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Ship Classes.
[ Pre-Federation ][ Federation ][ Runabouts and Shuttles ][ Timeships ]

Pre-Federation Ship Classes.
[ DY ][ J ][ NX ][ Y ][ Ships of Unknown Class ]

Shuttle -
Name Registry Comments Source
Enterprise shown in picture in rec room. "The Motion Picture" [ST1]
DV-169 Advanced shuttle shown in opening credits of Enterprise Opening credits [ENT]

Ares Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
Ares IV Lt John Kelly, launched 2032  by the International Space Agency (ISA), with the objective of manned exploration of Mars. The Ares spaceship consisted of a command module with a re-entry capsule, a habitat module, and an ion drive module. Furthermore, it was equipped with a transpectral imager, a high gain antenna and large photovoltaic panels. It was 92 metres length with a mass of 92 tonnes.  Ares IV began their exploration of Mars in 2032. Two astronauts Rose Kumagawa and Andrei Novakovich, on the planet's surface at the time were stranded on the surface of
Mars when the Ares command module and its pilot, Lieutenant
John Kelly, encountered a spacial anomaly known as a graviton elipse. The graviton elipse pulled the command module inside, where it joined a number of other trapped ships. At the time it was presumed that Lieutenant John Kelly was killed instantly.
The Ares command module was later encountered by the
U.S.S. Voyager in the Delta Quadrant. Upon inspection, it was
revealed that Lieutenant John Kelly survived inside the anomaly
for several days before life support ran out. An away teamfrom the U.S.S. Voyager was able to retrieve Lieutenant John
Kelly's logs before the graviton elipse returned to subspace.
"One Small Step" [VOY]

DY Classes -
Class Suffix Name Registry Comments Source
100 SS Botany Bay launched in 1996
stripped & marooned on Ceti Alpha V
"Space Seed" [TOS]
245 SS Hatteras Cpt Gary Loes, launched in 2187
deep space exploration in Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
430 SS Urusei Yatsura Cpt Dave Glick, launched in 2146
nebula survey project in Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
500 SS Mariposa NAR-7678 Cpt Walter Granger,
launched on 11-27-2123,
colonization in Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
500-B HMS Lord Nelson Cpt Young Jae Kim, launched in 2120
deep space exploration in Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
500-C SS Hokule'a Cpt Melinda Snodgrass, launched in 2102
deep space exploration in Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
732 VK Yuri Gagarin Cpt Winrich Kolbe, launched in 2105
colonization in Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
732 (N) HMS New Zealand Cpt Bob Lederman, launched in 2135
diplomatic mission to Alderan in Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
950 DEV Eagle Valley Cpt Dan King, launched in 2183
colonization in Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
1200 VK Velikan Cpt Gene Roddenberry, launched in 2160
explore strange new worlds in Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]

DY-100 Class - sublight interplanetary transport / sleeper ship.
Warp capable variant of DY-100, used as freighter -
Name Registry Comments Source
SS Woden (warp capable variant) destroyed by M5 "The Ultimate Computer" [TOS]

DY-500 Class - Specs from the SS Mariposa (Owner: OCC,   Drive Type: Yoyodyne Pulse Fusion) -
    Gross vehicle mass: 3000 metric tons.  Net Delta-Vee: 3.7x10E7 NVP.

Friendship Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
Friendship One UESPA-1 Earth probe launched in 2067.  Its mission was to contact other alien species. Onboard was information such as translation matrices, scientific and cultural databases, computer chip designs, instructions for building
transceivers.  Contact was lost in 2247 and the probe's trajectory placed
it somewhere in the Delta Quadrant. Unknown to Starfleet, Friendship One had crashed landed on a planet in the Delta Quadrant. The inhabitants used the information to use anti-matter to power their power grid. It
 failed and anti-matter was released devastating the planet.
 When regular subspace transmissions took place between
 Starfleet and the U.S.S. Voyager Starfleet gave a mission for
the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager. To locate and retrieve the old
 Earth probe Friendship One. The probe was retrieved and the
 planet anti-matter pollution was cleared.
"Friendship One" [VOY]

J Class - Boomer / freighter ship
Name Registry Comments Source
Constellation attacked by pirates a few weeks before the Horizon was.
The ship was boarded and their cargo stolen. 
Three crew members were killed during the raid.
was equipped with two plasma cannons.
"Horizon" [ENT]
Horizon "Fortunate Son" [ENT], "Horizon" [ENT]
(unnamed) "Mudd's Women" [TOS]

