Appearance: Risans are 99%-human-looking,
with no odd bumps. Both males and females wear a
marking above the bridge of the nose: an inch-wide white circle with a black
"W"-shaped glyph.
Homeplanet: The planet Risa it's about
90-Ly away from Earth. Sol can be seen through a telescope in the Risan sky right below a bright blue star.
Risa has at
least two moons, both white in color, one
appearing larger than the other from the surface.
"Two Days and Two Nights" [ENT]
It is about a 9 day trip
from the Mazarite system, and is
tropical with an
abundance of pristine beaches.
"Fallen Hero" [ENT]
Risa also has at least two suns.
It has a weather grid and seismic
regulators, both of which
are an essential part of Risa's
functioning since the planet
in its natural state is a
rain-soaked, geologically unstable
jungle. "Let He Who is Without Sin..."
The weather (in February 2152) was idyllic during
the visit
of the NX-01 meaning that most likely a
weather grid was
also in place prior to this
There are cliffs at
"Galartha", which change slope as you climb them . (Perhaps the seismic regulators
are not used
in this location, or perhaps they are
used specifically to
change the slope of the
cliffs here.)
"Two Days and Two Nights" [ENT]
Suraya bay - A
place on Risa where Archer was looking
forward to spending his shore
leave. There are villas built
right into the cliffs there.
"Desert Crossing" [ENT]
Flora and
Fauna: The "Risan sea turtle" is a camouflaged creature found on
beaches and
under the
"Two Days and Two Nights" [ENT]
Culture: Risa is populated by a humanoid culture receptive to
"easing tension." There are over 200 registered
masseuses on Risa, (they have 12 fingers on each
"Fallen Hero" [ENT]
There is a "Festival of the Moons".
The crew (presumably quoting from the Vulcan Database)
describes Risa as "cosmopolitan", and there are
representatives of several alien species hanging about. It
describes a club
from which "no one leaves unsatisfied"
that Reed and Tucker
visited -- Although they were the
victims of a mugging in that
particular club, the Vulcan
database claims that crime is very
rare on Risa.
"Two Days and Two Nights" [ENT]
A Horga'hn is a
statue of a Risian fertility symbol; To display
Horga'hn on Risa signals to the natives that one is seeking jamaharon, a
Risan sexual rite.
"Let He Who is Without Sin..." [DS9]
Care should be taken
with this practice, as jamaharon has been known to be fatal to those with a
weak heart. Curzon Dax died via jamaharon.
Risian perfume was given by Dax to Lenara.
"Rejoined" [DS9]
Quark tried to interest Arissa in seeing
his collection of Risian tapestries.
"A Simple Investigation" [DS9]
sara(sp) = "thank you"
tak lunat(sp) =
"good night"
ikara(sp) = "hello"
shikara N(sp) =
"my name is N"
2152, Feb: An
orange colored "Minaran spinach" was picked up on Risa, which the crew considers
"Singularity" [ENT]
2366: Captain Picard vacationed in Risa, where he
met the archaeologist Vash in search of the Tox Uthat.
"Captain's Holiday" [TNG]
2367: Geordi LaForge was scheduled to
attend an artificial-intelligence seminar on Risa. LaForge was
kidnapped by Romulans en route to the conference.
"The Mind's Eye" [TNG]
2368: Riker, who was very fond of Risa,
vacationed there again, when he met a beautiful woman named
Etana Jol, who was actually a Ktaran operative who
introduced him to an addictive game designed to
the minds of all those who used it. She was seeking to infiltrate
"The Game" [TNG]
2373: Dax, Worf, Bashir, Leeta, and Quark went there
for a vacation.
The planet was targeted by New
Essentialists who saw the resort there as representing the sloth
and self-indulgence that would destroy the
Federation. Worf aided them at first in deactivating the
planet's weather grid, but drew the line when Fullerton,
their leader, proceeded to disrupt the planet's
artificial seismic
"Let He Who Is Without Sin..." [DS9]
Individuals of Note:
(Vanessa Williams) - One-time lover of Curzon Dax. In fact, she was the one who
"killed" him, with jamaharon in 2367. She and Jadzia Dax were
reunited when Dax vacationed
on Risa with Worf, Bashir,
Leeta, and Quark. Arandis had been
promoted to
Chief Facilitator of the entire Temtibi lagoon resort
area. Worf was jealous of Dax's friendship with her.
"Let He Who is Without Sin..." [DS9]
Risan couple
Dee'Ahn (DonnaMarie Recco, Geoff Meed) - Alien that
masqueraded as a beautiful woman with
his friend known as
They seduced Malcolm Reed and Charles
Tucker into going into a basement where they mugged them.
"Two Days and Two Nights" [ENT]