[ Appearance
][ Physiology
][ Homeworld
][ First
Contact ][ Culture
][ Ships ][
][ History
[ Individuals
of Note ]
Klingons are humanoid, There are two different versions of Klingons depending on
the time period in question. Klingons do not talk
about the change in appearance to outsiders.
1) During the span of one
generation in the 2200's Klingons appeared as fairly ordinary humans
darker skin and heavy mustaches.
2) At all other times: they have pronounced ridges running from the nose, over
the head, and
down the
back. They also have ridges on the chest and feet.
It was once thought that the
Klingon empire might be composed of more than one race, but we
have seen the same individuals
change from one type to the other type of Klingon. (e.g. Kor, Klang,
and Koloth).
Brak'lul - The term for a characteristic of the
Klingon body to incorporate multiple redundancies for
nearly all vital bodily
functions. For example, Klingons possess two livers, an eight
heart (double
the 4 chambers in many other humanoids), and 23 ribs, unlike the 10 pairs
in humans. This
characteristic gives Klingon warriors enormous resiliency in battle.
"Ethics" [TNG]
Klingons have a
redundant stomach and don't get nauseous.
"Macrocosm" [VOY]
They have
redundant neural functions that take over the job of the autonomic system
if damaged.
"Broken Bow" [ENT]
Blood - Klingon blood
ranges from a lavender-color to the red of human blood. It is unknown
Klingon blood
actually has different color ranges for each individual or simply changes color
to some biochemical
reaction as a result of an external stimulus, such as falling. (When the
were shot with
the gravity off the blood had the lighter pink / lavender color, as opposed to
darker red
pigmentation we've seen elsewhere, it could be their bodies were in a state of
free fall
similar to the
experience of falling. This could also explain how the assassin's blood
was recognized
as not
being Klingon since it would have been pinkish in color due to his fall).
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
Klingons have no tear
Pregnancy - False labor is a common occurance among
"Endgame" [ENT]
Qo'nos -
Location: It takes the Enterprise 4 days to get there and 4 to get back.
(if warp 5 is 125c then this
amounts to about 1.4 light years from earth.
Clearly there is something
amiss in our warp speed formulas). When
Enterprise left spacedock the
coordinates that they set to reach Kronos
were off by 0.2 degrees.
(Presumably this was corrected once they were
underway). "Broken Bow" [ENT]
Climate: Parts of Qo'noS are mountainous and cold.
"Broken Bow" [ENT]
Natural Satellites: The planet
has one moon named Praxis.
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
Places of Interest:
Colony - Site of a genetic research station where military experiments to
make Klingon augments
"Divergence" [ENT]
N'Vak Colony - One of the first places to be
infected with the plague. The High Council had it destroyed.
"Affliction" [ENT]
First contact: between the Klingons and humans occurred in 2151 when Klaang crashed on Earth.
[ Cuisine
][ Rituals
& Beliefs ][ Government
][ Language
Art & Music:
"Ak'la bella doo." - Klingon folk song. Jadzia Dax
taught this song to the Klingon restauranteur on
the Promenade of DS9. He
was amazed that she knew a Klingon song he had never heard.
"Playing God" [DS9]
"Aktuh and Melota." - A
Klingon opera. A favorite of Worf's.
"Unification, part 2" [TNG]
Basai - A form of
poetry. Possibly romantic poetry, since Quark claimed that Grilka
said he had
the heart of a Basai
"Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places" [DS9]
B'aht Qul challenge - Traditional Klingon game in which one contestant
holds both arms forward,
the other places his or her arms between the first's, wrists touching. The first
attempts to press the
arms together, while the other attempts to force them apart.
"The Chase" [TNG]
bregit lung - Served to
Riker when he was aboard the Klingon vessel Pagh. Riker claimed to like
"A Matter of Honor" [TNG]
gagh - Serpent
worms. Connoisseurs of Klingon cuisine claim that gagh is best served very
i.e. live. Gagh is
also served stewed. Both Riker and Picard claimed to have developed a
for the
"A Matter of Honor" [TNG], "Unification, part 1" [TNG]
gladst - Leafy brown Klingon foodstuff.
krada legs - culinary dish consisting of the
broiled lower appendages of a small animal.
Racht - Klingon food similar to Gagh.
Rokeg Blood Pie - A traditional Klingon dish. The crew of the
Klingon vessel Pagh served some of
this to Riker as sort of an
initiation rite, but Riker proved his mettle by claiming to enjoy it.
"A Matter of Honor" [TNG]
It was
one of Worf's favorite foods. When he was a child, his adoptive mother,
Helena Rozhenko,
mastered the
technique of making this dish.
"Family" [TNG]
pipius claw - Commander Riker
tasted some when he tried to acquaint himself with Klingon culture
prior to his temporary assignment
to the Pagh in 2365.
"A Matter of Honor" [TNG]
targ - Klingons
prefer them when they are freshly slaughtered.
"Sleeping Dogs" [ENT]
heart of
targ - Commander Riker tasted some when he tried to acquaint himself with
culture prior to his temporary assignment to the Pagh in 2365.
"A Matter of Honor" [TNG]
zilm'kach -
Segmented orange food stuff enjoyed by Klingons.
bahgol - beverage best served
warm. "Blood Oath" [DS9]
blood wine -
chech'tluth - Alcoholic
beverage. Worf ordered some for the Bringloidi colony leader Danilo Odell
who found it sufficiently
potent. "Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
mot'loch - A Potent Klingon drink that is
traditionally drunk on the Day of Honor.
Raktajino - Klingon iced coffee beverage served at Quark's bar on DS9.
warnog - Klingon ale.
Rituals & Beliefs:
[ Rites of
Passage ][ Mating
][ Death ][
Klingons are a proud, tradition-bound people.
They are reported to sharpen their teeth before battle.
"Broken Bow" [ENT]
Promotion due to death of a crewmate
is commonplace on Klingon ships.
"The Most Toys" [TNG]
Klingons believe that they have the
instinctive ability to look an opponent in the eye and see the
intent to
"Sons of Mogh" [DS9]
If a Klingon warrior strikes another
with the back of his hand, it is interpreted as a challenge to the
"Apocalypse Rising" [DS9]
Blood Oath - A blood oath is a promise that can never be broken
-- although it can be revoked by
any of those involved.
Kang, Koloth, Kor and Curzon Dax swore a blood oath of
revenge against the Klingon albino, the
murderer of each
of the Klingons' firstborn -- all sons. It took nearly 80 years to track down
location of the albino. When Kang reassembled the old
team he was initially disgusted at Dax's new
female host,
Jadzia. Kang offered to release Dax from the pledge. She refused, insisting on
her firm
commitment to her blood oath.
Rites of Passage:
Age of Inclusion -
Worf had not yet reached the Age
of Inclusion when he was orphaned at Khitomer
in his
"Heart of Glory" [TNG #20]
Klingon tradition holds that "the son of a Klingon is a man the day he can
first hold a blade."
"Ethics" [TNG]
Rite of MajQa - A ritual vision
quest involving deep meditation in the lava caves of No'Mat.
Prolonged exposure to the heat is
believed to induce a hallucinatory effect. Great significance is
attached to any visions recieved
during the MajQa, and revelations of one's father are believed
to be the most important.
When Worf was young, his adoptive
parents arranged for him to experience this ritual and he did,
indeed have a
"Birthright, part 1" [TNG]
Age of Ascension - Rite
of passage marking a new level of spiritual attainment for a warrior. The ritual
involves a recitation by the
ascendee, proclaiming "DaHjaj SuvwI'e'jiH. tIgwIj Sa'angnIS. Iw
bIQtlhDaq jIjaH." ("Today I am a
Warrior. I must show you my heart. I travel the river of blood.")
The warrior then strides between
two lines of other Klingons, who subject him or her to painsticks
while the warrior is expected to
express his or her most profound feelings while under this extreme
duress. Worf underwent his Age of
Ascension ritual at age 15 in 2355. 10 years later, in 2365, Worf
celebrated the anniversary of his
Age of Ascension with his Enterprise-D crewmates.
"The Icarus Factor" [TNG]
Alexander undergoes his first rite of Ascension on stardate 47779.4, but his
lack of interest in his
warrior heritage troubles Worf.
