collectible Card Game set.
"Balance of Terror" [TOS]
Koramar - Dr. Brilliant Romulan
astro-archaeologist. Member of the Romulan underground.
Works closely with Spock for
reunification of the Vulcan and Romulan peoples. He was
unnamed in the episode. The name here is derived from the
TNG Collectible Card
Game set. "Unification, part 2" [TNG]
Koval (John Fleck) - Chairman of the Tal
Shiar. He might have been
involved in the death of the Deputy Chief of Starfleet Intelligence,
Vice Admiral Fujisaki in 2374.
There was no proof, except
possibly in Koval's personal
database, and no sign of foul
play or even Romulan
involvement. To all appearances
the Vice Admiral had died of food
poisoning. His political
status was ambiguous... He
hadn't been elevated to the
Continuing Committee, which is
usually a given for the head
of the Tal'Shiar. His
nomination was probably being held
up due to Koval's opposition to the
Federation Alliance,
which is supported by a majority of
the Committee and
because it was rumored that he was
suffering from Tuvan
syndrome, a diagnosis confirmed by
Bashir. After arresting Cretak, Koval
questioned Bashir. Afterwards,
Admiral Ross admitted to Bashir that Koval had
been passing information to
Starfleet Intelligence for over a year; it was unknown
how long he had been working for
Section 31.
"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
Letant (David Birney) - A Romulan senator who
came to DS9 to hear the plan to attack Chin'toka.
He was skeptical at first, but later
conveyed his government's agreement to the strategy.
"Tears of the Prophets" [DS9]
Lovok - Shapeshifter
pretending to be a Romulan.
Mendak (Alan Scarfe)- Admiral. Under
the pretext of a peace mission, his warbird, the Devoras, successfully
retrieved an undercover Romulan spy from the U.S.S.
Enterprise NCC-1701-D in 2367.
"Data's Day" [TNG]
Merrok, Proconsul - A Romulan official who
had been poisoned. Garak claimed to have been working
as a gardener at the Cardassian
embassy on Romulus at the time. Odo's theory was that the
Romulans themselves poisoned Merrok,
but that it was Garak who was responsible for the
transporter accident that killed
Subcommander Ustard.
"Broken Link" [DS9]
Mirok (Thomas Kopache) - Science
officer whose field tests, in 2368, of an interphase generator
left him needing help from the
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D. His tests knocked La Forge and
Ensign Ro out of
"The Next Phase" [ENT]
Mopak - Representative of Romulan security
Specializes in biohazard detection. In 2372, helped
search the Romulan fleet for Dominion infiltration.
"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
Movar - Romulan general who secretly provided
military supplies to Duras family forces during
the Klingon Civil War in 2368.
"Redemption (Part One)" (TNG)
M'ret - Vice Proconsul of the Imperial Senate.
One of the highest ranking members of the
Romulan government. M'ret had
questioned the repressive activities of the government --
and was in danger of being
imprisoned. He and his two aides were willing to take the risk
of defecting to the Federation in
order to protest Romulan policy and support the dissident
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
Nanclus - Romulan Ambassador to the
Federation in 2293. He conspired with Admiral
Cartwright and General Chang in the assassination of Chancellor
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
Navok - Representative of security personnel
in the Romulan Star Empire. His detachment
accompanied Senator Vreenak to Deep
Space 9 in 2374.
"In the Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
Neral (Hal Landon, Jr.) - Head of the Romulan
Senate. Vreenak was one of his top advisors.
"In the Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
Neral had risen from Proconsul to
Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire; his ascenscion was
confirmed by the Continuing
Committee in 2374. His immediate family had been killed in a
Klingon raid circa 2350.
Neral's interests included sociology, and archaeology; his favorite
food was Delvan pudding; and his pet
set'leth's name was Pensho.
"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
Nevala - female. Bridge officer who
took an injured man to sickbay. Later after the EMH is
found to be not what he seems, she helps to
"Message in a Bottle" [VOY]
Nijil - male. Scientist in charge of
Aenar prisoner.
