Betazoids appear to be human except for the solid dark color of their
pupils and irises.
Telepathic ability usually develops in adolescence but in some rare
instances Betazoids are born fully
telepathic. These individuals have great difficulty
controlling their ability and are often driven mad
by it. They are unable to screen out the telepathic
noise of other people, and require extensive therapy.
"Tin Man" [TNG]
Betazoids cannot telepathically read
"The Forsaken" [DS9]
or Ullians.
It would appear that half-Betazoids can only sense strong emotion.
"Encounter at Farpoint" [TNG]
Paracortex - the telepathic lobe of the Betazoid brain. The paracortex
utilizes a neuro-transmitter called
Metaconscious - Part of the Betazoid psyche. It helps them recover from mental trauma.
REM frequency - different from other races. "Night Terrors" [TNG]
Pregnancy - Betazoid pregnancies last 10 months. The mother can
sometimes sense the thoughts of her
unborn child.
The "Phase" - Betazoid women in their forties go through a time
of increased sexual energy called the
Phase. Their sex drive is normally quadrupled
during this time.
"Manhunt" [TNG]
Zanthi Fever - Mature Betazoids can also suffer from Zanthi
fever, that causes the Betazoid to lose
control over the projective aspect of his/her empathy.
That can result in people around that Betazoid
acting as if they'd experience the same general
emotional state as him/her, though they are directed by
their own subconscious desires, fears etc.
"Fascination" [DS9]
Places of Interest:
Lake Cararia - A beautiful place on Betazed.
Flora and Fauna:
Camelion Rose - flower native to Betazed. It changes color according
to the mood of its owner.
The Betazoid telepathic ability has led to a culture of complete honesty,
which can sometimes be
disconcerting for non-telepaths.
The Betazoid word imzadi means "beloved".
Some Betazoids practice genetic bonding where children are betrothed
at a young age.
"Haven" [TNG]
To Betazoids, weddings are a celebration of the physical act of love,
and the entire wedding party and also
the guests appear in the nude.
"Haven" [TNG], "Cost of Living" [TNG], "Nemesis" [ST10]
Bonding gifts is the Betazoid term for wedding presents.
Betazoids are not considered mature until they reach their forties.
The Fifth House of Betazed is a family that is still considered something
of royalty to the Betazoids.
Ambassador Lwaxana Troi is a daughter of the Fifth House.
The Holy Rings of Betazed and the Sacred Chalice of Rixx are relics
of some significance to Betazoids.
In the 24th century, Lwaxana Troi, daughter of the
Fifth House of Betazed, was holder of the Sacred
Chalice and heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed --
something she never failed to mention in formal
"Haven" [TNG]
According to Deanna Troi, the Sacred Chalice of
Rixx is "an old clay pot with mold growing inside it."
"Menage a Troi" [TNG]
University of Betazed - has a psychiatric hospital.
Food and Drink:
Oskoid - leaflike Betazoid delicacy.
Uttaberries - Blueberry-like fruit found on Betazed that can be used
in crepes.
A Betazoid chime is a small, flat crystalline gong traditionally used
by some Betazoids. It is rung throughout
the meal as a means of giving thanks for the food
that is being eaten.
It has been speculated that Betazoid society in the past was matriarchal.
"Angel One" [TNG]
At one time, it was fashionable for Betazoid women to wear elaborate
wigs that encaged small animals. The
practice, which was cruel to the animals, was stopped
when one (unknown) woman stood up against it.
"Half a Life" [TNG]
2374: Betazed was occupied by the Dominion.
"In the Pale Moonlight" [DS9]
Individuals of Note:
Tam Elbrun
Sabin Genestra -
Reittan Grax
Andrus Hagan -
Jarot -
Walter Pierce -
Devinoni Ral -
Eric-Christopher Rozhenko -
Shannara Rozhenko -
Stadi -
Lon Suder
Deanna Troi
Ian Troi -
Kestra Troi -
Lwaxana Troi -