"First Born" [TNG]
Worf's brother
Kurn was not told that he was a son of Mogh until his Age of Ascension in 2360.
Until that point, Kurn believed
that he was the son of Lorgh.
"Sins of the Father" [TNG]
Tea Ceremony, Klingon - A ritual using
a drink deadly to humans -- and only slightly less unhealthy
for Klingons -- as a test of
bravery and a reinforcement of the preference for facing death as a
shared experience. The ceremony
includes a chalice for each participant plus an extra one, along
with the woody stem whose seeds
and tulip-like flowers are plucked to make the tea.
Doctor Pulaski had heard of, but
not seen it, telling Lieutenant Worf she "understands the externals,
not the mysteries" of the
ceremony. Still, she gave herself a quick antidote in order to safely join
him when invited, asking for a
reading of Klingon love poetry when they finished.
Oath of Union, Klingon - Klingons
usually mate for life, and the union -- once a couple is "engaged"
-- is solemnized with a sacred
traditional oath.
Lieutenant Worf
felt honor-bound to propose to K'Ehleyr after they finally made love, but she
rejected him, feeling no need for
tradition to interfere with their separate careers. By the time she
was ready to take the oath with
Lieutenant Worf nearly a year and a half later, he declined so as
not to bring his trumped-up
dishonor upon her and Alexander. For a moment, they exchanged
vows which may be the formal
beginning to the oath: "jIH dok" (Worf) and "maj dok" (K'Ehleyr).
Brek'tal ritual: A Klingon ceremony in which the
slayer of the head of a house (if it was in honorable
circumstances) takes his place,
including marrying his wife. The ritual ceremony can be completed
with just a single witness who
requires no special status -- even a servant will do. While wearing
ceremonial robes, each member of
the couple recites "Go'Eveh lu cha wabeh to va re'Luk," followed
by the witness proclaiming "Ghos
ma'lu Kah".
Kozak's widow,
Grilka, used this loophole to maintain her late husband's house and property by
forcing Quark to undergo the
ritual and marry her, but D'Ghor later forced Rom to admit Kozak
died accidentally, and thus
negated that option.
"The House of Quark" [DS9]
Bre'Nan ritual: The mistress of a house has the
right to approve all marriages into the family. The
Bre'Nan is part of a series of
rituals she uses to evaluate the worthiness of an individual to join
"You Are Cordially Invited" [DS9]
Kal'Hyah: Translated "the path of clarity"; the
Klingon equivalent of a bachelor party; however, there is
nothing fun about it, unless you
are a Klingon. It is a "mental and spiritual journey" in which the
groom and his closest male
friends spend the four nights before the wedding undergoing six trials:
deprivation, blood, pain,
sacrifice, anguish, and death. Of course, they must do all this while fasting.
Sisko, O'Brien, Bashir, Martok,
and Alexander underwent Kal'Hyah with Worf before his wedding
"You Are Cordially Invited" [DS9]
Divorce, Klingon - The Klingon divorce
involves the petitioner striking the defendant spouse, and
reciting the words "N'Gos tlhogh
cha!" and then spitting as a closing act.
This ceremony is demonstrated by
Grilka, a Klingon woman married to Quark, the Ferengi
entrepreneur on space station
Deep Space Nine. Similar to their marriage practices, the divorce
ceremony requires no further
witness nor official to complete the process.
"The House of Quark" [DS9]
Klingon Death Ritual: A ceremony practiced
by Klingons upon the death of a comrade. After a
Klingon peers into a
just-deceased brethren's eyes and looks at death in the face, all Klingons
who are present join in a
tremendously loud and powerful howl skyward, which lasts several
seconds. According to
Lieutenant Commander Data, the howling signifies a traditional warning
to the hereafter that "a Klingon
warrior is about to arrive!" Although offworlders have heard of
the ceremony, the first known
observance of the ritual by Federation outworlders was in the
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
sickbay, circa stardate 41503. Captain Picard, Doctor Crusher
and the medical staff witnessed
the rite performed after the death of a Klingon renegade.
Lieutenant Worf also howled
skyward when he realized K'Ehleyr was dead; their son Alexander --
a stranger to both death and the
ritual -- ran away.
"Heart of Glory" [TNG]; "Reunion" [TNG]
Dirge, Klingon - Rather than the traditional
death wail, Kor chanted a sacred funeral dirge over the
bodies of Kang and
Koloth: "Ki-naH-naH, lo-maytoo; Ki-naH-naH, lo-maytaH; "Ko-no-ma ...
Ko-no-mayy ... No-no-ma ...
Disposal of the Body: No burial ceremony
attends the corpse afterwards, which is viewed as
"just an empty
shell". Klingons dispose of the body in the most efficient means
"Emanations" [VOY]
Afterlife: The death of a warrior, if one has
died honorably, especially in battle, is not mourned. In
such cases, the survivors
celebrate the freeing of the spirit instead of mourning the loss of the body.
"The Bonding" [TNG]
The spirit
then finds itself on the Barge of the Dead piloted by the first Klingon who
killed the gods
that created
him. Here they are branded with the mark of Grethor on thier left
cheek. If the mark
take, it means that they are there before their time.
"Barge of the Dead" [VOY]
spirit then joins Kahless, the Unforgettable in Sto-Vo-Kor. Klingons dream
of dying in battle
and find
honor in such a death. "Rightful Heir" [TNG]
Ak'voh: A tradition, in which, when a
warrior dies in battle, his friends hold vigil over the body to
protect it from predators long
enough for the spirit to begin its journey to Sto'Vo'Kor. When Worf
found O'Brien sitting with
Muniz's body, he said O'Brien was performing this, and joined him.
"The Ship" [DS9]
Mauk-to'Vor: When one has been dishonored, they may
be restored through an honorable death. But
as tradition goes, a Klingon that
dies by his own hand will not travel across the river of blood to
enter Sto-Vo-Kor. In the
Mauk-to'Vor ceremony a sibling kills the other one who has been
dishonored; this is supposed to
satisfy the requirements of an honorable death so that the victim
may now enter Sto'Vo'Kor. Adanji
incense is burned during the rite. Kurn demanded that Worf
perform the ritual on him; When
performing the ceremony, Worf stabbed Kurn, but was interrupted
by Dax and
"Sons of Mogh" [DS9]
Hegh'Bat: "The Time to Die" - Ritualistic suicide
ceremony used in cases when a Klingon is injured or
otherwise unable to face his
enemies and so becomes a burden and cannot hope to live a full life again.
In it, a family member,
preferably the eldest son, or a trusted friend delivers the ceremonial objects -
a special typ of cloak and a
ritual knife to the warrior. He then attends as the warrior who would
be impaled through the
chest. The son or friend would then remove the knife and wipe the blood on
his sleeve.
After a severe spinal injury in
2368, Lt. Worf became hopelessly paralyzed and was going to perform
the Hegh'bat. He
asked Commander Riker to assist him in this final act as his best friend,
but when
the appalled Riker
discovered that such a task should fall to Worf's son, Alexander, he compelled
Worf to rethink his plans.
Worf chose the alternative of genetronic replication therapy.
"Ethics" [TNG]
Hall of Heroes: Statues are erected to heroic
figures in Klingon history here.
"The Sword of Kahless" [DS9]
There is no equivalent
of the Devil in Klingon mythology.
"Day of the Dove" [TOS]
Although a creature known as
Fek'lhr comes close. He guards the underworld of Gre'thor.
"Devil's Due" [TNG]
According to myth, ancient Klingon
warriors slew their gods a millennium ago. They apparently were
more trouble than they were worth.
"Homefront" [DS9]
There are many sacred icons. They
include the torch of G'boj, Sabak's armor, and the Emporer's crown,
but the most revered icon in Klingon history is the Sword
of Kahless.
"The Sword of Kahless" [DS9]
Klingonese - They have 80 polygutteral dialects
constructed on an adaptive syntax.
"Broken Bow" [ENT]
There was no word for peacemaker in
the Klingon language until they encountered mediator Riva, who
helped negotiate several treaties between the Klingons
and Federation.