"The Aenar" [ENT]
N'Vek, - male.
Subcommander. Second in command of the IRW Khazara. Member
of the
Romulan underground. Spearheaded the
defection of Vice-Proconsul M´ret to the Federation.
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
Orum - There are some Romulans among the
people that were abducted by the Borg including
Orum. He was a Romulan medic.
And was liberated from the Borg in 2368. Since then he has
worked with Riley Frasier, trying to
forge cooperation among warring factions of Borg from
his former
"Unity" [VOY]
Palteth -
Pardek - male. He has been in
public service since he was a young man. He has been a
for nine decades (since ca. 2278). As a Senator, he represented
Romulus at the Khitomer
Conference. It is likely that's where he
met Spock. He is considered a "man of the
people... " He has
sponsored many reforms. Reportedly, he is considered
by the
Romulan leadership to be something of a radical
because he has been
an advocate for peace throughout his career.
He has maintained a
relationship with Spock over the years since the
Khitomer Conference.
Spock was optimistic about the idea of a continuing
dialogue with the
Romulans but his father, Sarek was of the opinion
that Pardek had no
support at home. In 2364 Pardek took part in a
Barolian trade
negotiation. The district he represents is
called the Krocton segment.
He maintains a dwelling and has many relatives
there, one of which is a legal intercessor with an office
there. Pardek maintains a routine. It is
likely you will be able to locate him in that section of the
Krocton district on the third day of the Romulan
week after the median hour when the Senate is not
"Unification, part 1" [TNG]
Parem - Romulan who was phased and trying to stop
Geordi and Ro.
"The Next Phase" [TNG]
Parthok -
Patahk - (pronounced Pah-tock) Commander of the Pi.
Rescued from Galorndon Core by the U.S.S.
Enterprise crew. He refused to "pollute his
body" with an infusion of Worf's Klingon ribosomes.
"The Enemy" [TNG]
Picard -
Rakal - Major in the Tal Shiar in 2368
who was killed by members of the Romulan underground
movement, so that Deanna Troi could be surgically altered to assume
her identity. Deanna
Troi when she was abducted while
attending a conference near the
Neutral Zone and placed
aboard the IRW Khazara , a
D'deridex-class Warbird
commanded by Commander Toreth.
Once during dinner
when "Rakal" didn't recognize
viinerine (a traditional
Romulan dish), she covered her
blunder by saying she had
eaten better on prison
ships. The ship was seized
by its first officer, Subcommander
N'Vek, and "Major Rakal"
as part of a plot to enable Romulan
Vice-Proconsul M'ret
and his two high-ranking aides to
defect to the Federation.
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
Rekar - Romulan officer under subcommander Almak. In
2374 he stole the Prometheus but was eventually
defeated by two EMH's, the Doctor and the EMH-2. During
his brief time on the Prometheus, he became the
first person to use
the multi-vector attack mode while in combat.
"Message in a Bottle" [VOY]
R'Mal - Typical Romulan scientist. Led team of archaeologists
on an unsuccessful mission to locate an Iconian
gateway in Romulan territory. "Contagion" [TNG]
Ruwon (Jack Shearer) -
(pronounced ROO-won). male, appears to be in his 40's.
Leader of
the delegation sent to DS9 to study
the intelligence on the Dominion. He secretly had a
cloaked warbird orbiting the
station, planning to destroy it and the wormhole to make sure
that the Dominion never invaded.
"Visionary" [DS9]
Sela (Denise Crosby) -
Although Enterprise-D security officer Natasha Yar died in 2364 without
ever having a child, in an
alternate-universe Yar survived. This Yar
from 2366 went into the past.
"Yesterday's Enterprise" [TNG]
where she was captured by the
Romulans and gave birth to Sela.