Unnamed Class (Unofficially called Venus Class) -

Neptune Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
Intrepid Cpt. Ramirez.  has same captain's chair as NX01.
The Intrepid and two other Earth vessels assisted Enterprise
 when she was under attack by a Klingon Bird of Prey in 2153.
The Intrepid was equipped with pulse cannons and a warp
two engine.
In an alternate timeline the Intrepid survived the destruction of
Earth and was one of only a few ships to reach Ceta Alpha V in 2155.
The vessel was still in service in 2165. Captain Ramirez was
 scheduled to retire and be replaced by Captain Malcolm Reed.
 Unfortunately an attack by the Xindi destroyed her port nacelle
 forcing her to withdraw from battle.
"Singularity" [ENT],
"The Expanse" [ENT],
"Twilight" [ENT]
Shenandoah Cpt Duval, launched 2151 "Silent Enemy" [ENT]

NX Class - prototype warp 5 explorer ship
Name Registry Comments Source
NX-alpha NX-alpha "First Flight" [ENT]
NX-beta NX-beta "First Flight" [ENT]
NX-delta NX-delta "First Flight" [ENT]
Enterprise NX-01 Capt. Jonathan Archer [ENT] all
Columbia NX-02 Capt. Erika Hernandez

Y Class - Boomer / freighter ship
Name Registry Comments Source
ECS Fortunate ECS2801 "Fortunate Son" [ENT]
North Star Boomer ship presumed to be of this class. "Fortunate Son" [ENT]

Ships of Unknown Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
SS Birdseye An ancient space vessel launched in the late 20th century
carrying a cargo of cryogenically preserved humans from
Earth. These individuals had all died in the late 20th century,
but their bodies had been frozen and sent into space. The
 cryosatellite drifted in space for some 300 years befor being
 discovered near the Kazis Binary star system by the U.S.S.
 Enterprise-D. Although most the satellite's storage modules had
 failed, three individuals were revived: Claire Raymond, Sonny
Clemonds, and Ralph Offenhouse.
"The Neutral Zone" [TNG]
Charybdis NAR-52 Col Stephen Richey,
launched 7-23-2037,
3rd manned attempt to travel beyond Earth's Solar system.
Suffered a telemetry failure and its fate was unknown.
An unknown alien race had boarded the Charybdis
which resulted in the accidental deaths of all the crew except Colonel Stephen Richey.  It was taken to the Theta 116 
system.  The vehicle was destroyed by the time it arrived
there.   In 2365, its remains were discovered in orbit
around a planet in the Theta 116 system.
"The Royale" [TNG]
Phoenix Zephram Cochrane "First Contact" [ST8]
SS Valiant NAR-S1104 launched 2064, exploratory mission
to edge of galaxy
"Where No Man Has Gone Before" [TOS]
Conestoga Cpt. Mitchell.  Earth colony ship.  Launched 2067.
The planet was twenty light years from Earth and the journey took nine years.  Was called the "great experiment".
The only ship of her type to be constructed.
On arrival, was dismantled to build the colony. 
Five years later contact was lost with the colony after an
asteroid hit the planet and the dust cloud disrupted
communications.  Only the children survived and they fled to
the underground caves.  Contact was not reestablished with the survivors until the arrival of the starship Enterprise in 2151.
"Terra Nova" [ENT]
SS Enterprise XCV-330 Declaration Class?, launched before 2144 "The Motion Picture" [ST1], "First Flight" [ENT]
SS Tomobiki RT-2203 Cpt Peter Lauitson, launched 2119,
deep space exploration Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
SS Seattle NAR-18834 Cpt Wendy Neuss, launched 2120,
mission ADR looping Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]
SS Buckaroo Banzai BBI-993 Cpt John Whorfin, launched 2137
mission to planet 10 (dim 8) 
in Ficus Sector
"Up the Long Ladder" [TNG]

Federation Starfleet Ship Classes.
[ Akira ][ Ambassador ][ Andromeda ][ Antares ][ Apollo ][ Bonaventure ][ Bradbury ][ Challenger ]
[ Cheyenne ][ Chimera ][ Constellation ][ Constitution ][ Constitution, Refit ][ Daedalus ][ Defiant ]
[ Deneva ][ Erewhon ][ Excelsior ][ Excelsior, Refit ][ Freedom ][ Galaxy ][ Galaxy, Refit ][ Hokule'a ]
[ Intrepid ][ Istanbul ][ Korolev ][ Mediterranean][ Merced ][ Miranda ][ Miranda, Refit I ]
[ Miranda, Refit II ][ Nebula ][ New Orleans ][ Niagra ][ Norway ][ Nova ][ Oberth ][ Olympic ]
[ Peregrine ][ Prometheus ][ Renaissance ][ Rigel ][ Sabre ][ Sequoia ][ Sovereign ][ Soyuz ][ Springfield ]
[ Steamrunner ][ Surak ][ Sydney ][ Wambundu ][ Whorfin ][ Yeager ][ Yorkshire ][ Zodiac ]

Akira Class - (2365-?)
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Akira NCC-62497 ST Fact Files
USS Rabin NCC-63293 ST Fact Files
USS Spector "Message in a Bottle" [VOY]
USS Thunderchild NCC-63549 "First Contact" [ST8]