"Loud as a Whisper" [TNG]
Klingon warriors speak proudly
to each other; they do not whisper or keep their distance. Standing
far away or whispering are considered insults in Klingon
"Apocalypse Rising" [DS9]
K'adlo - "thank
"The Mind's Eye" [TNG]
Len'mat -
"Redemption, part 1" [TNG]
Maktag - A division of the Klingon
calendar analogous to a month.
"New Ground" [TNG]
Mev yap -
"Reunion" [TNG]
NaDev ghos - "come
"Redemption, part 1" [TNG]
Klingon Empire - A political organization
originating on Kronos.
Klingon High Council:
The ruling body
of the Klingon Empire, led by a Chancellor.
"Broken Bow" [ENT]
SEE: Gorkon, Azetbur, K'mpec, Gowron,
The council is composed of about two dozen members and meets in the
Great Hall of the First City on
the Klingon
"Sins of the Father" [TNG]
A female cannot be a member of the High
"Redemption, part 1" [TNG]
However, Azetbur was leader of the Council after
her father's untimely death.
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
Rite of
Succession - Process whereby a new leader is chosen for the High Council
following the death
of the
previous leader.
Sonchi Ceremony - The ritual whereby the previous
leader is formally confirmed and certified as
truly dead. In fact, Sonchi
literally translates as "He is dead". The ceremony involves jabbing
the corpse with Klingon painstiks
while issuing the verbal challenge "Qab jIH nagil!" which
means: "Face me, I dare you!"
K'mpec's Sonchi ceremony took
place in 2367 aboard a Klingon spacecraft.
"Reunion" [TNG]
Arbiter of Succession - The Arbiter is the
individual responsible for administering the Right of
Succession. He may be
appointed by the current Chancellor before his death. In 2367, K'mpec
broke with tradition and
appointed a non-Klingon, Jean-Luc Picard, as his Arbiter of Succession.
The Arbiter is required to select
from qualified challengers for leadership of the Council.
After the death of Duras, Picard
ruled Gowron to be the sole challenger for Council leader.
"Reunion" [TNG]
Later, Picard
also rejected a last-minute bid by Toral for the Council leadership based on the
grounds that Toral had not yet
distinguished himself in the service of the Empire.
"Redemption, part 1" [TNG]
Ja`chuq - Modern Klingon practices have the
Rite of Succession ceremony proceed with only a
brief proclamation by the Arbiter
of Succession that the challengers vying for leadership have
been decided upon. However,
the older form of the ceremony included the ja'chuq -- a listing of
battles won and the prizes taken
by each challenger.
Picard, when he was chosen to act as Arbiter of Succession by K'mpec, found this
bit of
Klingon governmental
tradition very useful. He was able to buy enough time to delay the
pronouncement of fit candidates
until one of the challengers could be proved to be linked to the
poisoning of K'mpec, and then
later, for a bombing.
Fight - The strongest challengers would then fight
for the right to lead the Council.
"Reunion" [TNG]
Installation Ceremony - The Arbiter places a cloak
upon the victor, finalizing and making official
their new position as
Chancellor. [TNG]
In Klingon
culture, a house is the equivalent of a family unit.
Political power in the
Klingon Empire is controlled by the great Houses, including the
House of Kozak, the House of Duras, the House of Mogh,
and even the House of Quark.
"The House of Quark" [DS9]
R'uustai (The bonding ceremony) - R'uustai
literally means "bonding". It is the ceremony of whereby
someone can be adopted as a brother. Both
participants wear ceremonial vests and each uses a
to light their own set of three large candles apiece.
Lieutenant Worf completed the ceremony with fellow orphan Jeremy Aster, after
the boy's mother
died on stardate 43198.7 during a
mission under the Lieutenant's command. After adorning Jeremy
with a sash similar to his own, Worf invoked the memory
of their mothers by reciting "SoS jIH batlh
("Mother[s] I [we] honor you"). According to the tradition, once the
ceremony is performed,
they are now brothers, and their
families are stronger because of the union.
"The Bonding" [TNG]
Discommendation - Discommendation is the process of being
socially barred and declared a "non-person"
in Klingon
society, labeled publicly as a coward and thereby being stripped of honor. The
discommendation ceremony is brief and yet powerful in
nature -- the accused is surrounded by a circle
persons facing him, who in turn cross their clenched fists over their chest and
turn outward on
their heel.
Worf's discommendation, even his brother Kurn turned away from him, to preserve
his secret
relation to Worf. Worf accepted this
disgrace rather than let the Empire fall into civil war by revealing
Ja'rod as the true traitor at Khitomer. Worf's
discommendation was finally revoked circa stardate
after he and Kurn helped Gowron ensure his installation as High Council leader.
In retrieving
his family honor and name, Worf performed a
ceremony which included gripping the razor-sharp
edge of
Gowron's extended dagger until blood was drawn; he did so without flinching.
Judicial System:
"G`now juk Hol
pajhard" - A Klingon phrase that roughly translates to "A son will
share in the
honors or crimes of his father."
Right of Vengeance - A family member of one who has been murdered has
the Right to challenge the guilty
party to a duel to the
death. An individual who issues the challenge for Vengeance will declare
intentions and state the relation to the dead
family member. The one challenged must accept and none
may harm the challenger nor impede the challenge. Because of the Right to
Vengeance, many cases will
never even be brought to
trial, for if a crime is committed against somebody, especially if there are
witnesses, they are often within their rights to make the
criminal pay for the dishonor he bestows upon
them, right
then and
"The Sword of Kahless" [DS9]
A trial is proceeded over by an Imperial Judge or Magistrate, and if the
trial is a large enough or important
enough the
Chancellor of the High Council can even serve as the Judge. Almost every trial
is open to the
general population, with the larger ones
held in an arena-like forum and broadcast on subspace.
The Imperial Courts
don't decide guilt or innocence based solely on the facts of the crime, but also
by the
conduct and honorable or dishonorable character of
the accused and the status of his/her family.
The Klingon judicial system
seems to differ from the one we are accustomed to on Earth in a very simple
respect: it's purpose.
We are
accustomed to view the judicial system as a way to determine who is guilty of
a given crime, with the assumption that the
guilty person will automatically be punished. The
Klingon system, on the other hand, seems to be designed, not to dispassionately
determine who
committed the crime, but to determine who
can be safely sacrificed in the name of justice, while
endangering the stability and strength of the Empire as little as possible.
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6], "Judgement" [ENT]
Mek'ba - The Mek'ba is the portion of the trial or appeal in which
evidence is heard. The Mek'ba has
strict rules for
the presentation of evidence and for the conduct of both the accuser and the
"Sins of the Father" [TNG]
Cha’DIch - When a warrior stands accused of an Imperial crime he/she
has the right to challenge his/her
accusers. The warrior
will present evidence to the Council who then pass judgement. The Accused has
a right to choose a cha'DIch to stand with him/her at
trial. The cha'DIch shall fight any combat
challenges for
the accused during the trial while the right to combat for the accused is
The traditional response when accepting a
position as Cha'DIch is "JIlajneS. ghIj qet jaghmeyjaj"
Literally, this means "I accept [with honor]. May your enemies run with fear."
Kurn, and later
Captain Picard, both responded this way
when Lieutenant Worf asked each in turn to be his cha'DIch.
"Sins of the Father" [TNG]
Judicial Charter of Kholos - The accused has the right to testify in
his/her own defense. It is against
custom to allow
this (as of 2152) but it is a practice that has been honored since the time of
"Judgment" [ENT]
Punishment - However, once a trial is engaged in, the sentences are
harsh and the prisons even worse.
J'Hak - The most
severe punishment decreed by Klingon law. Presumably, the death
penalty. If the
penalty is commuted, the alternative is often just as bad, usually life in
"Judgment" [ENT]
Prisons - One of the most famous
prisons is Rura Penthe, an asteroid penal colony and work camp
where dilithium is mined for use
in Klingon ships. Very few people escape from a Klingon prison,
and if they dishonor the guards
by escaping or attempting to escape, they often pay dearly for
their actions. It is
nicknamed the "alien's graveyard" because of the high number of alien prisoners
kept there, and the expectation
that for anyone being sent to Rura Penthe it is a virtual death-
sentence. The life
expectancy of a prisoner there is from 6 to 12 months.