"Redemption, part 2" [TNG]
In 2367, Sela spearheaded an
operation that unsuccessfully attempted
to use mental conditioning to
reprogram Starfleet officer Geordi La
Forge so that La Forge would
assassinate Klingon governor Vagh,
which would have created distrust
between the Klingon and Federation
governments. Sela
was first seen as a mysterious woman in the shadows
and although Actor Denise Crosby
provided the voice of Sela for that episode, Sela's
silhouette was played by a photo
The Mind's Eye [TNG]
Later that year, Sela commanded a
covert operation to provide military supplies to the
Duras family during the Klingon
civil war in an attempt to destabilize the Gowron regime.
"Redemption, parts 1 and 2" [TNG]
In 2368, Sela spearheaded a plan to
use the underground Romulan/Vulcan reunification
movement as a cover for an attempted
invasion of Vulcan. She tried to force Ambassador
Spock to reassure Vulcan authorities
that the Romulan invasion force was actually a
peace delegation, but her plan was
thwarted by Enterprise-D personnel.
"Unification, parts 1 and 2" [TNG]
Selok (Sierra Pecheur) - Subcommander.
A Romulan deep cover agent posing as T'Pel, a
"Data's Day" [TNG]
Selveth -
Setal - Sublieutennant Setal was the identity assumed
by admiral Alidar Jarok when he defected to
the Federation in 2366. As Setal, Jarok
claimed to be a low ranking logistics officer, but his true
identity was later discovered. SEE: Alidar Jarok.
"The Defector" [TNG]
Sirol - Commander. Captained the
D'deridex-class warbird Terix.
"The Pegasus" [TNG]
Sorus -
Suran, Romulan Commander (Jude Ciccolella) -
Suran is an elder Romulan officer, respected
and tenacious. He is present
at the session of the Senate shortly before the bomb attack
and suggests that the Romulans unite
with the Reman in order to be able to fight the
Federation. But Praetor Hiren
doesn't want to hear about it.
"Nemesis" [ST10]
Tagus -
Taibok -
Takket -
Tal - Subcommander. Second in command
in the Romulan fleet under the unnamed
Romulan commander.
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
Tal'Aura (Shannon Cochran) - Tal'Aura is a
member of the Romulan Senate. During a session
of the Senate, she leaves the room on a pretext. Yet, she leaves a
box behind on her desk which wraps
the room in a glowing
energy jacket a moment later.
Every kind of life in the room
was erased, and the Romulan Senate
is eliminated. Senator
Tal'Aura was in fact a secret ally
of Shinzon.
"Nemesis" [ST10]
Tallera - T'Paal's assumed Romulan name while
with Baran's smuggler band.
SEE: T'Paal - Vulcan Individuals.
"Gambit" [TNG]
Tallus -
Tamarith -
Taris - Subcommander. Captain of
the D'deridex-class Warbird Haakona.
"Contagion" [TNG]
Tarus -
Tarses, Simon (Spencer Garrett) -
Enterprise-D crewman who was a medical technician from
the Martian Colonies. He was
hiding the fact that he was part Romulan.
Taul -
Tebok (Marc Alaimo) - (pronounced TAY-bok)
male. Commander. Romulan starship commander.
"The Neutral Zone" [TNG]
Telak -
Telek R'Mor (Vaughn Armstrong) -
Captain of the Romulan science vessel Talvath.
Initially, he does not believe that Voyager is in the Delta Quadrant and
thinks that they are Starfleet
spies; he belongs to Romulan
Astronomical Academy; he has a wife
and a 7 month old
daughter; Tuvok discovers that he
died in 2367 which was
4 years ago from Voyager's
perspective and therefore the
Voyager crew's personal messages to
their families were never
"Eye of the Needle" [VOY]
Tharket -
Thei - (pronounced Tie) male. Sub-commander of a Romulan
ship. Name is from script.
"The Neutral Zone" [ENT]
Tokath (Alan Scarfe) - Commander. The
commandant of the Romulan prison camp in the
Carraya System housing the Klingon
survivors from the Khitomer Massacre.