Ambassador Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Adelphi NCC-26849 Cpt Darson "Tin Man" [TNG]
USS Ambassador NX-10521 TNG Tech Manual
USS Ayers (destroyed)
USS Enterprise-C NCC-1701-C Cpt Rachel Garrett
destroyed in battle at Nirendra III
"Yesterday's Enterprise" [TNG]
USS Excalibur NCC-26517 temporarily commanded by Wm. Riker
encounter with Borg, possibly destroyed
"Redemption, part 2" [TNG],
"Survival Instinct" [VOY]
USS Exeter NCC-26531 alternate reality,
part of 9th fleet stationed at DS9
"Non Sequitur" [VOY],
"You Are Cordially Invited" [DS9]
USS Gandhi NCC-26632 "Second Chances" [TNG]
USS Horatio NCC-10532 Cpt Wlker Keel
destroyed in sector 63 by saboteurs
"Conspiracy" [TNG]
USS Valedmar NCC-26198 "Tribunal" [DS9]
USS Yamaguchi NCC-26510 "Emissary" [DS9]
USS Zhukov NCC-26136 Cpt Gleason,
cultural observation, Alpha Laputa IV
"Data's Day" [TNG], "Hollow Pursuits" [TNG]

Andromeda Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Andromeda
USS Drake NCC-70956 ambushed by Klingon battle group "Apocalypse Rising" [DS9]
USS Prokofiev NCC-68814 "Tribunal" [DS9]

Antares Class - (operational in 2376)
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Antares NCC-501 Cpt Thomas Ramart
destroyed by Charlie X
"Charlie X" [TOS]
USS Battris
USS Hermes NCC-10376 in armada to blockade Romulans from Klingon civil war in 2368 "Redemption, part 2" [TNG]
USS Liberty Cmdr Chakotay
destroyed by ramming Kazon ship
"Caretaker" [VOY]

Apollo Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Agamemnon NCC-11638 Part of task force three, under Captain
Picard's indirect command during an
expected Borg invasion in 2369.
"Descent, part 1" [TNG]
USS Ajax NCC-11574 In 2364, Starfleet propulsion specialist
Kosinski tested an experimental warp
drive upgrade on the Ajax, although it was
later discovered that Kosinski's theories
were baseless.
"Where No One Has Gone Before" [TNG]
In 2367, Cpt Narth, the Ajax was ensign Cartin
Zweller's first assigment after his graduation
from Starfleet Academy.
"Tapestry" [TNG]
In 2368, the Ajax served as part of the
tachyon detection grid, part of Picard's
blockade against Romulan interference
during the klingon civil war.
"Redemption, Part 2" [TNG]
USS Apollo NX-
USS Clement NCC-12537 A rendezvous between the Clement and
the Enterprise-D in 2370 was canceled
when the Enterprise-D was ordered to the
Argaya system. 
"Lower Decks" [TNG]
USS Gage NCC-11672 One of the 39 Federation ships destroyed
by the Borg during the battle of Wolf 359.
"Emissary" [DS9]
T'Pau NSP-17938 (Vulcan ship) decommissioned in 2364
and assigned to the Starfleet surplus
depot in orbit around planet Qualor II.
In 2368, parts of the T'Pau's navigational
deflector array were discovered in the
wreckage of a Ferengi cargo shuttle.
Investigation of the unauthorized parts
transfer led to the discovery that the
T'Pau had been surreptitiously acquired
by the Romulans to transport troops in
an attempted invasion of the planet Vulcan
in 2368. When the attempted invasion
was exposed by Ambassador Spock,
the Romulans destroyed the ship to avoid
"Unification, part 1" [TNG]

Bonaventure Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
SS Bonaventure NCC-S2100 launched ca. 2161, 
first ship to have an improved warp drive, 
lost in the Delta Triangle on its 3rd time out, 
rediscovered in 2269
"The Time Trap" [TAS]

Bradbury Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Bradbury NX-72307 warp drive performance tests "Menage A Troi" [TNG]

Challenger Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Armstrong NCC-57537 ambushed by Klingon battle group "Apocalypse Rising" [DS9]
USS Buran NCC-57580 destroyed, Wolf 359 ST Encyclopedia
USS Challenger NCC-2032 identified by Enterprise displays "The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
USS Kearsarge NCC-57566 "Firstborn" [TNG]

Cheyenne Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Ahwahnee NCC-73620
abandoned, Wolf 359, recovered & repaired
tachyon web fleet
"Redemption, part 2" [TNG]
USS Cheyenne

Chimera Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Chimera
USS Portland NCC-57418 "The Die Is Cast" [DS9]