"Judgment" [ENT], "The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
Klingon Defense Force:
Military service of the Klingon Empire. The Klingon
Defense Force is responsible for defending the
Empire's borders against enemies
and for operating the Empire's space fleet.
Korris and
Konmel both claimed to be members of the Klingon Defense Force, but they were
renegades seeking to
overthrow the Klingon government.
"Heart of Glory" [TNG]
Worf's brother, Kurn, was an
officer of the Klingon Defense Force.
"Sins of the Father" [TNG]
In 2373, Worf, a Starfleet
officer, was placed on detached service to the Klingon Defense Force in order
to sign aboard the bird-of-prey
Rotarran as first officer under General Martok.
"Soldiers of the Empire" [DS9]
Klingon Intelligence:
Information gathering service of the Klingon government.
In 2371, a covert team composed of three Klingon
Intelligence agents was sent to Deep Space 9 to
observe and to take appropriate
action against a Romulan delegation visiting the station. Klingon
Intelligence correctly feared
that the Romulan delegation might attempt to destroy the station and
the Bajoran
"Visionary" [DS9]
History -
4 billion years ago: A humanoid species seeded the
oceans of many class-M planets throughout the
galaxy with genetic material,
from which a number of humanoid forms evolved. This explains the
remarkable commonality in form,
and genetic coding of many species including the tendency to
find intelligent life in bipedal,
generally mammalian forms.
"The Chase" [TNG]
date unknown: The tyrant Molor comes to power.
"The Sword of Kahless" [DS9]
date unknown: Kahless fights his brother Morath,
for twelve days and twelve nights because Morath
had lied and thus brought shame
to his family.
"New Ground" [TNG]
date unknown: Storm at Quin'lat... A storm
was heading towards the city of Quin'lat. The people
sought protection within the
walls, all except one man who remained outside. Kahless went to him
and asked what he was
doing. "I am not afraid of the wind", he said, "I will not hide my face
behind stone and
mortar." "I will stand before the wind and make it respect
me." Kahless
his choice and went inside. The next day the storm came and the man was
killed. Kahless
said to the
people, "The wind does not respect a fool."
"Rightful Heir" [TNG]
ca 625: The Story of the Sword:
Kahless went into the mountains,
all the way to the volcano of Kri'stak. There he cut off a lock
of his hair and thrust it into
the river of molten rock that poured from its summit. The hair began
to burn, then he plunged it into
the lake of Lusor and twisted it into a sword. And after he used
the sword to slay the tyrant
Molor he gave it the name Bat'leth - "the sword of honor", and thus
the Klingon empire was forged and
Kahless became it's first warrior-emporer.
The story of the sword was kept
secret and was known only to the high clerics. It was never
written down in the sacred texts
so that when Kahless returned they could be sure it was really him.
"Rightful Heir" [TNG]
Thus the
first bat'leth was forged, which has come to be known as the "Sword of
Kahless". The
Sword of
Kahless was used to conquer Fek'Ihr and imprison him in Gre'Thor. (Note:
"Devil's Due" [TNG] the
Fek'Ihr guards Gre'Thor the afterlife for the dishonourable, Presumably
he made the creature stay in
Gre'Thor.) He also used it to skin the serpent of Xol, harvest his
fields, and to carve a
statue for his beloved.
"The Sword of Kahless" [DS9]
Every year the death of Molor is celerbrated during the Kot'baval festival.
date unknown: Kahless fights off an entire army by
himself at Three-turn bridge, according to Worf.
"Let He Who is Without Sin..." [DS9]
date unknown: Battle at Qam-Chee. 500
warriors stormed the great hall at Qam-Chee. According to
legend, only the Emperor Kahless
and the Lady Lukara stood their ground. Worf had Quark
practice bat'leth fighting in a
holoprogram depicting this battle.
"Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places" [DS9]
date unknown: Kahless marries Lady Lukara, the love
of his life. Theirs is considered "the greatest
romance in Klingon
history". They were attacked by Molor's troops moments after being
an event commemorated in
modern Klingon weddings by a ritual attack on the bride and groom.
"You Are Cordially Invited" [DS9]
ca. 869 (15 centuries ago): The Story of the Promise:
When Kahless had united the
Klingon people and gave them the laws of honor, he saw that his work
was done. So one night he
gathered his belongings and departed for the edge of the city to say
good bye. The people wept.
They did not want him to go. then Kahless said "You are Klingons,
you need no one but yourselves, I
will go now to Stovokor but I promise one day I will return."
then Kahless pointed to a star in
the sky and said "Look for me there, on that point of light."
Later clerics established a
monastery on Boreth, a planet orbiting that "Star of Kahless".
"Rightful Heir" [TNG]
date unknown: General K'Trelan assassinates Emperor
Reclaw. The rest of his family, including his
daughter Shenara, is put to
death, thus ending the 2nd dynasty.
The 10 year period between the
2nd and 3rd dynasties is refered to by modern Klingon historians
as "The Dark Time" -
It was ruled by a council elected by tthe people: the first and only Klingon
experiment in representational
When the 3rd dynasty
was formed, a new group of Klingons was given the titles and names of the
original Imperial family of the
2nd dynasty to create the illusion of an unbroken line. A
named Karana, living
outside the Imperial stables was given the identity of Shenara, the daughter
of Emperor Reclaw. Sirella
believed the original Shenara to be her 23rd maternal grandmother.
Dax took a certain pleasure in
informing Sirella that her actual ancestress was the concubine Karana.
"You Are Cordially Invited" [DS9]
date unknown: The Battle of
Tong Vey takes place. Emperor Sompek leads 10,000 troops to
the city of Tong
Vey. This historical battle, is often re-enacted by Worf in a holosuite
program he
brought with him from
the Enterprise. The program ends with Sompek's order to burn the city and
kill everyone
"Rules of Engagement" [DS9]
1372: According to myth, ancient Klingon warriors
slew their gods a millennium ago. They apparently
were more trouble than they were
worth. (as reported by Commander Worf in 2372).
"Homefront" [DS9]
According to
myth, Kortar is the first of the Klingons who destroyed the gods who created
His punishment is to ferry
the dishonored souls to Gre'thor aboard the Barge of the Dead.
"Barge of the Dead" [VOY]
1372: The Hur'q, or what the Klingons would call
"the outsiders", a race of nomadic gatherers raided
a number of planets and stole
artefacts and treasures. One such raid was on the Klingon Homeworld.
They invaded the homeworld and
stole the sword of Kahless. This happened about the same time
that the Klingons slew their
"gods". Could there be some connection?
"The Sword of Kahless" [DS9]
2069: The ruling High Council had gained enough
power that after the death of the emperor in 2069,
no successor ascended the throne,
and the council alone controlled the Empire. The position of
emperor was no longer filled.
"Rightful Heir" [TNG]
date unknown: Chancellor Mow'ga, a Klingon leader
during the "Second Empire", sends a fleet of
ships to conquer the Breen
homeworld. They were never heard from again.
"'Til Death Do Us Part" [DS9]
prior to 2151: The Vulcans had contact with the
Klingon Empire.
"Broken Bow" [ENT]
2133: A Klingon ship emerged from the
Expanse. Every crewman on board was anatomically inverted,
their bodies splayed open, and
they were still alive.
"The Expanse" [ENT]
2151: Human/Klingon First
Contact: The Suliban tried to start a Klingon civil war as part
of a temporal
cold war, but the
conflict was averted with the aid of Enterprise.
"Broken Bow"
[ENT]; "First Contact" [TNG]
2151: Klingons get holodeck technology from the
"Unexpected" [ENT]
2151: The Enterprise NX-01 discovers a
Klingon Raptor class vessel adrift in the atmosphere of a
"Sleeping Dogs" [ENT]
2154, May: Two Human Augments commandeer a
Bird of Prey. Its entire crew was massacred
and jettisoned into space.
The Klingons have threatened to retaliate with everything they've got.
The Enterprise averts a war by
finding the Augments and destroying them.
"Borderland" [ENT]
2154, November: Despite assurances from the
Vulcan government to the Klingon High Council that
the Augments were just relics of
a previous era, the Empire could not allow an inferior species to
gain an advantage on them.