"Birthright" [TNG]
Tomalak (Andreas Katsulas) - (pronounced
"The Enemy" [TNG]
"The Defector" [TNG]
"Future Imperfect" [TNG]
Cdr. Tomalak commanded the upgraded
Terex 25 years in the future.
"All Good Things..." [TNG]
Tomek -
Toreth (Carolyn Seymour) - Commander.
Captained the D'deridex-class warbird Khazara in 2369.
Toreth was a decorated officer who had been awarded the Sotarek
Citation for her actions defending
her squadron against
a superior Klingon force.
Toreth despised the Tal Shiar
ever since her father had been
murdered by them for
speaking out against the government.
"Face of the Enemy" [TNG]
T'Rul (Martha Hackett) -
Subcommander. A Romulan officer assigned to operate the cloaking
on the Defiant during the mission to
contact the Founders. She was captured with Sisko and
Bashir, and together with Dax and
O'Brien, they experienced a simulated reality in which, among
other things, T'Rul was killed on
DS9 by Jem'Hadar soldiers. She was alive and well, however,
when she woke
"The Search, parts 1 and 2" [DS9]
Unnamed Romulan (Darwyn Carson) - Sisko and
Odo spoke to her about the destruction of Retaya's
ship. She admitted that the Tal
Shiar had killed him, but claimed that it was an "execution" and that
Retaya had been wanted for crimes
against the Romulan Empire.
"Improbable Cause" [DS9]
Unnamed Pilot (Wendy Schenker) - Helmsman of
the Romulan ship which Tain took into the Gamma
"The Die is Cast" [DS9]
Ustard, Subcommander - A Romulan officer,
killed in a transporter accident. Odo theorized that
Garak was
"Broken Link" [DS9]
Vakis -
Valdore (Brian Thompson) - male. Was
once a senator - a colleague of Vrax, but he made the
mistake of challenging the precept
of unlimited expansion. He asked the question: Is
conquest truly the best course for
our people? and was expelled for it. When he was led
away from the Senate chamber, he
vowed never to repeat his error and never to forget his
"The Aenar" [ENT]
Varel - female. Was working with Mirok
on the consoles in the damaged Romulan ship trying
to maintain control of the
containment chamber.
"The Next Phase" [TNG]
Velal (Stephen Yoakam) - Subcommander.
Cretak said he would attend the next weekly
briefing at DS9 in her place since
she was going to be attending a conference on Romulus.
"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
He was present at a meeting with
Sisko, Admiral Ross, and Martok. He was addressed as "General."
simply "Romulan" in the script, but named "Velal" in the credits.)
"When It Rains..." [DS9]
Velal concurred with Martok's
suggestion that they attack the Dominion.
"The Dogs of War" [DS9]
Vrax - Romulan senator. "The Aenar" [ENT]
Vreenak, Senator
(Stephen McHattie) - He was secretary of the War Plans Council, Vice
Chairman of the Tal Shiar, and one of the most trusted advisors to
Proconsul Neral. He was a key
member of the Romulan senate for
14 years. He negotiated the
Romulans' non-aggression pact with
the Dominion and remained one of the
most ardently pro-Dominion
voices in the Senate.
After a diplomatic meeting with Weyoun at
Soukara, he was persuaded by Sisko
to make a secret detour to DS9,
where he viewed a holo-recording of
the Dominion plotting to invade
Romulus. After examination of the
data-rod proved the recording
to be faked, he vowed to expose
Sisko's action to the entire Alpha
quadrant; but while he was returning
home, his shuttle exploded.
He was apparently killed by the
Dominion, although his shuttle was
actually sabotaged by Garak.
The Romulan Empire declared war on the Dominion, whom
they believed responsible, thanks to
the recording found in the wreckage.
"In the Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
Xerius (James Doohan) - A Romulan
male who was Chairman of the Elysian Ruling Council.
He warned Kirk that the sabotage
device was planted in the warp control panel of the
"The Time Trap" [TAS]