Constellation Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Constellation NX-1974 identified by Enterprise displays "The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
USS Constellation NCC-1974 "The Abandoned" [DS9]
USS Gettysberg NCC-3890 Cpt Mark Jameson "Too Short A Season" [TNG]
USS Hathaway NCC-2593 80 yr old star cruiser, abandoned and
recoverd to use in wargames.
Cmdr Wm. Riker
"Peak Performance" [TNG]
USS Magellan NCC-3069 Cpt Conklin "Starship Mine" [TNG]
USS Stargazer NCC-2893 Cpt Picard's first command, recovered after its
abandonment and loss
"The Battle" [TNG]
USS Victory NCC-9754 Cpt Zimbata, stellar nuclei population survey "Elementary, Dear Data" [TNG]

Constitution Class - explorer
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Constellation NCC-1017 Commodore Mat Decker,
destroyed by Doomsday weapon
"The Doomsday Machine" [TOS]
USS Constitution NCC-1700 identified by wall status display "Court Martial" [TNG]
USS Defiant NCC-1764 lost in dimensional rift "The Tholian Web" [TOS]
USS Endeavour NCC-1895 identified by Enterprise displays "The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Cpt Robert April, refit
Cpt Christopher Pike
Cpt James T. Kirk
[TOS] all
USS Excalibur NCC-1664 identified by wall status display
Cpt Harris
"Court Martial" [TOS],
"The Ultimate Computer" [TOS]
USS Exeter NCC-1672 identified by wall status display
Cpt Ronald Tracy
abandoned in orbit of Omega IV
"Court Martial" [TOS],
"The Omega Glory" [TOS]
USS Farragut NCC-1647 Cpt Garrovick "Obsession" [TOS]
USS Hood NCC-1703 identified by wall status display "Court Martial" [TOS],
"The Ultimate Computer" [TOS]
USS Intrepid NCC-1631
identified by wall status display
Vulcan crew, destroyed by giant amoeba
"Court-Martial" [TOS],
"The Immunity Syndrome" [TOS]
USS Kongo NCC-1710 identified by wall status display
identified by Enterprise displays
"Court Martial" [TOS],
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
USS Lexington NCC-1709 Commodore Bob Wesley "The Ultimate Computer" [TOS]
USS Potemkin NCC-1657 "The Ultimate Computer" [TOS]
USS Republic NCC-1371 identified by Enterpise displays "Court Martial" [TOS],
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
USS Yorktown NCC-1717 Cpt Joel Randolph "Obsession" [TOS]

Constitution Class, Refit - explorer (2270-?)
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Eagle NCC-956 "The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Cpt Willard Decker, Adm James T. Kirk,
Cpt Spock, training vessel
stolen & destoyed over Genesis
"The Motion Picture" [ST1]
"The Wrath of Khan" [ST2],
"The Search for Spock" [ST3]
USS Enterpise NCC-1701-A Cpt James T. Kirk "The Voyage Home" [ST4],
"The Final Frontier" [ST5],
"The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]

Daedalus Class - light cruiser (all Daedalus class ships retired by 2197)
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Archon NCC-189 destroyed by Landru "Return of the Archons" [TOS]
USS Carolina NCC-160 freighter "Friday's Child" [TOS]
USS Daedalus
USS Essex NCC-173 Cpt Bryce Shumar, lost over 200 yrs ago,
found crashed on moon of Mab-Bu VI
"Power Play" [TNG]
USS Horizon NCC-176 "A Piece of the Action" [TOS]
? USS Valiant NCC-1223 destroyed in 2217 by Eminiar VII "A Taste of Armageddon" [TOS]

Defiant Class - light warship / escort vessel
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Defiant NX-74205 destroyed by Breen "The Search" [DS9]
USS Sao Paulo NCC-75633 Renamed to USS Defiant "The Dogs of War" [DS9]
USS Valiant NCC-74210 Cpt Ramirez, Cpt Tim Watters,
destroyed by Dominion battleship prototype
"Valiant" [DS9]

Deneva Class - freighter
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Arcos NCC-6237 destroyed by warp core breach "Legacy" [TNG]
USS Deneva
USS La Salle NCC-6203 reported radiation anomalies in Gamma Arigulon system in 2367 "Reunion" [TNG]

Erewhon Class - personnel transport
Name Registry Comments Source
SS Santa Maria BDR-529 crash landed "Paradise" [DS9]