Using several embryos that they found in the wreckage of the Bird of
Prey, the Klingons resequenced a
number of test subjects in an effort to make Klingon augments.
But the human-augment DNA was
more aggressive than they realized. It turns out one of the test
subjects was suffering from the
Levodian flu and the Augment genes modified the virus. It became
airborne. The resultant
metagenic disease was immune to any known antiviral agents.
"Affliction" [ENT]
The infection
has three stages:
Stage 1)
The initial symptoms start to be felt in about 30 minutes-- tightness in the
chest, irregular
heartbeat, tingling in the cranial ridges, which start to dissolve. And
then there is some minor
Stage 2) The augment
characteristics begin to manifest: Enhanced strength, speed,
"Divergence" [ENT]
increased intelligence.
3) The disease becomes contagious. The neural pathways start to
degrade. The victims die
in agony.
The disease spread from planet to
planet and infected millions. It would wipe out the entire Klingon
species if a way was not found to
stop it. It was considered the greatest threat to the Empire since
the Hur'q invasion. The
Klingons try to kidnap Dr. Soong but security around his prison was too
great. Instead, Dr. Phlox
is kidnapped to find a cure for the disease.
"Affliction" [ENT]
Dr. Phlox is
successful, however, the disease can only be arrested at stage one. The
Klingon race
will undergo a
physiological change which removes the ridges from their heads and makes them
look more human.
"Divergence" [ENT]
ca 2220: Open hostilities and
mistrust between the Federation and Klingon Empire begin.
It could have happened as early
as 2218 because McCoy said they were adversaries for 50 years
that episode (2268). "Day of the
Dove" [TOS]
Or as late as 2223
because Spock notes that the Klingons have had bad relations with the Federation
for 70
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
2267 (Stardate 3198.4): War declared
between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. The Klingons
had issued an ultimatum to the
Federation to withdraw from disputed areas claimed by both the
Federation and the Klingon Empire
or face war. The hostilities came to a head at planet Organia,
the only Class-M world in the
region. Starfleet suspected that the Klingons would attempt to take
over the Organia system, and were
justified in that suspicion when a ship came and Commander Kor
installed himself as the planet's
military governor. This incursion by the Klingons was met by the
starship Enterprise, Captain
James T. Kirk commanding, which Starfleet dispatched to meet them.
In the incident, Kirk stopped the
Klingons from claiming the planet, to preserve the existence of
what looked like a primitive
humanoid civilization. However, the Organians were in fact powerful
noncoporeal lifeforms who weren't
as helpless as they seemed. The beings used their powers to
stop the war between the two
sides, and also forcibly imposed the Organian peace treaty on both
the Federation and
Klingons. They also predicted eventual friendship for the two sides.
"Organian Peace
Treaty" dampened hostilities for a while and provisions in the treaty also
space station docking
rights for ships from either side at the other's stations.
"Errand of Mercy" [TOS]
Stardate 3497.2-3499.1: The Enterprise and a
Klingon crew simultaneously try to establish relations
with and to negotiate a topaline
mining agreement treaty on Capella IV. Klingon agent Kraz is killed
by a kligat, and the treaty goes
to the Federation.
"Friday's Child" [TOS]
Stardate 4523.3-4525.6: The galactic trader Cyrano
Jones who has been in the Klingon sphere of
influence comes to deep space
station K-7. A Klingon battlecruiser commanded by Koloth having
been without shore leave for five
months since they left port, docks at deep space station K-7.
Klingons launched a covert
operation to sabotage the Federation's claim on Sherman's Planet by
poisoning emergency
quadrotriticale supplies crucial to the development of that planet. Deep
Station K-7 which was
storing the hybrid wheat sent a priority A-1 distress signal answered by the
Enterprise. Captain Kirk is
ordered to guard a shipment of quadrotriticale to Sherman's Planet while
his ship, and the station,
becomes infested with tribbles. With the help of the tribbles and some
time-travelers, the Klingon
sabotage was revealed and terminated. The tribbles are disposed of by
beaming them aboard Captain
Koloth's battlecruiser.
"The Trouble with Tibbles" [TOS]
Stardate 4211.4-4211.8: On Neural (Zeta Bootis
III), the Klingons are discovered to have escalated
the development of modern
"A Private Little War" [TOS]
2268 (stardate 5031.3): The Romulans enter into a
brief alliance with the Klingon Empire, when an
agreement between them results in
the sharing of military technology and spacecraft designs. The
Romulans are provided with
Klingon battle cruisers, and in exchange the Klingons get the Romulan
cloaking technology and Bird of
Prey ship designs. At this point, the two powers are allied against
the United Federation of planets.
"The Enterprise Incident" [TOS]
date unknown: A non-corporeal alien that feeds on
hate attempts to start a war between the survivors
of Kang's battle cruiser aboard
the "Enterprise," but is overpowered through cooperation.
"Day of the Dove" [TOS]
stardate 4372.5: While transporting the Dolman of
Elaan to Troyus, the Enterprise's engines are sabotaged.
The Klingons attack in order to
destroy the ship and keep the rich dilithium deposits of Elaan a secret
for them to exploit. The
mission fails.
"Elaan of Troyus" [TOS]
ca 2271: Battle of Klach
d'kel Brakt: - A battle won by the Klingons over the Romulans a
century ago.
Kor fought in it,
and recreated it in a holosuite at Quark's.
"Blood Oath"[DS9]
Worf has heard
the story of Kor's attack on Romulus.
"The Sword of Kahless" [DS9]
date unknown: Worf has heard stories of Kor's
legendary defence of the Korma pass.
"The Sword of Kahless" [DS9]
date unknown: Klingons undergo physiological change restoring the ridge headed look of their race.
Stardates 7412.6-7414.1: A high-energy cloud
(V'ger) destroys three Klingon "K't'inga" class warships:
One of which is named the
"Amar". "The Motion Picture" [ST1]
2287, (stardate 8210.3): Admiral James Kirk,
in direct violation of Star Fleet orders, takes the
"Enterprise" to Genesis.
The "Enterprise" is self-destructed upon encountering a Klingon
"Bird of Prey" commanded by
Captain Kruge. Kruge is also responsible for the destruction of
the U.S.S. "Grissom" (NCC-638)
science/survey vessel. Kruge dies in combat with Kirk as the
Genesis planet breaks up. Admiral
Kirk and his officers capture the Klingon scout ship intact.
Maltz, one of the Klingon
officers is taken into custody.
"The Search for Spock" [ST3]
2287: Klingon Ambassador to the U.F.P., arrives on
Terra. He meets with a select committee of
Federation Council members,
ranking Star Fleet officials, and Federation Supreme Court Justices.
Describing Admiral James T. Kirk,
in his role in the Genesis Project, as a pirate and interstellar-
criminal who has recklessly
endangered peace in known space, he demands that Kirk be turned
over to the Klingon Diplomatic
Corps to stand trial in the Klingon Empire for his crimes. The
Federation Council President
responds that if Kirk is going to stand trial anywhere, he will do so
within the Federation and under
Federation jurisprudence. The Klingon Ambassador outraged,
promised that there will be no
peace as long as Kirk lives. Enroute to Earth to face court-martial,
Admiral Kirk and his officers are
forced to employ the light speed breakaway factor to the
Klingon scout ship, to time warp
into Earth's past (1986 O.C.). A Cetacean Probe is diverted
from Earth with the help of two
Humpback whales saved from extinction via time travel. The
Federation Council dismisses all
but one charge, demoting Kirk from Admiral to Captain rank and
giving him the duties associated
with that rank: command of a new ship - the "Enterprise"
"The Voyage Home" [ST4]
2289, 17 December: Captain K'Temok, commanding the
Klingon warship "T'Ong," embarks on a
long-term voyage with his crew in
suspended animation.
"The Emissary" [TNG]
2289: Early talks between the Federation and
Klingon Empire took place at the Korvat colony. While
no major breakthrough resulted,
some small progress was made when Federation negotiator Curzon
Dax earned the respect of his
Klingon colleagues.
"Blood Oath" [DS9]
date unknown: Mediator Riva helped negotiate
several treaties between the Klingons and Federation.