Excelsior Class - explorer / heavy cruiser
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Al-Batani NCC-42995 Adm Owen Paris "Caretaker" [VOY]
USS Berlin NCC-14232 RNZ patrol "Angel One" [TNG]
USS Cairo NCC-42136 Cpt Edward Jellico, Cpt Leslie Wong,
disappeared on patrol of RNZ
"Chain of Command, part 1" [TNG],
"In the Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
USS Charleston NCC-42285 deep space exploration, sector 22055 "The Neutral Zone" [TNG]
USS Crazy Horse NCC-50446 part of task force 3 to prepare for Borg attack in 2369 "Descent" [TNG], "The Pegasus" [TNG]
USS Crockett NCC-38955 "Paradise" [DS9]
USS Excelsior NX-2000
transwarp prototype, Cpt Styles,
retrofit from transwarp, Cpt Hikaru Sulu
"The Search for Spock" [ST3],
"The Voyage Home" [ST4], "Flashback" [VOY]
USS Farragut seen docked at DS9, delivered
Adm Patrick and his group
"Chrysalis" [DS9]
USS Fearless NCC-14598 planetary mapping, Beta Mahoga system "Where No One Has Gone Before" [TNG]
USS Frederickson NCC-42111 "A Time to Stand" [DS9]
USS Gorkon NCC-40512
Adm Alynna Nechayev, flagship during expected Borg invasion of 2369 "Descent" [TNG]
USS Grissom NCC-42857 "The Most Toys" [TNG]
USS Hood NCC-42296 Cpt Robert DeSoto,
major system upgrade - starbase 174
"Encounter at Farpoint" [TNG], 
"Tin Man" [TNG], 
"Tears of the Prophets" [DS9]
USS Intrepid NCC-38907 "Family" [TNG]
USS Lexington NCC-14427 "Thine Own Self" [TNG]
USS Livingston NCC-34099 "Invasive Procedures" [DS9]
USS Malinche NCC-38997 Cpt Sanders "For the Uniform" [DS9]
USS Melbourne NCC-62043
destroyed Wolf 359 "11001001" [TNG], "Emissary" [DS9]
USS Okinawa NCC-13958 Cpt Leyton "Paradise Lost" [DS9]
USS Potemkin NCC-18253 part of 9th fleet stationed at DS9 "Legacy" [TNG], "Ethics" [TNG],
"You Are Cordially Invited" [DS9]
USS Repulse NCC-2544 Cpt Taggart,
deep space exploration, sector 22036
"The Child" [TNG],
"Unnatural Selection" [TNG],
"The Offspring" [TNG], 
"The Drumhead" [TNG]
USS Roosevelt NCC-2573 crew assimilated at Wolf 359 "Unity" [VOY]
USS Tecumseh NCC-14934 Cpt Raymond "Nor the Battle To the Strong" [DS9]
USS Valley Forge NCC-43305 destroyed by Cardassian
orbital weapons platform
"Tears of the Prophets" [DS9]
(unnamed) NCC-4281 "Relativity" [VOY]

Excelsior, Refit -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B Cpt John Harriman "Generations" [ST7]
USS Lakota NCC-42768 Cpt Erika Benteen "Homefront" [DS9], "Paradise Lost" [DS9]

Freedom Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Concorde NCC-68711 "All Good Things..." [TNG]
USS Firebrand NCC-68723 destroyed, Wolf 359 Omnipedia
USS Freedom

Galaxy Class - explorer
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Challenger NCC-71099 Cpt La Forge, alternate timeline "Timeless" [VOY]
USS Galaxy NCC-70637 "Tears of the Prophets" [DS9]
USS Magellan part of Fed force to retake DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels" [DS9]
USS Enterprise-D NCC-1701-D Cpt Jean-Luc Picaard,
destroyed at Veridian III
[TNG] all
USS Odyssey NCC-71832 Cpt Keogh, rammed &
destroyed by JemHadar vessel
"The Jem'Hadar" [DS9]
USS Trinculo NCC-71867 "Sacrifice of Angels" [DS9]
USS Venture NCC-71854 part of Fed force to retake DS9 "The Way of the Warrior" [DS9],
"Sacrifice of Angels" [DS9],
"Tears of the Prophets" [DS9]
USS Yamato (NCC-1305-E)
Cpt Donald Varley, destroyed by
computer virus from alien probe
"Where Silence Has Lease" [TNG],
"Contagion" [TNG]

Galaxy Class, Refit - alternate timeline ship, 3 warp nacellles
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Adm Wm T. Riker, destroyed by
antimatter containment failure
"All Good Things" [TNG]

Hokule'a Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Hokule'a
USS Tripoli NCC-19386 decommissioned "Datalore" [TNG]

Hope Class - SEE: Olympic Class.

Intrepid Class - explorer / scout
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Bellerophon NCC-74705 Adm Ross "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" [DS9]
USS Intrepid NCC-74600 "In the Flesh" [VOY]
USS Voyager NCC-74656 Cpt Kathryn Janeway [VOY] all

Istanbul Class - transport ship
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Constantinople NCC-34852 "The Schizoid Man" [TNG]
USS Havana NCC-34043 "Starship Mine" [TNG]
USS Istanbul
USS Sarajevo NCC-38529 lost in Gamma quad for years "In Purgatory's Shadow" [DS9]

Korolev Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Goddard NCC-59621 starbase 414 resupply "The Vengeance Factor" [TNG]
USS Korolev NCC-2014 identified by Enterpise displays "The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]

Mediterranean Class - freight ship (in service during 2349)
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Lalo NCC-43837 missing after Wolf 359 "We'll Always Have Paris" [TNG],
"The Best of Both Worlds, part 2" [TNG]
USS Mediterranean
USS Wyoming NCC-43730 "Flashback" [VOY]

Merced Class - SEE: Yosemite Class.

Miranda Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Brattain NCC-21166 found adrift in Tychen's rift, commissioned sd 22519.5 "Night Terrors" [TNG]
USS Majestic NCC-31860 part of Fed force to retake DS9,
severely damaged, presumed destroyed
"Sacrifice of Angels" [DS9]
USS Miranda
USS Nautilus NCC-31910 "Tears of the Prophets" [DS9]
USS Reliant NCC-1864 Cpt Clark Terrel, destroyed by Genesis device "The Wrath of Khan" [ST2]
USS Saratoga NCC-1867 "The Voyage Home" [ST4]
USS ShirKahr NCC-31905 destroyed by Cardassian orbital weapon platform "Tears of the Prophets" [DS9]
USS Sitak part of Fed force to retake DS9,
severely damaged, presumed destroyed
"Sacrifice of Angels" [DS9]

Miranda Class, Refit I - class 6 supply ship
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Lantree NCC-1837 Cpt L. Isao Talaka, destroyed by Enterprise
to prevent spread of DNA virus
"Unnatural Selection" [TNG]

Miranda Class, Refit II -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Saratoga NCC-31911 destroyed at Wolf 359 "Emissary" [DS9]
USS Tian An Men NCC-21382 blockaded Romulans during Klingon civil war in 2367,
reported missing near Cardassian border
"Redemption, part 2" [TNG],
"In the Cards" [DS9], 
"Tears of the Prophets" [DS9]

Nebula Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Bellerophon NCC-62048 destroyed at Wolf 359 "Emissary" [DS9]
USS Bonchune NCC-70915 damaged, presumed destroyed
by USS Prometheus
"Message in a Bottle" [VOY]
USS Endeavour NCC-71805 Cpt Amisov "Redemption, part 2" [TNG], "Scorpion" [VOY]
USS Farragut NCC-60591 destroyed by Klingon attack "Generations" [ST7],
"Nor the Battle to the Strong" [DS9]
USS Hera NCC-62006 Cpt Silva LaForge,
missing, presumed destroyed
"Interface" [TNG]
USS Honshu NCC-60205 (?) destroyed by Cardassian ships "Waltz" [DS9]
USS Leeds NCC-70352 part of Fed force to retake DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels" [DS9]
USS Lexington NCC-61832 "Explorers" [DS9], "First Contact" [ST8]
USS Merrimac NCC-61827 special assignment,
Vulan Science Acad.
"Sarek" [TNG]
USS Monitor NCC-61826 RNZ patrol "The Defector" [TNG]
USS Nebula
USS Phoenix NCC-65420 Cpt Benjamin Maxwell "The Wounded" [TNG]
USS Prometheus NCC-71201 host to Prof Gideon Seyatek "Second Sight" [DS9]
USS Proxima NCC-61952 lost in Gamma quad for years "In Purgatory's Shadow" [DS9]
USS Sutherland NCC-72015 Lt Cmdr Data, part of
9th fleet stationed at DS9
"Redemption, part 2" [TNG],
"You Are Cordially Invited" [DS9]
USS T'Kumbra Vulcan ship, Cpt Solok "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" [DS9]
USS Ulysses NCC-66808 Cpt Intebi "The Adversary" [DS9]

New Orleans Class - frigate
Name Registry Comments Source
USS City of New Orleans
USS Kyushu NCC-65491 destroyed at Wolf 359 "The Best of Both Worlds, part 2" [TNG]
USS Renegade NCC-63102 Cpt Tryla Scott "Conspiracy" [TNG]
USS Rutledge NCC-57295 Cpt Benjamin Maxwell "The Wounded" [TNG]
USS Thomas Paine NCC-65530 Cpt Rixx, diplomatic mission
to Epsilon Ashanti III
"Conspiracy" [TNG]

Niagara Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Niagra
USS Princeton NCC-59804 destroyed at Wolf 359 "The Best of Both Worlds" [TNG]
USS Wellington NCC-28473 "11001001" [TNG]

Norway Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Budapest NCC-64923 "First Contact" [ST8]
USS Norway

Nova Class - science vessel
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Equinox NCC-72381 Cpt Rudy Ransom, destroyed by USS Voyager "Equinox" [VOY]
USS Nova
USS Rhode Island NCC-72701 Capt. Harry Kim, alternate future "End Game" [VOY]