There was no word for
"peacemaker" in the Klingon language before this.
"Loud as a Whisper" [TNG]
2290: Three Klingon warships under the command of
Kang, Kor and Koloth unsuccessfully attempt to
apprehend the criminal known as
the Albino. The three and Curzon Dax become blood brothers.
"Blood Oath" [DS9]
date unknown: Kang, Kor, and Koloth battle
the T'nag army. As Kor tells the story, they set out with
forty legions, snaking their way
through a hot smoldering canyon with walls of fire and rivers of lava
to either side. Only the
three of them survived to face T'nag's army. With a battle cry Koloth
their flank with a
disruptor in one hand, and a bat'leth in the other killing two dozen men.
And Kang
took the high ground,
keeping the three suns to his back forcing the enemy to battle against the
light. (Kang's version
of the story has Kor taking the high ground). T'nag's body was found by
the river,
who killed him, none
could say. But they cut out his heart and the three of them feasted on it
"The Sword of Kahless" [DS9]
2292: Relations between the Romulans and Klingons
had deteriorated significantly and it was suggested
by Geordi that the two powers had
become "blood enemies" 75 years prior. Romulan Alliance with
"Reunion" [TNG]
date unknown: The Great Tribble Hunt - The
Klingons considered tribbles to bee an ecological menace, a
plague to be wiped out. In
the latter part of the 23rd century, hundreds of Klingon warriors were sent
to track them down throughout the
galaxy. An armada obliterated the tribble homeworld, and before
the 24th century, tribbles had
been eradicated.
"Trials and Tribble-ations" [DS9]
2293 (Stardate 9521.6): There is a catastrophic explosion
on the Klingon moon Praxis. The starship
"Excelsior" (NCC-2000) witnesses
the subspace shockwave. Serious environmental repercussions
from this incident wiped out key
energy resources and sparked an economic crisis on the Klingon
homeworld, giving the Klingon
Empire 50 years of life left. At the behest of Ambassador Sarek,
Captain Spock opens a dialog with
chancellor Gorkon, leader of the Klingon High Council. He
proposes to commence negotiations
at once. Chancellor Gorkon had little choice but to launch a
peace initiative with the
Federation when it became apparent the Empire could not maintain its
military any longer. An end
to 70 years of hostility and even an offer of collaboration with the
Federation in the future was
placed on the agenda, and talks soon opened when Chancellor Gorkon
agreed to travel to
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
2293 (Stardate 9522.6-9529.1 (15 August?)):
"Enterprise," under command of Captain Kirk, is assigned
to escort the Klingon
battlecruiser "Kronos One" through U.F.P. space. However, while en route,
Gorkon, Chancellor of the Klingon
High Council, is assassinated by factions within the Federation,
Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star
Empire who sought to maintain the status quo of relations. The
peace initiative was rescheduled
and the conference was then moved to the secret location, Camp-
Khitomer, a planet near the
border of Romulan space. Gorkon's successor, his daughter Azetbur,
continues her father's
work. Federation officers Kirk and McCoy were set up with the blame for
Gorkon's murder and arrested by
Klingons under interstellar law. Colonel Worf (Worf's grandfather)
attempts to defend them at their
trial, however they were sentenced to life imprisonment at the
Rura Penthe dilithium mine/penal
asteroid. Kirk and McCoy escape from the asteroid. After Spock
forced the truth out of his
traitorous protege Valeris, the Enterprise and the Excelsior (under command
of Capt. Sulu) destroy the
prototype Bird of Prey, capable of firing while cloaked, commanded by
General Chang, and prevent
another assassination attempt -- this time of the Federation President --
from succeeding. After exposing
the villains within each party, the talks went on and a new era of
peace resulted. Kirk and
McCoy were later found innocent of the murder when the crime is found to
be the work of Starfleet Admiral
Cartwright and other forces afraid of the change to the Status Quo.
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
2293, October?: At a second Khitomer
Conference, the landmark Khitomer Accords were successfully
concluded, leading to the
dismantling of the Klingon Neutral Zone. In the future, the Khitomer-
Conference would be seen as the
single most important peace accord in Federation history.
"Unification, part 1" [TNG]
2297, April: A Klingon expedition makes contact
with Ventax II.
"Devil's Due" [TNG]
2328, September: Dr. Noonian Soong marries Dr.
Juliana O'Donnel secretly on a trip to Nivala IV.
A Klingon and a Karvalan trader
are the only witnesses.
"Inheritance" [TNG]
2340s: The Romulans begin pursuing a long term
policy of using covert means to destabilize the Klingon
government going back to at least
this time period.
2340, May 23: Worf, Son of Mogh, is born on Qo'nos.
2344, 12 May (stardate 21364.2): The U.S.S.
"Enterprise" (NCC-1701-C) commanded by Captain
Rachel Garrett successfully
defends the Narendra III Klingon outpost under attack by 4 Romulan
warbirds, but is destroyed in the
battle. Before destruction, the Enterprise-C is transported 22 years
into the future via a temporal
warp, and effectively removed from the timestream. A new Time-
Track is created- In this
alternate time track, the Klingon outpost was destroyed by the Romulans.
The Klingons, believed their new
U.F.P. allies had betrayed them, and broken away from the treaty.
Over two decades of war resulted
between the U.F.P. and Klingon Empire. However, the
Enterprise-C was successfully
returned to its proper time at the exact point of its removal, thus
restoring the original series of
events... The courageous efforts of the Enterprise-C, in defending the
Narendra III Klingon outpost from
attacking Romulan forces changed the perspectives of many
Klingons toward the Federation.
To the Klingons, a Federation starship defending Klingons from
destruction was proof that they
were truly a worthy ally.
"Yesterday's Enterprise" [TNG]
2346: Mogh suspects Ja'rod, a member of a powerful
Klingon house of plotting with the Romulans
against the Empire. He follows
Ja'rod to the historic Khitomer colony.
2346, stardate 23859.7 (09 November): The
Khitomer Massacre:
Romulan ships
ravage the Klingon agricultural colony on Khitomer, killing 4,000 Klingons.
Worf and Kahlest, his nursemaid,
are the only survivors. Mogh's other son Kurn was left in the
care of Lorgh, a family friend
and so was spared. Kurn is not even told he is the Son of Mogh
until he reached his age of
ascension. The U.S.S. "Intrepid" (NCC-38907), commanded by
Captain Drew Deighan, offers
assistance. This is the first major battle between the Romulans
and Klingons after the end of
their alliance. Sergey Rozhenko, a chief petty officer and warp
field specialist aboard the
"Intrepid," adopts Worf after finding the boy buried under wreckage
on the planet's surface. He
will be raised on the farming world Gault.
"Sins of the Father" [TNG]
Unknown to Klingon authorities, warriors defending an outpost on the perimeter
of the Khitomer
system are taken
captive by Romulans under the leadership of Commander Tokath. They
not allowed to die and were
dishonoured by remaining alive. Following 3 months of interrogation,
they will live out the remainder
of their lives in a Romulan prison camp on Carraya until Worf's
arrival in
"Birthright, part 2" [TNG]
date unknown: A battle between the Klingons and the
Romulans takes place at Tranome Sar. The father
of an officer aboard the Klingon
vessel Pagh was captured in this conflict, but was not allowed to die.
He later escaped and returned to
the Klingon Homeworld, to await death in disgrace.
"A Matter of Honor" [TNG]
2357: Worf, Son of Mogh, enters Starfleet Academy.
He is the first Klingon to enter Starfleet. As a
young child Worf was told by a
vision of Kahless that he would do something no other Klingon had
ever done before. Worf assumes
that this was entering Starfleet.
2364: Lieutenant Worf, son of Mogh, made history by
becoming the first Klingon Starfleet officer.
His first post was on board the
Galaxy-Class starship Enterprise-D.
"Encounter at Farpoint" [TNG]
2364 (Stardate 41503.7): Two renegade, war-hungry
klingons are rescued and beamed aboard the
Enterprise-D which they try to
take over.
"Heart of Glory" [TNG]
2365: As part of an officer exchange program, Riker
became the first Starfleet officer to serve aboard
a Klingon warship when he served
shortly as First Officer of the IKS Pagh.