Oberth Class - science research vessel / supply ship
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Biko NCC-50331 "A Fistful of Datas" [TNG]
USS Bonestell NCC-31600 destroyed at Wolf 359 "The Best of Both Worlds" [TNG],
"Emissary" [DS9]
USS Cochrane NCC-59318 "Emissary" [DS9]
USS Copernicus NCC-623 "The Voyage Home" [ST4]
USS Grissom NCC-638 Cpt J.T. Esteban, destroyed by Klingon attack "The Search for Spock" [ST3]
USS Grissom NCC-59314 "The Most Toys" [TNG]
USS Oberth NCC-602 identified by Enterprise displays "The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]
USS Olympia Cpt Lisa Cusak, crashed on planet "The Sound of Her Voice" [DS9]
USS Pegasus NCC-53847 Cpt Erik Pressman, prototype phase-cloak,
presumed destroyed, later found inside asteroid
"The Pegasus" [TNG]
USS Raman NCC-29487 registry clearly visible on a screen "Interface" [TNG]
USS Tsiolkovsky NCC-35911 destroyed by exploding star fragment "The Naked Now" [TNG]
SS Vico NAR-18834 non-Starfleet, destroyed in Black cluster "Hero Worship" [TNG]
USS Yosemite NCC-19002 trapped in solar plasma stream "Realm of Fear" [TNG]

Olympic (Hope) Class - transport ship (2395)
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Nobel NCC-55012 "Interface" [TNG]
USS Olympic
USS Pasteur NCC-58928 Cpt Beverly Picard, destroyed by warp core breach "Journey's End" [finale promo],
"All Good Things..."[TNG]

Peregrine Class - Courier

Prometheus Class - multivector assault prototype / warshiip
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Prometheus NX-59650
Cmdr Rekar "Message in a Bottle" [VOY]

Renaissance Class - (? - 2337)
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Aries NCC-45167 deep space exploration, sector 21602 "The Icarus Factor" [TNG], "Identity Crisis" [TNG]
USS Hokkaido last of this class to be constructed TNG Tech Manual
USS Hornet NCC-45231 "Redemption, part 2" [TNG]
USS Maryland NCC-45109 lost in Gamma quad for years "In Purgatory's Shadow" [DS9]
USS Renaissance

Rigel Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Akagi NCC-62158 part of the 9th fleet stationed at DS9 "Redemption, part 2" [TNG],
"You Are Cordially Invited" [DS9]
USS Rigel
USS Tolstoy NCC-62095 destroyed at Wolf 359 "The Best of Both Worlds, part 2" [TNG]

Sabre Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Sabre
USS Yeager NCC-61947 "First Contact" [ST8]

Sequoia Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Sequoia
USS Yellowstone NCC-70073 Omnipedia

Shelley Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Curry NCC-45617 "A Time to Stand" [DS9]
USS Shelley

Sovereign Class - explorer
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Enterprise-E NCC-1701-E Cpt Jean Luc Picard "First Contact" [ST8]
USS Sovereign NCC-75000

Soyuz Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Bozeman NCC-1941 Cpt Morgan Bateson "Cause and Effect" [TNG]
USS Soyuz

Springfield Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Chekov NCC-57302 destroyed at Wolf 359 "The Best of Both Worlds" [TNG]
USS Springfield NCC-1936 identified by Enterprise displays "The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]

Steamrunner Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Appalacia NCC-52136 "First Contact" [ST8]
USS Hiroshima ST Encyclopedia 2
USS Steamrunner

Surak Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Surak
USS Zapata NCC-33184 "Menage a Troi" [TNG]

Sydney Class - transport ship
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Jenolan NCC-2010 Scotty was passenger, destroyed by USS Enterprise in Dyson sphere escape "Relics" [TNG]
USS Nash NCC-2010-5 frequently seen at DS9
USS Sydney

Venture Class - scout ship
Name Registry Comments Source
(unnamed) NCC-75227 piloted by Data "Insurrection" [ST9]

Wambundu Class - light cruiser / medical transport
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Drake NCC-20381 Cpt Paul Rice, destroyed by
Minos automated defense system
"The Arsenal of Freedom" [TNG]
USS Flemming NCC-20316 abandoned in Hekaras corridor, presumed destroyed "Force of Nature" [TNG]
USS Wambundu

Whorfin Class - transport ship
Name Registry Comments Source
SS Lakul NFT-7793 ElAurian refugee ship, destroyed by energy ribbon "Generations" [ST7]
SS Robert Fox NFT-1327 ElAurian refugee ship, destroyed by energy ribbon "Generations" [ST7]
USS Whorfin NCC-1024 identified by Enterprise displays "The Undiscovered Country" [ST6]

Yeager Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Yeager NCC-65674 DS9 Tech Manual

Yorkshire Class - transport ship
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Denver NCC-54927 struck gravitic mine, presumed abondoned "Ethics" [TNG]
USS Yorkshire

Yosemite (Merced) Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Yosemite
USS Trieste NCC-37124 pulsar research project "11001001" [TNG]

Zodiac Class -
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Yorktown NCC-61137 "All Good Things..."[TNG]
USS Zodiac

Runabouts and Shuttlecraft.
[ Danube ][ Delta Flyer ][ TOS ][ Type 6 ][ Type 7 ][ Type 8 ][ Type 9 ][ Type 10 ][ Type 15 ][ Type 18 ][ Yellowstone ]

Danube Class - medium range Runabout
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Danube NX-72003 ST DS9 Tech Manual
USS Gander destroyed by JemHadar over Goralis "Penumbra" [DS9]
USS Ganges NCC-72454 destroyed by T'Lani cruiser "Emissary" [DS9], "Armageddon Game" [DS9]
USS Mekong NCC-72914
abandoned, presumed destroyed
in Gamma quadrant
"Whispers" [DS9], "The Die is Cast" [DS9]
USS Orinoco NCC-72905 destroyed by warp core breach,
sabotage by Cadassian separatists:
"The True Way"
"The Siege" [DS9], "Our Man Bashir" [DS9]
USS Rio Grande NCC-72452 crashed due to hidden bomb
"Emissary" [DS9], "Paradise" [DS9],
"The Ascent" [DS9]
USS Rubicon NCC-72936 "Family Business" [DS9]
USS Shenandoah NCC-73024 abandoned, presumed destroyed by
JemHadar fighter
"Change of Heart" [DS9], "Valiant" [DS9]
USS Volga NCC-73196 "Body Parts" [DS9]
USS Yangtzee Kiang NCC-72453
crash landed on penal colony moon in Gamma quad "Emissary" [DS9], "Past Prologue" [DS9], "Battle Lines" [DS9]
USS Yukon NCC-74602 destroyed by trilithium-tekasite-
protomatter device
"Sons of Mogh" [DS9],
"By Inferno's Light" [DS9]
(unnamed) NCC-73918 abandoned "Tacking into the Wind" [DS9]
(unnamed) "Timescape" [TNG]

Delta Flyer Class - long range runabout
Name Registry Comments Source
Delta Flyer assigned to Voyager [VOY]

TOS Style Shuttlecraft -
Name Registry Comments Source
Columbus NCC-1701 / 2 "The Galileo Seven" [TOS]
Copernicus "The Galileo Seven" [TOS]
Galileo NCC-1701 / 7 destroyed over Taurus II "The Galileo Seven" [TOS]
Galileo II NCC-1701 / 7 "The Way to Eden" [TOS]

Type 6 - personnel shuttle
Name Registry Comments Source
Curie stolen by Cardassian agent "Lower Decks" [TNG]
Fermi "True Q" [TNG]
Feynman "Chain of Comand, part 1" [TNG]
Galileo NCC-1701-D / 07 "All Good Things" [TNG]
Goddard given to Montgomery Scott "Relics" [TNG]
Hawking #15 extended body "Generations" [ST7]
Justman #3 "Suspicions" [TNG]
Magellan #15 destroyed in null space pocket "The Outcast" [TNG]
Sacajawea crash landed "Coda" [VOY]

Type 7 - personnel shuttle
Hawking "The Host" [TNG]
Sakharov #1 "Unnatural Selection" [TNG]
#5 "The Nth Degree" [TNG]
#6 "Coming of Age" [TNG]
#10 shuttle from USS Repulse "The Child" [TNG]
#13 crashed on Vegra II "Skin of Evil" [TNG]

Type 8 -
Drake destroyed in hull breach in time stream "Non Sequitor" [VOY]
Terrenova NCC-74656 / 01 ST Encyclopedia 2
71325 "Caretaker" [VOY]

Type 9 (also called a Class 2 shuttle) - personnel shuttle, long range general purpose shuttle / courier
Cochrane experimental transwarp, Caatati antimatter pulse caused hull breach, destroyed "Threshold" [VOY]
Dawkins "Lifeline" [VOY]

Type 10 - shuttlecraft
Chaffee shuttle from USS Defiant "The Sound of Her Voice" [DS9]

Type 15 - shuttlepod
Cousteau shuttle from USS Aries "Identity Crisis" [TNG]
El-Baz #5 "Time Squared" [TNG]
Onizuka #5 "The Ensigns of Command" [TNG]
Onizuka #7 "The Mind's Eye" [TNG]
Pike #12 destroyed "The Most Toys" [TNG]
Verne RS-47 shuttle from Comm Relay Station 47 "Aquiel" [TNG]
Voltaire #3 "In Theory" [TNG]
#9 "The Price" [TNG]

Type 18 - personnel shuttle

Yellowstone Class - Runabout (alternate universe) tetrion plasma warp nacelle prototype
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Yellowstone NX-74751 destroyed in warp core breach "Non Sequitur" [VOY]

[ Welles ]

Welles Class - 29th century time travel ship
Name Registry Comments Source
USS Relativity NCV-474439-G "Relativity" [VOY]