"A Matter of Honor" [TNG]
2365: Klingon Sleeper ship T'Ong comes out of
hibernation menacing several Federation colonies.
The crew were reinitiated back
into Klingon society by Special Emissary K'Ehleyr. During the
operation Enterprise D crewman
Lieutenant Worf mated with K'Ehleyr.
"The Emissary" [TNG]
2366: Commander Kurn of the Klingon Defence Force
served temporarily aboard the Enterprise-D
as First Officer in another
officer exchange. It was later learned that Kurn had specifically
requested the Enterprise-D
posting because his brother, Worf, was aboard that ship. A Romulan
Warbird had been recently been
recovered by the Klingons which had data in its logs showing a
security code that allowed them
to disable the shields at the Khitomer outpost. Council member
Duras attempted to unjustly
convict the late Mogh of having betrayed his people at Khitomer,
by accusing him of giving the
Romulans the shield frequencies to the Khitomer outpost, allowing
them to destroy it. Captain
Picard of the Enterprise agreed to take both Worf and Kurn to Qo'noS
to challenge the accusation of
crimes comitted by their Father, Mogh. It was discoved that the
council, led by K'mpec, knew the
security codes had in fact been Ja'rod's and not Mogh's, but was
willing to let the accusation
stand, because Ja'rod's son, Duras, was part of a politically powerful
family and if it had been
revealed the codes were Ja'rod's it would have plunged the Empire into
civil war. It was not
believed it would be challenged. Rather than let the information be revealed,
and for the sake of the empire,
Worf agreed to accept discommendation. Discommendation in
Klingon society means that for
seven generations your family will be seen as non-existent in the
eyes of other
"Sins of the Father" [TNG]
2367: Klingon exobiologist J'Ddan also served on
the Enterprise-D through the officer exchange program.
"The Drumhead" [TNG]
2367: Romulan operative Sela attempted to use
mental conditioning of Starfleet officer Geordi
La Forge to assassinate Klingon
governor Vagh, a move calculated to spark distrust between the
Klingons and the
Federation. "The Mind's
Eye" [TNG]
date unknown: The Romulans are working with at
least some factions of the Klingon government in
an effort to overthrow K'mpec's
regime. The dates and circumstances of this Romulan alliance
with dissident Klingons are
"Redemption, part II" [TNG]
2367: The Klingon High Council was a hotbed of
political intrigue that nearly plunged the Empire into civil war when
council leader K'mpec, having had
the longest reign of the Klingon High Council in the history of the empire, died
poison. This murder,
viewed as a killing without honor under Klingon tradition, triggered a bitter
struggle to determine
successor. K'mpec had taken the unorthodox precaution of appointing a
non-Klingon, Jean-Luc Picard,
his Arbiter of Succession. Under Picard's mediation, political newcomer
Gowron emerged as the sole candidate
for council
"Reunion" [TNG]
A few weeks later: Picard requested the loan of a
Klingon bird-of-prey for a covert mission into Romulan space to
investigate the disappearance of Ambassador Spock.
"Unification, Part I" [TNG]
Later in 2367: The Sisters of Duras, Lursa and
B'Etor seek to take control of the Council through Toral,
the illegitamite son of
Duras. Sela formed a covert alliance with them in an effort to wrest
control of
the Klingon High
Council from Gowron. Gowron successfully fought off the challenge to place Toral
as council leader.
Early 2368: Forces loyal to the powerful Duras
family unsuccessfully attempted to block Gowron, plunging
the Empire into a brief, but
bitter Klingon civil war with Sela providing material support to the Duras
Gowron's victory was in
part achieved by his promise to restore rightful honor to the Mogh family in
exchange for military support by
Worf and Kurn, his brother. Kurn, whose true family is revealed, offers
him the support of 4
squadrons. Worf resigns StarFleet and joins Gowron's side.
"Redemption, Parts I and II" [TNG]
Civil War ends with the defeat of
the Duras Family. The sisters escape as Toral's life is given to Worf
who spares it. Kurn is
given a seat on the High Council as Worf returns to StarFleet.
2369 (stardate 4685.2): Though their nation was
called an empire, it had not been ruled by an emperor for more than three
centuries. This
situation changed, when the clerics of Boreth produced a clone of Kahless the
Unforgettable. They
claimed that the clone was the actual Kahless who had returned just as he said
he would. They were exposed
and the claim quickly disproven. Still, the Klingon people hungered for
the spiritual leadership of Kahless, and so, with
the support of chancellor Gowron,
a plan was adopted to install Kahless as ceremonial emperorand spiritual
leader of
the people. That
way, Kahless would be regarded as the rightful heir to the throne and have the
position to use his
while Gowron would still keep the real political power to himself and the High
"Rightful Heir" [TNG]
2369: Worf discovers a Romulan prison camp on
Carraya with survivors of the Khitomer massacre.
The Klingons were reincorporated
into their society but the existence of the prison camp remains
unknown to both the Klingons and
Federation governments.
"Birthright, part 2" [TNG]
2370: Kang, Kor, Koloth, and Jadzia Dax defeat the
Albino. Although Kang and Koloth were killed
during the battle.
2371: A covert team composed of three Klingon
Intelligence agents was sent to Deep Space 9 to
observe and to take appropriate
action against a Romulan delegation visiting the station. Klingon
Intelligence correctly feared
that the Romulan delegation might attempt to destroy the station
and the Bajoran
"Visionary" [DS9]
Duras sisters
are killed in battle fighting Federation Starship Enterprise-D as their ship is
"Generations" [ST7]
2372: When the civilian body called the Detapa
Council, overthrows the Central Command on
Cardassia in a coup, the Klingon
High Council interpreted this as proof that the Cardassian
government had been taken over by
the Dominion, possibly by shape-shifters that could have
replaced council members.
The Klingons made plans to invade Cardassia in order to protect
the Alpha quadrant. Klingon
Chancellor Gowron sought Federation support in the invasion of
Cardassia. Capt. Sisko and
Commander Worf warned against such a rash and unprovoked
attack. Gowron disregarded
the cautionary warning, and unilaterally cancelled the Khitomer
Accords, expelling all Federation
citizens from the empire and recalling his ambassadors.
Gowron sent a massive Klingon
task force, commanded by a changeling agent impersonating
General Martok, from station DS9
to commence a full-scale invasion of the Cardassian Empire.
The aim of the task force was to
seize outlying outposts and colonies, before making a spearhead
strike to Cardassia Prime where
they intended to execute all government officials and install an
Imperial Overseer. Once
they got past the Cardassian defence lines, they nearly wiped out the
infrastructure of Cardassia
Prime. Gul Dukat helped the Detapa council flee the Klingon
invasion fleet by evacuating them
from Cardassia Prime to DS9. The Federation Council
condemned Gowron's actions, and
intervened to help stop the assault. However the Klingons
did not relinquish a number of
the conquered colonies and proceeded to fortify their gains.
"The Way of the Warrior" [DS9]; "Broken Link" [DS9]
Continual skirmishes with the Klingons devastated the Cardassian military which
led to the Detapa
Council trying
to seek a diplomatic solution.
"Return to Grace" [DS9]
Kor is made Klingon ambassador to the planet Vulcan.
A Vulcan geological survey team was mining the mineral
bakrinium on an uncharted planet in the Gamma
when they accidentally unearth some ancient ruins. They brought back
several artifacts to study
including a cloth with
markings which Kor recognized. He got them to give him the cloth as a
gift. They
didn't realize it but the markings were
Hur'q and the cloth turned out to be the actual Shroud of the Sword
of Kahless. Kor, along with Worf and Jadzia Dax go
on a mission to recover the lost Sword of Kahless.
"The Sword of Kahless" [DS9]
Worf's rejection of Gowron's actions, causes the House of
Mogh to loose all lands, and titles, and
Kurn is removed from the
Council. A dishonored Kurn, failing to get Worf to kill him and regain
his honor, has his memory erased
and is given a new identity by a friend of Mogh. He becomes
Ro'dan, son of Nogra.
2372: Open hostilities between the Klingons and the
Federation flared up over the next few months,
resulting in the destruction of
the starship Farragut at the Lembatta cluster and a pointless skirmish
at Ajilon Prime. A cease
fire with the Federation was established shortly after the incident at Ajilon.
"Nor the Battle to the Strong" [DS9]
2373: The short-lived war caused major losses on
both sides until a cease-fire was arranged which
eventually led to the
reinstatement of the Khitomer Accords in face of the growing Dominion threat.
"By Inferno's Light" [DS9]
2374: The Orion Syndicate had operatives on Farius
Prime who worked with Dominion agents in an
unsuccessful plan to assassinate
the Klingon ambassador to that planet.
"Honor Among Theives" [DS9]
2375: Gowron's leadership of the High Council came
to an end in 2375 when a series of politically
motivated decisions by Gowron
cost the lives of numerous Klingon warriors during the final days
of the Dominion war.
Appalled by Gowron's squandering of warriors' lives, Worf slew Gowron
in a bat'leth fight for
honor. Although Worf had earned the right to lead the High Council by
killing Gowron, Worf stood aside
to allow Martok to ascend to the chancellorship.
"Tacking into the Wind" [DS9]
Alternate Timelines:
In the anti-time reality
created by the Q Continuum, by 2395 the Klingon Empire had gained control
of Romulan space. Relations between the Klingons
and the Federation were poor, and the Klingons
had closed
their borders to Federation vessels.
"All Good Things..." [TNG]
Ships -
Attack cruiser
(Warbird) - A type of large military starship.&nbssp; The
Klingons operate warbirds in
squadrons. (Klingons and Romulans share the term "bird of prey" for smaller
ships. But until
this episode the term warbird had only been used to describe Romulan ships.)
"Broken Bow" [ENT]
*Voodieh Class -
Latest in a long line of powerful Klingon warships. The flagship of the
Klingon Navy.
"Way of the Warrior" [DS9]
The only
known example:
*Vor'cha class - Designed with
assistance of the Federation. Formerly the flagship of the Klingon
Navy, it
is now a fairly common ship in the fleet.
"Reunion" [TNG]
Bortas - flagship of the Klingon fleet. "Redemption" [TNG]
Dravana -
Battle cruisers -
A type of large military starship.&nbssp; Klingon battlecruisers are armed
with photon
and equipped with tractor beams.
class, resembles a cross between a D-7 and Bird of Prey. A wedge-shaped
head tips a long
neck/fuselage, from which descend angled wings tipped with warp nacelles;
the wings is a dorsal impulse housing resembling that of the D-7. It's
green in color, and fires
energy-orbs from the nose.
Examples: Bortas "Judgment" [ENT]
*K'tinga class, first seen in "ST1: The
Motion Picture"
Ship Examples:
Amar -
commanded by Barak. The Amar's squadron was destroyed in 2272 by the V'Ger
*D7 class, The Klingon
battlecruiser is a reuse of a CGI model from "Prophecy" (VOY). In that episode, it was referred to as a
D7-class vessel. The ship is a modification of the
K'tinga-class design, first
seen in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, with subdued detailing.
It is a more detailed model
than the outwardly similar battlecruiser seen in the original
Star Trek series, also
identified as a D7. Unfortunately, this paints a very convoluted
picture of Klingon starship
design; at the very least, they operated nearly identical ships
for more than two
centuries. Another potential anachronism is the use of twenty-fourth
century photon torpedo and
tractor beam visual effects. Apparently the Klingons developed (or
acquired) this
technology before 2151.
"Unexpected" [ENT]
Ship Name | Captain | Comments | Source |
B'Moth | While patrolling the Cardassian border in 2373, it was set upon by
Jem'Hadar warships. 35 survivors were rescued by the bird-of-prey Rotarran |
"Soldiers of the Empire" [DS9] | |
K'tanco | Kang | "The Sword of Kahless" [DS9] |
*K'Vort class - Based on the smaller
Bird of Prey design. A very common Klingon patrol and assault craft.
Examples: Korinar
Scout ship -
*Raptor class Each deck is divided into sections designated by a
different color.
Ship Examples: Somrow - This ship
was pulled out of the atmosphere of
a Gas Giant by Enterprise.
"Sleeping Dogs" [ENT]
Deck | Sector | Ship Facility |
2 | Red | Port Docking hatch |
3 | Green | site of a Compartment that collapsed |
4 | Blue | Galley |
Bird of Prey:Named
due to its sweeping wing design?
*B'rel class - Smallest active Klingon warship. Used in a fleet or singularly as
a raider.
Crew of about 40. Weakest spot is located on the underside of its main hull.
"Return to Grace" [DS9]
Examples: Ch'Tang, E'tam, Fle'den, Karn'dor, M'Bara, Nin'Tow, Rotarran
*D-12 Class - Small and obsolete
vessel "Past Prologue" [DS9]
They were
taken out of service due to faulty cloaking device coils.
"Generations" [ST7]
Examples: Cha'Joh
Cargo Vessels:
Examples: Partok
Bat'leth - A long, curved, double-bladed
Klingon weapon, used in hand-to-hand combat, and seen in
several episodes. This is a
crescent-shaped, two-handed sword. The average bat'leth is a little
over a meter long and shaped as a
double-semicircle with four points. It is composed of baakonite
metal. A standard modern
bat'leth is typically 116 centimeters long and weighs 5.3 kilograms.
The bat'leth is carried along the
inside of the arm and normally wielded using two handholds on the
outside curved edge of the
It is also the legendary
Sword of Honor, first created by the Klingon warrior Kahless the
Unforgettable over 1500 years
ago. SEE: Story of the
D'k tahg - The D'k tahg, also called the Klingon
Ceremonial Blade, is a large knife designed to inflict
extra damage on impaling
attacks. It is carried by most Klingon warriors.
The large central blade has a
groove down the centre, there is often a hole through the blade in this
groove. Before combat
begins, there is a switch that can make two smaller blades snap out into
position at an angle of roughly
45 degrees. The smaller blades are designed to increase the amount
of impaling damage. The daq
tahg is rarely longer than 16 to 18 inches in total length with a main
blade length of up to 10 inches.
The smaller blades are most commonly 3 inches long.
There are also versions of the
d'k tahg where the small blades are fixed in place.
Another version of the d'k tahg
exists which is smaller than the standard vesion. It has a blade of
around 6 inches. Some of these
daggers have pommel guards.
Gin'tak - The gin'tak spear has a large,
oddly-shaped blade set on a short thick haft into which are
carved a regular series of
notches. The butt of the haft has two animal fangs set into it.
of its large head, it
does more damage than similarly-sized spears. It is used entirely for
Kut'luch - The kut'luch is a large knife with a
serrated blade that leaves a nasty wound. It is usually
used by assassins, and as such is
frequently poisoned. It can be considered the "dishonorable"
counterpart to the d'k tahg.
Mak'leth (alternate spellings include:
mak'leH, meq'Leth, and maq'etlh) -
This blade is currectly termed a
sword. The main blade is normally around 20 inches long, though
this varies from around 18 inches
to 24 inches. The second blade is roughly a capital L shape and
comes out from the main blade at
an angle of 90 degrees just above the pommel.
This sword comes in both left and
right handed versions, though it is easily used off-handed.
Many warriors like to fight with
a matched pair of mak'leth. This weapon is particularly suited to
agile fast handed warriors and
ideal for use in tight spaces, unlike the more common bat'leth. For
this reason the mak'leth is
commonly found among the weapons popular for combat use while on
a starship. The weapon is
normally wielded backwards along the length of the forearm, it is often
however held 'reversed'.
Qa'vak - The qa'vak spear is a slim metal javelin
used in the Klingon game of qa'vak, the object of
which is to hurl the spear
through the center of a half-meter hoop rolled through a series of stakes.
This is considered essential
training for the Klingon ceremonial hunt, which is performed using
the qa'vak spears.
TajtiQ - These daggers are an older design
than the d'k tagh. The blades are commonly around
16 to 18 inches long with an over
all weapon length of 24 inches. A simpler weapon than the
d'k tahg this long bladed dagger
is often used in duels.
There is
a larger version of the tajtiQ where the blade is serated and is commonly
20 to 24 inches
Individuals of
SEE: Klingon
Individuals of Note